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Hochul reviews the State of the State during visit to GCC

By Howard B. Owens


Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul was in Batavia at Genesee Community College today to review Gov. Andrew Cuomo's State of the State speech.

After cheering the Buffalo Bills and talking a bit about how well Batavia and Genesee County are doing, Hochul highlighted key elements of the speech, which outlines some of the issues the governor's office will take on in 2018.

These issues include: stepping in and filling the gap, like many other states, left by the Trump Administration's announced withdrawal from the Paris Accord on Climate Change; expanding high-speed broadband in rural parts of the state; continuing to address the opiate addiction crisis; improving the lives of children through improved access to nutritious meals, through addressing lead exposure, and expanding after-school programs; ending the state's practice of suspending professional licenses for people who default on student loans; addressing workplace sexual harassment, including among elected officials; bail reform; improving ballot access; and ethics reform for the Legislature.

Hochul also praised the efforts of Cuomo to improve the business climate in New York.

She said under Cuomo's leadership, the state has controlled spending and lowered taxes. The corporate tax rate is the lowest it's been since 1968, she said, and the middle-class rate is the lowest it's been since 1947.

"Keep these numbers in your head," Hochul said. "When you walk around and here people say taxes are too high, they’ve come down dramatically under this governor."

She pointed to the state's investment in infrastructure as another factor in the state's improved economic outlook, noting, too that there are now 8.1 million jobs in the state and the unemployment rate has dropped dramatically during Cuomo's tenure.

The Cuomo Administration has also pushed for paid family leave, tuition-free college for qualifying students, and Raise the Age, a reform that will allow 16- and 17-year-olds accused of some crimes who would have been prosecuted as adults in the past to be moved to Family Court.

Hochul said that while she represents all of New York, Batavia is always a special place to visit. This was her 31st trip to Batavia since becoming lieutenant governor. 

She is excited by the progress she's seeing, from the Downtown Revitalization award to the entry of HP Hood into the former Muller Quaker plant, and the promise of high-tech jobs in Alabama.

"Just talk about the STAMP project," Hochul said. "Yes, it's taking a little longer than we want, I understand that, but there has been $50 million from the State for Ludlow Construction for the infrastructure they've put in at the site during the summertime. That's going to be transformative. That's going to be a magnet."

Speaking with the press after the event, Hochul attacked the GOP tax plan passed in December by the House and the Senate and signed by President Trump just before Christmas. She said it was bad for the working people of New York.

"This one came down to calling on our entire congressional delegation to stand with New Yorkers and four did not, which is appalling to me," Hochul said. "Four individuals broke from their colleagues in the same party in New York and said, 'we don't care.' Now we've got a fight on our hands."

That fight could include dropping the state's income tax and switching to a payroll tax. Such a change, in theory, would not change the take-home pay for workers. Their employers would pay the same amount of tax they currently deduct from paychecks, but it would be pre-tax (federal tax) money. Workers would then not be double taxed (which is the case if they can't deduct the money they pay in taxes to the state on their federal returns).

"Everything is on the table," Hochul said. "We're looking at what other states have done. We're looking at what we can do legally. We believe it is unconstitutional to have double taxation. It's something our Founding Fathers discussed. It's talking about states rights and how not to trample on them. It's amazing to me how people in Washington will pick and choose which states rights they want to protect."

Training facility in Batavia can help you stay calm and carry on when faced with a threat

By Howard B. Owens


If you found an intruder in your house, would you know what to do?

Even if you were armed, would you know what to do?

Or would you panic?

Training in advance of stressful situations is key to surviving potentially hazardous conflicts and defusing them safely for yourself, your family members and even the intruder.

M&S Tactical Solutions in Batavia has set up an Active Home Invasion System at its facility in the Harvester Center in Batavia.

It's designed to provide training for the company's primary clients, local residents who want to improve security in their home, especially if they keep a firearm.

Yesterday, Sheriff William Sheron and members of his command staff -- Greg Walker, Jerry Brewster, Bill Zipfel, and Joe Graff -- toured the new facility (along with Mercy medic Wade Schwab) and Zipfel and Graff both went through simulated home invasion scenarios to experience how the training works.

"I like it because it’s realistic," Zipfel said. "It's not like our tower. There’s actual furniture. It’s really nice."

While the AHIS is set up to train civilians, it's also used by local police officers to get extra training and practice in detecting and reacting to threats in real-life scenarios.

Participants, if armed, are armed with realistic-looking airsoft pistols and wear face masks.

When it's civilians going through, they are given a basic firearm safety course, even if previously trained, just to make sure everybody is on the same page, said M&S owner Jeff McIntire. Then they're put in a scenario to see how they handle it. McIntire and his staff monitor the home invasion scenario thorugh closed circuit video so they can review how things played out with the participants.

"We don’t give them anything at first," McIntire said. "We put them over there because we want to see what your natural reaction is. I want to see what you naturally do. Then we come back here and debrief. Now we can start actually talking about what to do."

One recent participant fired first and asked questions later. That's a measure, McIntire said, of how realistic and stressful the scenarios can be. The adrenaline pumps and your autonomic systems take over and pushes your mind into "fight or flight" mode.

Getting past those automatic responses is what training is about. Repetition helps build up a kind of muscle memory that helps you stay calm and make better decisions.

To help teach the importance of good decision making, not all of the "intruders" are hostile. They might be an Alzheimer patient who is convinced he's in his own home, or a neighbor just knocking on your door. The intruder might even be your wife home early from work. In other words, not every scenario is hostile but could end in tragedy without proper training.

And not every intruder deserves to be shot. A TV, McIntire noted, is not worth a person's life. Participants are taught to better recognize which intruders pose a real life or limb threat to themselves or a family member.

The scenario yesterday for Graff involved the chief deputy just returning home from work. There is an intruder going through his belongings in his bedroom. At some point, the intruder comes out of the room and Graff became aware he was there. In this case, Graff drew his pistol and shouted for the intruder to put his hands where he could see them and get on the ground. As the intruder went down, he was instructed to reach for his mobile phone in his pocket. Graff yelled for him to put his hands back up and the intruder fumbled with his phone and drop it. Graff did not fire.

In the other scenario, Zipfel came home, grabbed a beer and went in the bedroom to ly down. Then two intruders entered. They began searching the living room for items and Zipfel heard the noise. He crouched down, entered the room, spotted the intruder and ordered him to the ground. As he approached the intruder, the second intruder started to enter the room from the kitchen, gun pointed at Zipfel. Zipfel shot him.

In both cases, with their boss Sheriff Sheron watching, they made the right decision.

While officers who use the facility for training aren't earning any sort of certification, McIntire said he recognizes the need for officers to get numerous repetitions of potentially dangerous situations to help improve their decision making.

Whether civilian or officer, repetition and review are key training tools for improved performance.

Without training, McIntire, people often revert to what they've seen on TV or in a movie, and that's not a good place to be.

McIntire said, "We stress getting people to that point with muscle memory where they say, 'I don't have think. I just know what to do.' "





Top photo: The tour in the living room apartment. Next two photos, Graff during his scenario. Fourth photo, monitors showing Zipfel's scenario. Bottom, McIntire and Walker in the facility's firing range (where airsoft guns are used). 

GCC will host Recruitment Open House for Nursing Program faculty on Jan. 24

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Genesee Community College will host a Recruitment Open House for the Nursing Program from 5 to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 24, at GCC's Medical Technology Building in Batavia.

GCC invites anyone interested in joining the GCC Nursing Program faculty to come to the open house and meet Director of Nursing, Laurel Sanger, Human Resources Recruiters and members of the Nursing Program Faculty team.

At this time, GCC is recruiting for full-time positions in the fields of obstetrics, pediatrics, mental-health and medical-surgical. In addition to these, GCC is continuously recruiting for adjunct clinical instructors.

Details on these career opportunities are available here.

GCC's Nursing Program Faculty members work in an innovative and supportive environment using state-of-the-art nursing laboratories and are able to participate in clinical placements in Buffalo, Batavia and Rochester. Our faculty members enjoy a superior benefits package and a culture that encourages personal and professional growth and development.

If this sounds like the environment for you, RSVP via email to or by calling (585) 345-6808 today and come check out the facility on Jan. 24. Walk-ins are also welcome. Qualified applicants must have or obtain a master's degree in Nursing by Aug. 31, 2019. Concentrations in Nursing Education are preferred but not required.

Free NYS Snowmobile Safety Course offered at Darien Fire Hall next week

By Billie Owens

Press release:

NYS Snowmobile Safety course will be taught at Darien Fire Hall, from 7 to 10 p.m. on Wednesday Jan. 10 (Part 1), and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday Jan. 13 (Part 2).

The fire hall is located 10537 Alleghany Road (Route 77) in Darien.

The course is free to children from 10 to 18 years of age. New York State’s Snowmobile Law requires that youngsters ages 10-18 acquire a safety certificate before they may lawfully operate a snowmobile. Youngsters may qualify for their safety certificates by taking an eight-hour safety course and passing the examination given at the end of the course.

The course and all materials are furnished free. The course is also open to adults.

The instructors for snowmobile Safety Course are certified by NYS.

You must sign up for the course and attend both classes where you register. Those who pass the written exam will be issued a patch, certificate, and a license.

If your child is interested in taking the course and would like to lawfully drive a snowmobile, preregister by calling 585-599-6431 after 5:30 p.m.

The class is sponsored by the Millgrove Sportsmen Club, Darien Fire Hall, Genesee Sno-Packers Snowmobile Club.

Cornell extension offers free workshop for adults on healthy living and weight loss Feb. 14

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Cornell Cooperative Extension Genesee County will host a program titled “Overfed and Undernourished” at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 14, at the Extension Center at 420 E. Main St., Batavia. This workshop for adults is free to attend, but space is limited.

The program will be presented by Ian Cramer (MS, ATC), who has been living a plant-based lifestyle for eight years and earned a certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from eCornell in 2016. He is an educator, podcaster and endurance cyclist living in Rochester.

Come and discover information on weight loss, cravings, common nutrition myths, and ways to live a healthy, disease-free lifestyle. For more information about Cramer, visit

We will also discuss chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, and how they start, progress, and can be prevented or even reversed using diet and lifestyle changes.

Please register for the workshop by contacting Samantha at 585-343-3040, ext. 123.

Pembroke Fire District Board meeting schedule is set

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Here is the 2018 Board Meeting schedule for the Pembroke Fire District provided by Hiedi Librock, the district's secretary/treasurer. All meetings will take place at 7 p.m. on Thursdays at the Pembroke Fire Hall, located at 630 Main Road, Corfu, except the last meeting, on Dec. 13, which will be held at Pembroke Town Hall, 31145 Main Road, Corfu.

  • Jan. 11
  • Feb. 8
  • March 8
  • April 12
  • May 10
  • June 14
  • July 12
  • Aug. 9
  • Sept. 13
  • Oct. 11
  • Nov. 8
  • Dec. 13*

(*Dec. 13 meeting is at Pembroke Town Hall.)

Genesee Chorale invites new singers to join, rehearsals start Jan. 15 at St. James church, Batavia

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Genesee Chorale is a non-profit organization drawing singers from Genesee, Orleans, Wyoming, Erie and Monroe counties. It is our joy to offer the community fine choral music.

Come sing with us!

Genesee Chorale resumes Monday night rehearsals at 7 p.m. Jan. 15 at St. James Episcopal Church, 405 E. Main St., Batavia.

Director Ric Jones has planned an exciting new season, which includes a March 4 concert, “Memory Lane,” with audience-friendly songs that appeal to all ages – songs that are recognizable across generations, fun to sing.

The season continues with May 4 and 6 concerts, “The Call of Humanity,” with a new composition written especially for Genesee Chorale.

Singers of all voices and levels are welcome – there is help if you need it to learn the music.

More information is available at, or at (716) 531-8986, or by e-mailing

GCC History Club announces spring lecture series lineup

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Genesee Community College History Club is excited to release its spring Historical Horizons Lecture Series lineup! The series provides the community with access to renowned authors and historians as they take a deep look at the events and movements that have shaped our nation's history.

"The spring series line up will provide very unique perspectives on bloody battles and war, the Trail of Tears, and immigration," says GCC's Associate Professor Derek Maxfield. "This series is sure to inform and even entertain."

All lectures in this series begin at 7 p.m. in room T102 of the Conable Technology Building. All lectures are free and open to the public.

Tuesday, Feb. 6  /  Medina Campus  /  Maple Ridge Road, Medina

Author Kevin R. Pawlak will discuss his book "Shepherdstown in the Civil War: One Vast Confederate Hospital." During the Civil War the small town of Shepherdstown, W.Va., was suddenly flooded with Confederate soldiers wounded in battle. Homes and churches transformed into triage centers and in all, the town, into "one vast hospital."

Wednesday, Feb. 7  /  Batavia Campus  /  Room T102

Kevin R. Pawlak will join us again to present "The Jewels of War: Robert E. Lee, George B. McClellan, and the Battle of Antietam." Pawlak is also the director of education for the Mosby Heritage Area Association in Virginia. The Battle of Antietam is America's bloodiest single day. In totality, 12 hours of fighting on Wednesday, Sept. 17, 1862 left approximately 23,000 casualties. During this lecture, Pawlak will assess the dramatic events of the battle from the unique perspective of the commanders on the field.

Wednesday, April 4  /  Batavia Campus  /  Room T102

GCC adjunct professor Danny Hamner will present "The Removal Crisis of 1832: How Nationalism, Political Ambition and the Electoral College Shaped the Trail of Tears." Often, the "Trail of Tears" is remembered as the inevitable tragedy of an indigenous people swept aside by the rising forces of modern America. While there certainly were large historical forces transforming America in the early 19th century, the removal crises of the period were ultimately shaped by the personalities, politics and needs of the movement. The mix of personal ambitions and zealous nationalism linked the destiny of the Cherokee Nation to Henry Clay's presidential aspirations with catastrophic but not inevitable results.

Wednesday, May 2  /  Batavia Campus  /  Room T102 (Rescheduled from 12/6/17)

Orleans County Historian Matthew R. Ballard, MLS will present "Fear of the Unknown: Creating the Illegal Immigrant in 19th Century America." Immigration to the United States is a relative topic in current events; however, the establishment of the "illegal immigrant" only dates back to the turn of the 20th century. In the earliest years of immigration, Europeans were accepted without restriction, but an influx of new immigrants during the latter half of the 19th century raised concerns about political impacts on American society. Uncertainty and unfounded fears created excessive restrictions focused on limiting access to specific ethnic/ racial groups, religious groups, the disabled, the infirmed and those likely to become a "public charge."

GCC to host free monthly sessions at Batavia campus to help people with their plans for college

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Adult Educational Opportunity Center (AEOC) has announced a yearlong schedule of open monthly sessions designed to get anyone started on their way to a college degree!

These sessions will be held at Genesee Community College's Batavia Campus at One College Road, Batavia.

As with all AEOC Services, these sessions are FREE and available both by appointment and walk-in! During these sessions, the AEOC's Outreach Specialists will help potential college applicants with a variety of services, including:

Financial Aid Counseling: help completing the FAFSA, understanding various financial aid options including student loans and Pell grants, retrieving transcripts, and assistance with special circumstance applications.

Enrollment Assistance: completing college applications or enrollment forms, ACT Test registration and completing Entrance Exam Prep through Accuplacer. 

Veterans Services: AEOC outreach specialists are trained to assist any veteran in navigating services available for higher education.

Appointments and walk-in sessions will be held in the Conable Technology Building at GCC's Batavia Campus. Both appointment and walk-in sessions will be available from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on each of the following days:

Wednesday, Jan. 24, in T122

Wednesday, Feb. 21, in T121

Wednesday, March 21, in T121

Wednesday, April 25, in T122

Wednesday, May 16, in T122

Wednesday, June 27, in T122

Wednesday, July 25, in T122

Wednesday, Aug. 22, in T122

Wednesday, Sept. 26, in T122

Wednesday, Oct. 24, in T122

Wednesday, Nov. 28, in T122

Wednesday, Dec. 19, in T121

Appointments are available on additional dates by request. To schedule any appointment, please email or contact Adult Education Director Kate Trombley, M.S., at (585) 343-0055, ext. 6285.

It is important to note that these College Entry Point Sessions are not limited to students attending or planning to attend GCC. Anyone interested in attending any college or in need of assistance in getting started can participate. Information regarding GCC and all other area colleges will be available at these sessions.

Garden Talk series kicks off in February with photo tour of Chanticleer Gardens near Philadelphia

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Join the Genesee County Master Gardeners on Feb. 6 for our first Garden Talk of the year, “A Photo Garden Tour of Chanticleer Gardens.” Get rid of the winter blues with a look at Chanticleer’s spectacular gardens, described as “America's most inspiring garden.”

Located outside of Philadelphia, Chanticleer is a colorful, contemporary garden within an historic setting. Adolph Rosengarten Jr., bequeathed the family estate for the enjoyment and education of the public following his death in 1990. The garden opened to the public in 1993 and has since been a magical place to visit.

Future topics include: a program on creating cutting gardens on March 6; a demonstration on how to make your own corsages on April 3; tips for growing great canna lilies on May 1 and on June 5 a program about a new invasive pest that has been showing up locally – jumping worms.

All Garden Talk programs run from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. Bring your lunch to the CCE office (420 E. Main St., Batavia) and join us for this free series. Registration is NOT required.

Future topics and other Master Gardener events will be posted on the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County website at

Town of Bethany Food Link event is Feb. 24 -- no income restrictions, volunteers wanted

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Town of Bethany will have a Food Link event from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 24 at Bethany Community Center. It is located at 10510 Bethany Center Road, Bethany.

There are no income requirements or restrictions.

Anyone wishing to volunteer, please phone Bethany Town Supervisor Carl Hyde Jr. at 343-1399 or email him at

Three amigos at the Genesee County Animal Shelter need special forever homes

By Billie Owens

The Volunteers for Animals at the Genesee County Animal Shelter would like to find forever homes for three special felines. Here are their stories as written and provided by the volunteers.

Jake (inset photo, left) is a great cat that just needs a break. His original owner went on vacation and decided to never come back. Poor Jake -- he didn’t even know that was possible! The neighbor caring for Jake didn’t want him, and took him to be euthanized.

Luckily, fate had another plan for Jake. Eventually, Jake went into foster to see exactly what kind of kitty he was, and it turns out he’s a pretty awesome cat.

Although not his favorite activity, Jake doesn’t mind being picked up or carried around. He is OK with a nail trim, but we didn’t notice him scratching on anything at all.

Jake is a low-flying cat -- you’re not going to find him up on your worktop or table. And he just loves a good all-over brushing, especially with his zoom-groom brush. He will purr for hours while you brush him to a high-gloss finish.

Jake lives for certain kitty treats. Once you find the right one, he can be trained to come running with the crinkle of a bag. Jake is likely to hide in his new surroundings at first, but after a week or two, he will be comfortable enough to stop hiding, especially if he has a comfy cat bed to lie on instead. After several weeks in foster, Jake was seeking out people in another room for petting and brushing. If we didn’t notice him, he would meow to say “I’m ready, where’s the brush!?!” Jake even hopped up on the bed at night for a little scratch. He certainly earned his foster mom’s seal of approval.

The generous vets at State Street Animal Hospital provided Jake with the dental work he needed in order to live in comfort, so he is all set medically. Jake’s not a young cat, but he wasn’t ready to be swept under the rug yet either -- he’s got several great years left in him.

All he wants is a warm, quiet house - a place where he can relax, and just enjoy being your pet. Jake was very tolerant of all the cats in his foster home, but he will adjust much faster if he is not in a busy home with other cats, dogs, or boisterous children.

Come in and meet him. We’ve got the zoom-groom brush waiting! It’s Jake’s turn to go on vacation now, and he’s hoping to stay there forever and never come back, too!

Maddie (inset photo, left) is a spitfire. She loves to romp and play but can get a little too excited.

She has been with us a long time and really needs a home of her own.

Maddie needs a cat-savvy human that will understand her catitude!

She would do best in a home with no children or other animals.

A very nice volunteer has paid half of Maddie's adoption fee, so she is only $30.

Dusty (inset photo, right) strayed into a kind lady’s yard dragging one hind leg. She was good enough to call the shelter and bring him in. A vet check determined that his leg had been badly broken.

And though it was somewhat healed, the break was so bad that even if he’d been brought in right after it happened he’d never be able to walk on it. Amputation was the only option. He was vaccinated, treated for fleas, worms, and ear mites, given a surgery date, and kept comfortable in the infirmary at the shelter.

After his amputation and neutering, Dusty went to a foster home for some T.L.C. and recovery. He was an ideal patient! He took his pain medicine easily, without complaint. He was up and walking right away.

It took him just a few days to adjust to the new weight and balance of his body. He quickly learned to hop up on and off the furniture. Keeping his balance in the litter pan was a little bit trickier but he never missed the pan or had an accident anywhere. Combing, petting and a good diet are starting to bring his coat back to a soft lustrous tan and black tabby.

Throughout all of this Dusty has been more than a perfect gentleman. Always cheerful, he is outgoing and likes people. He approaches both men and women who come into his room. He loves to be stroked and combed, and get gentle belly rubs. He is never rough with his paws.

He loves to sit on a lap, or beside a person on a couch. His favorite game is to lay on his side and play with a toy dangled on a string. And bird watching at the window would never be turned down!

Dusty would be a perfect partner for an elderly person, or couple, who want a quiet, steady companion. Perhaps a shut-in or a person with a disability would benefit from his calm confidence and "can do" attitude. Or perhaps it will be love at first sight with someone unexpected! He is an exceptional cat!

Genesee County Animal Shelter

3841 W. Main Street Road, Batavia

Hours: Sun., Mon., Tues., Fri. 1-3 p.m.

Wednesday 1-3 and 7-9 p.m.

Closed Thursdays

Saturday 11 a.m. - 1 p.m

Convicted child molester Sean Vickers gets new 40-year prison sentence

By Howard B. Owens

It's not the 107-year sentence former County Court Judge Robert C. Noonan handed down to convicted child molester Sean Vickers, but Vickers will still serve many decades in prison. 

Earlier this year, the jury trial conviction of Vickers was overturned on appeal because the appeals court found he wasn't properly tried under the same counts in the original indictment against him. 

It looked like a new trial for Vickers, but in October, Vickers agreed to a plea agreement. While that means Vickers might avoid a similar 100-year sentence, it also means his victims won't be required to testify again.  

On that guilty plea, today Judge Charles Zambito sentenced Vickers to the agreed-upon 40-year prison term.

He was already serving a 20-year term on a similar conviction in Niagara County.

Notre Dame dominates to capture Rotary title

By Howard B. Owens


In a rematch of last year's Rotary Tournament finale, Notre Dame, this time, was the more dominant team, beating Cal-Mum, 43-35.

"We didn't really have an identity early in the season last year and it showed," said ND's head coach Tom McCulley. "They were a mature team and we weren't really there yet. This year I think we probably had the edge maturity."

The star of the game was Stevie Wilcox, who scored 17 points and seemed in command of her game from the start. She was named tournament MVP.

"We were ready to bring it and play as a team and work together because when we do, we're unstoppable," Wilcox said.

The Lady Irish are always tough on defense and McCulley said that's what he saw from his team again, especially in the first half, when Notre Dame held the Lady Raiders to six points. Guard Morgan Rhodes was a big part of that, he said.

"Morgan was steady all throughout," McCulley said. "She got some steals and helped us with ball pressure so we weren't allowing them to get comfortable in their sets, maybe not as quickly as they would like. I think most of the time, when I looked up, by the time Cal-Mum got in their sets there was 16 seconds off the close. I was shocked by that. That puts a lot of pressure on the offense to execute."

Margret Sutherland and Natale Thornton also had big games. Sutherland scored 10 points and Thornton scored nine. Both were a strong presence under the boards.

Callie McCulley added six points.

For Cal-Mum, Elyse Van Auken scored 12 points.

Besides Wilcox at MVP, the all-tournament team was Taylor Gadd, Attica, Ryann Stefaniak, Batavia, Elyse Van Auken, Cal-Mum, Margaret Sullivan, Notre Dame, and Callie McCulley, Notre Dame.





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Molino offers city manager search advice, recommends DPW Director Worth as interim leader

By Mike Pettinella

Update: A gathering to thank Jason Molino on his service to the City of Batavia and to wish him well in his new endeavor is scheduled for 5 to 8 p.m. Jan. 11 at T.F. Brown's in Batavia.

  • Contract with an executive search firm.
  • Offer a salary and benefits to attract top candidates.
  • Seek the opinions of existing staff members.
  • Don’t rush to hire someone just to fill the vacancy.

These are the primary suggestions from Batavia City Manager Jason Molino in a memo to City Council as the municipality’s governing body begins its search for a new chief executive.

The memo, dated Jan. 3, will be considered at Monday night’s City Council meeting (7 o’clock, City Centre Council Chambers).

Council also is expected to discuss another memo from Molino that recommends the appointment of Matthew Worth, Department of Public Works director, as the interim city manager, and the postponement of water and sewer projects on several city streets until 2019 and 2020.

Molino resigned his position last month, and will be starting his new job – as Tompkins County administrator – on Jan. 29. His last day in Batavia is Jan. 12.

In his city manager search memo, Molino places much stock in the benefit of an executive search firm.

“Executive search firms will most likely meet with City Council and staff to understand the culture of the organization and what type of leader you are looking for,” he wrote. “From there they would develop a recruitment profile that can be used to assist in advertising and recruiting for the position. Once the position is formally advertised, they will also have a network of existing managers and assistant managers that they know may be a good fit for Batavia.”

Molino indicated that he puts Batavia ahead of the City of Geneva, which also is seeking a new manager -- “This may be bias, but I think Batavia has much more to offer. Right now, Batavia has a great brand,” he wrote – but he also wrote that he believes Batavia’s pay scale is about $15,000 to $20,000 behind the “pay scale of comparable communities.”

He recommends that Council should form a search committee of “a few Council members, department heads and maybe a few community leaders” and to solicit feedback from the staff “that will be working closest to the city manager.”

All told, he wrote that he expects the search to cost around $20,000.

In closing, he advised Council to not hire someone just to fill the vacancy if “no candidate is appealing or appears to be a good fit … Do another search until you find the right leader for your organization.”

Increased Duties for Worth, Others

During the transition, Molino wrote that Worth has agreed to serve as interim city manager until a new leader is appointed, and also suggests additional roles for Ray Tourt, maintenance superintendent; James Ficarella, water and wastewater superintendent, and Lisa Near, deputy director of finance.

His suggestions come with $1,000 per month additional stipends for Worth, and $750 each for Tourt, Ficarella and Neary. All would be effective Jan. 13, contingent upon Council’s approval.

“Originally, the City had proposed a $2 million water line replacement for Union Street, Brooklyn Avenue and South Main Street, in addition to starting the design for a $1.5 million sanitary sewer replacement for Franklin Street, and a Maple & Mill Street sanitary sewer realignment,” Molino wrote. “While this capital work is important, it is recommended that it be pushed back to 2019 and 2020, respectively, when a new City leadership is on board.”

Molino noted that negotiations are continuing with Genesee County regarding water and sales tax agreements – calling it the “single most impactful and important issue facing the interim city manager and City Council over the next six months.”

Because Worth will be required to handle pressing issues, more responsibility will fall upon the other three department heads, particularly several capital projects representing $7 million of infrastructure investment, and the fiscal duties that accompany them.

Click here to read the entire memos on the Batavia City Council page (Organizational Meeting Agenda and Special Conference Agenda -- Jan. 8, 2018). Both meetings are open to the public.

Rollover accident with minor injuries reported on Thruway in Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

A one-vehicle rollover accident with minor injuries is reported on the Thruway in the area of mile marker 389.3.

Town of Batavia fire with mutual aid from Le Roy fire dispatched.

UPDATE 11:37 a.m.: Chief on scene reports vehicle on its wheels in the median.

UPDATE 11:39 a.m.: Patient is walking around and no complaint of pain. Mercy EMS to continue for patient evaluation.

Accident reported at Thruway overpass on Lewiston Road

By Billie Owens

A two-car accident with possible injuries is reported at the Thruway overpass bridge on Lewiston Road; the address is 8169 Lewiston Road, Batavia. It is partially blocking the southbound lane. Town of Batavia Fire Department and Mercy medics are responding.

UPDATE 11:02 a.m.: One patient has a minor laceration. A first responder says medics can "take it easy coming in."

Dog left in car at Kmart

By Howard B. Owens

A dog has been reportedly left in the cold in a Nissan parked outside Kmart in Batavia.

The caller does not believe the car is running.

A deputy is responding.

UPDATE 9:41 a.m.: Caller reports the owner has come out, got into his vehicle and left the area. Deputy's response canceled.

Bausch to lead County Legislature with Maha, Dibble and Hilchey taking office

By Howard B. Owens


Gary Maha, Gordon Dibble, and John Hilchey, the three newest members of the Genesee County Legislature, along with the rest of the Legislature, took their oaths of office Wednesday night prior to the Legislature's organizational meeting at the Old Courthouse.


Robert Bausch, representing Elba, Byron, and Bergen, was chosen to chair the Legislature.


From left, Pam LaGrou, clerk to the legislators, Gary Maha, Gordon Dibble, Shelly Stein, Andrew Young, Bob Bausch, John Deleo, Marianne Clattenburg, Gregg Torrey, John Hilchey, and County Manager Jay Gsell.

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