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Smash Mouth rides the next wave of 'Classic Rock' into Batavia Downs on June 21

By Howard B. Owens
smash mouth
Smash Mouth
Submitted photo.

The music of the 1990s is still going strong, the way Zach Goode, lead singer of Smash Mouth, sees it.

Twenty-five years ago, San Jose-based Smash Mouth topped the charts with songs like Walking on the Sun and All Star, a pair of multiplatinum albums, and scoring multiple Top 40 hits, a string of success that continued into the early part of the new century.

Goode is in a unique position to observe the 1990s music scene. He worked it with some regional success in San Diego's vibrant punk, metal, and alternative rock scene and then took a deep dive into the Smash Mouth catalog three years ago when he replaced founding lead singer Steve Harwell. (Harwell left the band in 2021 due to health issues. He died in 2023.)

Once in the role, Goode studied Smash Mouth's records inside and out and knew, he said, just how well-written the songs were.

Zach Goode
Photo by Cindy Hayes.

"I was really familiar with the hits," said Goode, himself a songwriter.  "I didn't know all their back catalog, and as I listened to some of the stuff, I was like, 'Wow, if you had a different vocal on this, it could be a Beck song.' Some of the stuff is totally cool and artsy; it's retro and space-age, so it's really cool.  It still sounds futuristic.

"It's really good songwriting. I think some of the songs Greg (Camp) wrote (are really good).  If he wrote a song about a car, you know, that song is going to have three or four verses, a beginning, a middle, and an end. It wasn't just like a trendy, catchy earworm. He tells a story, and all the songs are very clever."

Camp left the band in 2008 and has returned periodically, but has worked on other projects, released solo material and is currently a songwriter and producer based in Los Angeles.

Canadian Paul De Lisle is the lone original member of Smash Mouth still with the band.

A hallmark of Smash Mouth's albums is the variety of genres they mixed together, which helps the entire catalog sound fresh today, from punk and hip-hop to ska and alt-rock. They even touched on bossa nova and disco.

"It's kind of a matter where all of the elements kind of came together -- the lyric, the production -- Eric Valentine's production was incredible -- and obviously they had hits, so that's what sets them apart from some bands."

Smash Mouth continues to attract a large crowd based on all of those hit songs, even if recent chart success has been elusive.

Since Goode joined the band, Smash Mouth has recorded 14 new tracks, including a Christmas album, along with a few singles. The latest single is Ride On, a disco jam celebration of California.

The band is working toward turning out a new album, hopefully by the end of the year, but between touring and all the band members living in different parts of the country, there are logistical challenges to overcome.

Meanwhile, they continue recording singles.

"I have about five songs I wrote that I submitted that are kind of in the queue," Goode said. "We're just slowly recording new songs and putting them out there. That's kind of the new paradigm in the music biz, right? Just to put songs out and work them for a while and then do another one. No one is in a real big rush to put out a new album unless you're the Taylor Swift of the world these days."

Those early Smash Mouth records were pretty special, as Goode understands, and that's the bar the band knows it must meet and what they're aiming for, Goode suggested.

"It's not easy, you know; it's like there's a certain thing that they had," Goode said. "That's not easy to replicate. I mean, even they couldn't replicate it, you know? Every song would be a number-one hit if they could be, but it's not that easy. There has to be a little bit of magic involved."

Three years into his new gig, Goode is grateful for the step up from a local band with no crew to support the performers to one with professionals all around and large, appreciative crowds that know all the band's songs.

"It's really nice to travel with these guys who know how to do their jobs," Goode said. "You're able to just focus and put on a good show. 

"And wherever we go, ten thousand people show up, and they know all the songs. It's been a blessing. It's just great."

He also appreciates how the fans have embraced him as a new frontman for a beloved band.

"I was expecting a lot more pushback," Goode said. "I mean, sometimes, people aren't happy when you replace a band member, especially the lead singer, especially an iconic singer, so I was braced for the worst, and right from the beginning, people were just super accepting and nice."

As the new frontman for one of the top groups from the 1990s, he's stepped into a world that includes, among others, Everclear, Sugar Ray, the Spin Doctors, Fastball, Live, and the Barenaked Ladies.  These are bands, he notes, that may no longer have the chart success they once had but still are in demand and draw big crowds.

"They might not still be on the radio every day but there's a huge generation of people (who are fans)," Goode said. "The older classic rock bands are not going to be around forever, unfortunately, and the 90s bands are the next wave of classic rock."

Smash Mouth headlines at Batavia Downs on June 21.  For tickets, click here.

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Annual Father's Day Retro Jam scheduled again for Oakfield Rod and Gun Club

By Howard B. Owens
Father's Day Jamboree
FIle photo by Howard Owens

The annual Father's Day Retro Jam & Musicians Reunion returns to the Oakfield Rod and Gun Club on Sunday, June 16.

There will be live music from 1 to 7 p.m. featuring The Double Image Band, Tim's Healing Committee, Prospect, Front Porch Pickers, Rock-A-Bully's, Bad Sign, Patrice & Friends, and "K" Rick "Howe."

Good fans, families, food, music, friends, and times are promised.

Bring your own lawn chair, cooler, and pop up.

Admission is free with donations accepted for WNY Heroes Inc, supporting veterans.

The club is located at 3199 Maltby Road, Oakfield.

From Hollywood to Pembroke: Composer's piece celebrating Voyager brings him home for debut of new piece

By Howard B. Owens
Pembroke Concert Band Philip Klein
John Bailey and Philip Klein.
Photo by Howard Owens.

Philip Klein is a successful film composer in Hollywood; still, it's nice to come home again and visit your alma mater.

Especially if the same high school orchestra that helped mold your talent is preparing to debut a piece you wrote and arranged.

"It's very meaningful to me, it's very special," Klein said. "My world in L.A. now. It is so fast-paced. Kind of crazy. So to come back here and just kind of have this moment that feels like a community again, you know, you don't really get that, and to share it with students. It's really special. It means a lot to me that they would even want something from me and that they would take the time to play it so well."

The piece is Flight of the Voyager, which tells the story of Voyager 2. The spacecraft was launched in 2018 and is the first craft to reach Uranus and Neptune and is the second craft to reach interstellar space.

The piece was written specifically for the Pembroke Concert Orchestra to perform.  It makes its international debut on May 30th at 6:30 p.m. in the Pembroke Junior-Senior High School Auditorium.

Klein graduated from Pembroke in 2003. He studied trumpet performance and composition at Northwestern University. In 2011, he was selected as one of six fellows with the Sundance Institute's Film Composing Lab. In 2009, he won Best Composing from the ATAS Foundation's College and Television Awards. He was a nominee in 2022 for best original score for an animated film, for Wish Dragon, from the International Film Music Critics. The same group named him Break Through Film Composer of the Year in 2021. He won the Alan Parsons Award in 2022 for Best Original Score Short Film (Who Goes There).

His film credits include Joker, The Mandalorian, Medieval, The Last Full Measure, Cicero in the Winter, and Clones Gone Wild, along with dozens of others where he participated in the scoring or orchestration.

"It's amazing to us that Mr. Klein wrote the piece for Pembroke, and our band director,  John Bailey, is wildly excited for our students to get to meet and work with him," said Superintendent Matthew Calderon.

At the rehearsal on Tuesday, Klein was clearly enjoying himself.

"It's a lot of fun for me to be back," Klein said. "First off, I mean, just to be in, in school with them again, and just the energy of seeing a group like that play together. And it's always fun to hear your piece of music played live for the first time. They did great; they worked really hard. And it's not an easy piece."

Pembroke Concert Band Philip Klein
Photo by Howard Owens.
Pembroke Concert Band Philip Klein
Photo by Howard Owens.
Pembroke Concert Band Philip Klein
Photo by Howard Owens.
Pembroke Concert Band Philip Klein
John Bailey
Photo by Howard Owens.
Pembroke Concert Band Philip Klein
Photo by Howard Owens.
Pembroke Concert Band Philip Klein
Photo by Howard Owens.
Pembroke Concert Band Philip Klein
Photo by Howard Owens.
Pembroke Concert Band Philip Klein
Photo by Howard Owens.
Pembroke Concert Band Philip Klein
Photo by Howard Owens.
Pembroke Concert Band Philip Klein
Photo by Howard Owens.

Hozier brings 'Take Me to Church' and more this Wednesday at Darien Lake

By Alan Sculley
Hozier Photo by Ruth Medjber
Photo by Ruth Medjber

It’s been a decade since the arrival of “Take Me To Church,” the crossover hit single that made Hozier a worldwide star and established the native of Wicklow County in Ireland as a new artist to watch on the music scene.

The video for the song was posted on You Tube on Sept. 25, 2013 and almost immediately went viral.

This response got the attention of bigger worldwide labels, and Hozier was signed by Columbia Records in America, which released Hozier’s self-titled debut album in September 2014.

“Take Me To Church,” naturally enough, became the album’s lead single and reached No. 2 on “Billboard” magazine’s all-genre Hot 100 singles chart in December 2014. By the time touring behind the debut album wrapped up in late 2016, the self-titled album had gone double platinum and Hozier was a bona fide star.

Sometimes, though, signature songs like “Take Me To Church” can come with unwelcome side effects. Artists can get judged by the success of a monster hit and mocked if they don’t reach those heights again. Or, the song can wear on artists as they feel required to perform the song at every concert, year after year, from that point forward.

Hozier has no such afflictions when it comes to “Take Me To Church.”

“I was sort of operating from quite an indie or alternative space, and then that song catapulted me into very, very popular spheres in the way it charted. It absolutely changed my life,” Hozier said reflecting on the song in a recent video interview. “And I was pretty proud of it when I wrote it, and what its sort of mission statement was and what I hoped to communicate. In ways, I’m very happy and grateful for that. But if any of my songs can have the sort of reach that that song achieved, I’m very glad that it was ‘Take Me To Church.’”

Despite the song’s impact, the man born 34 years ago as Andrew Hozier-Byrne appears to have evaded being known as the “Take Me To Church guy.” For one thing, he’s had more hit singles – including “From Eden” and “Someone New” from the self-titled album and “Almost (Sweet Music)” from his gold-certified second album, 2019’s “Wasteland, Baby!” And just last month, “Too Sweet,” the single from his newly released EP, “Unheard,” which includes four songs from the same sessions that produced his current full-length album, “Unreal Unearth,” became his first song to top “Billboard” magazine’s all-genre Hot 100 singles chart.

He’s also showing considerable artistic growth. “Unreal Unearth” figures to firmly solidify the notion that he has the talent and creativity to fuel a career that lasts not just years, but decades.

From the start of the project, Hozier wanted to take his sound to new heights, and he worked with a number of songwriters/producers to achieve this objective, with Jeff “Gitty” Gitelman, Daniel Tannenbaum and Jennifer Decilveo being primary contributors,

“I knew I wanted it to be broad. I knew I did want to expand into some sort of soundscapes to play with,” Hozier said, noting he wanted to blend vintage synthesizers and other synthetic sounds with strings and other organic instruments. “I kind of didn’t want to limit anything. I just wanted to explore and make sense of it afterwards, let each song be what it needed to be and explore the spaces they needed to explore. In that way, it became kind of expansive and it became varied. I played around with a lot of sonic textures.”

Thematically, “Unreal Unearth” is plenty rich as well. The 16 songs offer a journey from darkness into light that reflects the pandemic experience and also alludes to “Dante’s Inferno” and Dante’s walk through the nine circles of hell. Hozier uses these as a backdrop for lyrics that he said relate to a range of uncertainty and upheaval he experienced himself or witnessed with people he knew, spanning loss and love, feelings of disillusionment and a resolve to recalibrate daily lives to better align with personal goals for work, social lives, family lives and relationships.

“Like any album, if you’re writing from a personal place, you’re processing and sort of exorcising and examining personal experiences over a period of time, or (making) personal observations or whatever of the world around you,” Hozier said. “But these all took place in a very, a lot of these experiences took place in a very, very particular, unique and prescient time for the world, in a pandemic. I wanted to acknowledge and to gesture and sort of credit those conditions of coming into something – the pandemic – and coming out the other side without necessarily writing songs or writing an album that focused specifically on the experience of the lockdown, the experience of the pandemic.”

To translate the kaleidoscopic sound of “Unreal Unearth” (as well as a healthy selection of songs from his first two albums) to the live stage, Hozier has put together a large touring band with plenty of instrumental and vocal versatility.

“There’s nine of us,” he said. “There are two string players. There’s a violin player who also plays guitar, there’s a cello player who also plays guitar, there’s an organ and synth player who is also a Latin percussionist. Yeah, there’s nine of us and everybody is a multi-instrumentalist in some way, shape or form, and everybody is a singer. So we have nine voices on stage and nine multi-instrumentalists.”

Hozier will be playing at Darien Lake Performing Arts Center on Wednesday.

Genesee Chorale's spring concert captures experience of the eclipse

By Howard B. Owens
genesee chorale pavilion

Music Director Ric Jones promises no clouds will obscure the beauty of Genesee Chorale's spring program -- Eclipse.

The 12-song concert takes its theme from the recent total solar eclipse that passed over the United States, including Western New York, opening with "Measure Me, Sky." 

Other titles in the show include "Canticle of the Sun," "Song to the Moon," "Light Beyond Shadow, "Day of Fire and Sun," "Capture the Sun," and "You Are the New Day."

Three songs are performed in total darkness to help the concert mimic the experience of a total eclipse.

Eclipse opened Friday evening in the auditorium at Pavilion High School. Its second performance is scheduled for 2 p.m. on Sunday at St. James Episcopal Church, 405 East Main St., Batavia.

Photos by Howard Owens

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genesee chorale pavilion
genesee chorale pavilion
genesee chorale pavilion
genesee chorale pavilion
genesee chorale pavilion
genesee chorale pavilion
genesee chorale pavilion
genesee chorale pavilion

Bergen Evangelical Presbyterian Church highlights $90K organ restoration project with series of free concerts

By Virginia Kropf
bergen presbyterian organ
Alden Snell, standing, organist of the Bergen Evangelical Presbyterian Church, watches David Carmer as he tries out the newly restored organ at the church. Carmer is the organist at Trinity Lutheran Church in Medina. The two became friends when Carmer was organist of the church where Snell’s father was pastor.
Submitted photo.

The Bergen Evangelical Presbyterian Church has just completed a huge organ renovation project, and to thank the community for its support, the church is holding a series of free musical concerts.

“The renovation of the church pipe organ was a huge undertaking for our church,” said Gregg McAllister of Batavia, a longstanding member of the church who volunteered his time to promote the renovation and fundraising. “Church members wanted to offer something special to the community to celebrate, so they planned this concert series.”

Two concerts have already been held in the series, with two more to go, including one on April 27 and an organ concert in May featuring Eastman School of Music musicians.

The church invested $90,000 in the restoration project.

According to McAllister, a member of the Bergen Evangelical Presbyterian Church since 1960, the organ is a historic treasure.

McAllister shared some of the organ’s history, dating back to its installation in the church in 1907, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the church’s founding. The organ was built by Viner and Son in Buffalo in 1901 and installed in a theater there. For some reason, it became available for purchase in 1907 and was acquired by the Bergen church.

McAllister described the instrument as a full pipe organ that had to be pumped by hand to create air. Youth in the church, called “tweens,” did the pumping from under the sanctuary.

The organ previously underwent renovations in the 1960s and 1980s, when church members, including longtime member Fred Ely, volunteered to physically redo the leathers and felts that held the keys together.

Ely was an active member of the Renovation Committee, and his family’s involvement with the church and its organ goes back to its arrival at the church. He first became a member when he married Eunice “Eunie” on June 8, 1957, at the church where she is a lifelong member. He explained that a church member arranged to buy and install the organ in the church in 1907, and a relative of Eunie’s transported it to Bergen. Her father also hand-pumped the bellows to make the organ play.

Alden Snell, a professor at the Eastman School of Music, began playing the Bergen church’s organ during his junior year at Robers Wesleyan College in 1999. After moving to Delaware with his wife, Christin, Alden returned to Bergen in 2018 and resumed his duties as the Bergen Evangelical Presbyterian Church organist.

“This organ is small by some standards, yet it has a lot of character,” Snell said. “Before the renovations, you sat down and wondered, ‘What is it going to do now.’”

 It became evident the congregation had a big decision to make – let the organ die a slow death or bring it back to life.

Snell said talk of renovation and fundraising began just before the pandemic. The congregation then met in July 2021 and agreed to embark on a $90,000 fundraising campaign.

“This was a big project and needed congregational support,” he said. 

A Renovation Committee was formed under the leadership of Pastor Brandt Hammack and was led by Rob Willhoft, Snell, Tom Jones, and Ely.

Parsons Pipe Organ Builders in Canandaigua was contacted, and renovations began in June 2023 and were completed in November. 

Some of the problems that had to be addressed were pieces that opened the pipes had weathered and needed cleaning. All the pipes had to be removed and cleaned, as did two keyboards, which were warped, and a pedal board. The renovation involved organ pipe voicing, woodworkers and designers who crafted a custom wind system.

The final step was providing clean air and creating a “clean room” for the blower. 

McAllister said the renovation process was very intricate. Every key had to be adjusted, and the sound had to be balanced with the building's acoustics. 

Snell said an organ is fit for its space, and the sound of this organ fills the sanctuary but doesn’t overpower it.

“By the end of the fund drive, the church only had to pay the initial 10 percent down payment and the rest all came in donations from the congregation and community,” he said. “We are really happy with the results.”

As for the concert series, the first concert was on Feb. 4 and featured church organist Alden Snell and David Carmer, organist of Trinity Lutheran Church in Medina.

The second this past Sunday featured Jaclyn Breeze of North Chili, composer and flutist, as well as Snell.

The next concert will feature guitarist George Collichio at 6 p.m. on April 27 in a Door of Hope Coffeehouse event at the church. 

The final concert at 6 p.m. May 5 will be an organ recital featuring Eastman School of Music students.

While there is no admission for any of the concerts, a free-will offering is accepted at each.

organ bergen
Submitted photo.

Photos: Spring celebration at the Willow Bend Inn on Sunday

By Howard B. Owens
willow bend inn spring celebration 2024 shotgun pauly paul draper

The house was a-rockin' from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Sunday at the Willow Bend Inn as music fans welcomed spring to the sound of five area bands.

Among them, Shotgun Pauly (pictured).

The house was packed.

Also, on the bill, Bad Sign, Double Image Band, Rock Solid, and Stanton (the RnR Band).

Shotgun Pauly returns to the Willow Bend for a show on Saturday night.

The Willow Bend was celebrating 56 years as a family-run business.

Photos by Howard Owens.

willow bend inn spring celebration 2024 shotgun pauly paul draper
willow bend inn spring celebration 2024 shotgun pauly paul draper
willow bend inn spring celebration 2024 shotgun pauly paul draper
willow bend inn spring celebration 2024 shotgun pauly paul draper
willow bend inn spring celebration 2024 shotgun pauly paul draper
willow bend inn spring celebration 2024 shotgun pauly paul draper
willow bend inn spring celebration 2024 shotgun pauly paul draper
willow bend inn spring celebration 2024 shotgun pauly paul draper
willow bend inn spring celebration 2024 shotgun pauly paul draper
willow bend inn spring celebration 2024 shotgun pauly paul draper

Photo: GSO's Young Artist Competition held on Saturday

By Howard B. Owens
Photo by Howard Owens

The Genesee Symphony Orchestra held its annual young artists' competition on Saturday at Batavia First Presbyterian Church.

On hand as judges were board members and Musical Director S. Shade Zajac. 

The winners will be announced prior to the 2024-25 season and be featured soloists in the winter concert.  There were a half-dozen entrants this year, including 14-year-old Tristan Zhang, pictured, from Pittsford, whom Howard Sounder accompanied.

Photos: Music in Education concert at Batavia HS

By Howard B. Owens
music in education batavia

March is "Music in Schools Month" across the nation, and on Thursday evening, Batavia City Schools held its annual concert featuring educators and students at all levels to celebrate the month.

The concern opened with the faculty/alumni band playing Sir Duke, a Steve Wonder hit honoring Duke Ellington.

Also performing are the High School Orchestra, the Middle School Beauty Shop, High School Guitar, John Kennedy Second Graders, High School Select Choir, Middle School Band, High School Rock Band, and High School Jazz Ensemble.

Photos by Howard Owens.

music in education batavia
music in education batavia
music in education batavia
music in education batavia

Photos: LoVeSeXy pays tribute to the musical artistry of Prince at Batavia Downs

By Howard B. Owens
lovesexy at Batavia Downs prince tribute

LoVeSexy, a Boston-based band that pays tribute to the music of Prince, played to a packed house in Park Place at Batavia Downs on Saturday night.

The band members:

  • Giovanni Morant, Lead Vocals, Guitar, Keys & Trumpet
  • Anthony C. Grant, Sax, Keyboards, Flute, Vocals & Percussion
  • Jodee Frawlee,  Lead Guitar & Vocals
  • Brian Eggleston, Keyboards & Vocals
  • Jeffrey Gilman, Bass & Vocals
  • Chris Botelho, Drums & Samples

Previously: LoVeSeXy pays tribute to the music and artistry of Prince on March 9 at Batavia Downs

Photos by Howard Owens

lovesexy at Batavia Downs prince tribute
lovesexy at Batavia Downs prince tribute
lovesexy at Batavia Downs prince tribute
lovesexy at Batavia Downs prince tribute
lovesexy at Batavia Downs prince tribute
lovesexy at Batavia Downs prince tribute
lovesexy at Batavia Downs prince tribute
lovesexy at Batavia Downs prince tribute
lovesexy at Batavia Downs prince tribute

University brass quintet to perform at Bergen Evangelical Presbyterian Church, March 10

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Roberts Wesleyan University Brass Quintet will perform a free concert at the Bergen Evangelical Presbyterian Church at 6 p.m. on Sunday, March 10.

The Roberts Wesleyan Brass Quintet performs various styles ranging from early Baroque to modern music. It regularly performs at special events on and off campus, including commencement, accompanying the Chorale, and performing in departmental recitals. 

The quintet is directed by and performs with Dr. Paul Shewan, professor of instrumental studies, who teaches conducting and trumpet. Dr. Shewan is a member of the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra trumpet section and has been a guest conductor numerous times. He has also performed with the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra.

The concert is part of a series the church offers to celebrate the renovation of the historic Viner pipe organ installed in the sanctuary in 1907. “We want to share a variety of music with our community, so we have planned a spring series of concerts in celebration,” said Alden Snell, church organist. 

The evening’s performance will include a performance of a hymn on the organ. 

Other concerts in the series are:

  • Jaclyn Breeze, flute, April 14, 6 pm. Ms. Breeze, from North Chili, is an American composer and flutist crafting pieces and programs that foster community between artists and audiences. Her works have been commissioned and performed by groups in North America, Europe, and Asia. 
  • George Collichio, guitar, special Door of Hope Coffeehouse event at the church, April 27, 6 p.m. Mr. Collichio is a national recording artist, performer, educator, and private guitar instructor from Rochester. He has nine national CD releases and plays over 100 shows per year. He is a college professor (guitar and music theory) and founder of "Collichio School of Music" with two locations and hundreds of students.
  • An organ recital featuring students from the Eastman School of Music will be held on Sunday, May 5, at 6 p.m. 

All concerts are at the Church, 38 South Lake St., Bergen. A free-will offering will be accepted.

LoVeSeXy pays tribute to the music and artistry of Prince on March 9 at Batavia Downs

By Howard B. Owens
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lovesexy prince tribute
Giovanni Morant, lead singer of LoVeSeXy, a Tribute to Prince. Submitted photo.

Prince is a rare form of rock star, according to Chris Botelho, drummer and leader of the LoVeSeXy, which plays at Batavia Downs on March 9.

He was admired by peers and fans alike in his lifetime, and his legend has only grown since his untimely death at 57 in 2016.

LoVeSexy was formed in 2008 as a Tribute to Prince, who is ranked #27 on Rolling Stone's list of 100 Greatest Artists of All-Time, and Botelho has seen firsthand how Prince continues to attract new fans and old fans who hunger to hear his music performed live.

"He's pretty much a real rock star when there's not a lot of those types of people around any more," Botelho said. "He was someone who was real special, like just the type of person who would walk in the room and everyone would just stop and be quiet and kind of like be like, 'Can I talk and I say hello.’ Like they would be that afraid to even speak. You don't get that from other people, even other stars. And that was with everyone, not just regular people but movie stars and top musicians."

There are several quality Prince tribute acts, Botelho noted, a level of reference that is seemingly missing from the legacy of other dead megastars of the era, such as David Bowie and Michael Jackson.

"Michael Jackson, I would think, would have big tributes, and there are some tribute shows, but there's really not as much talk about him as much as you would think. It's weird. But Prince, if you go online and search 'Prince,' there are fan sites, Facebook pages, and media coverage like this. There are so many fans all over the world, so many people still, every day, posting and talking and sharing his music. It's kind of amazing."

Prince was born Prince Rogers Nelson, the son of a father who was a jazz pianist and composer and a mother who was a jazz singer. He grew up in Minneapolis, Minn., and never did forsake his hometown, maintaining Minneapolis as his base and where he recorded most of his music until he died of an accidental fentanyl overdose.  

Signed by Warner Brothers when he was only 19, Prince released 40 studio albums during his life -- playing all of the instruments on some -- covering a range of musical genres, from funk, R&B, new wave, soul, jazz, blues, and hip hop. He sold more than 100 million records. His biggest hit singles included “When Doves Cry,” “Let's Go Crazy,” “Purple Rain,” “Raspberry Beret,” “Little Red Corvette,” and “Kiss,” among his 19 Top 10 hits.

For a time, Prince was known by a symbol, or The Artist Formerly Known as Prince, or just The Artist (because of a contract dispute with Warner Brothers), and it is said that he has enough unreleased material in his vault that his estate could continue releasing new albums of new material for the next 100 years.

That means there's a lot of material for a Prince tribute act to pick from, and for the 90-minute set at Batavia Downs, LoVeSeXy will concentrate on the hits, but if needed, LoVeSeXy can dig deep into the Prince catalog -- deep enough to cover two 90-minutes sets if needed, Botelho said.

"We've played shows that are, you know, entirely Purple Rain (the album) or 1999, but there's so much more to him in just that era that we feel like people already know what is there, so we like pushing out other stuff to them that maybe they've never heard before," Botelho said. "It's kind of bring the music of Prince for Prince. It's one little thing to kind of keep his memory and music alive."

And the music is the thing to LoVeSeXy, Botelho said. There are a lot of Prince tributes that concentrate on the showmanship and the craft of creating a Prince concert. For LoVeSexy, the goal is to bring the music alive. The entire six-piece band is comprised of top-tier musicians, Botelho said, and they all get their moment in the spotlight.

"It's a team sort of situation," Botelho said. "It's not about just the lead singer and a bunch of players behind. It's like the six of us together, creating and making the sound of the band. We have four lead singers in the band, so the vocals are extremely strong."

It's not that showmanship isn't there -- the primary lead singer does look like Prince, after all -- but Botelho said the band really wants to put on a show that lives up to Prince's musical legacy (if you haven't seen it, check Prince's lead guitar on this performance of While My Guitar Gently Weeps (at about 3:30 into the song.)

"His live shows, I think, was a big part of why a lot of people really feel that he was above the rest as far as a performer," Bothelo said.

The LoVeSeXy lineup is:

  • Giovanni Morant, Lead Vocals, Guitar, Keys & Trumpet
  • Anthony C. Grant, Sax, Keyboards, Flute, Vocals & Percussion
  • Jodee Frawlee,  Lead Guitar & Vocals
  • Brian Eggleston, Keyboards & Vocals
  • Jeffrey Gilman, Bass & Vocals
  • Chris Botelho, Drums & Samples

It's amazing, Botelho said, to see how much love the world had for Prince when he died and how that love and appreciation has just continued to grow.

"It is a testament to how strong it was around the world when he passed," Botelho said. "All the celebrations, the purple lights that were put on all the buildings around the world. It was kind of unbelievable, really, after all these years since 2016 that now the audiences are getting bigger and bigger for all of the Prince tributes."

LoVeSeXy performs at Batavia Downs on March 9. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.  Showtime is 7:30 p.m.  For more information and tickets, click here.

Photos: Beatlemania Magic at Batavia Downs

By Howard B. Owens
beatlemania magic

It was a full house on Friday in Park Place at Batavia Downs for the Beatles' tribute band, Beatlemania Magic.

Photos by Mike Pettinella.

beatlemania magic

Batavia native follows path of mentor, teaching music and leading GSO

By Howard B. Owens
gso feb 2024
Melzie Case, a member of the Genesee Symphony Orchestra and president of the board of directors.
Photo by Howard Owens.

Music has been a big part of Melzie Case's life since she was four years old when she first started piano lessons at Roxy's Music Store.

Along the way, she's had teachers and mentors to guide her, and one of the most important was Roxie Choate, the former president of the Genesee Symphony Orchestra, herself a retired teacher, who died in October.

Case, who first served on the GSO board as a high school student, has stepped in to lead the GSO.

"Roxie was a passionate and unabashedly determined leader," Case said. "Under her guidance, I learned how to positively steer the GSO Board and how to be a leader in music ministry. We connected and bonded over music, from appreciating classical music to playing piano and organ duets together, and forged a seemingly unlikely friendship through our love for music in the community. Her influence continues to serve me well on a daily basis."

In addition to working together on the GSO board for a number of years, Choate and Case became well acquainted with one another musically at the Batavia First Presbyterian Church, where Coate was an organist, and Case played piano.

Coate had been a music teacher in Oakfield-Alabama. After graduating from Batavia High School, she earned a degree in music education from Buffalo State University.  The 30-year-old Case is now a music teacher at Batavia Middle School.

Her musical journey has prepared her well for both roles.  Starting with those piano lessons at Roxy's Music, she participated in musical theater as a child, was a member of the chorus in middle school and high school, and along the way, she became a percussionist to go along with singing, playing the piano, and organ. She first joined the GSO as a percussionist while still a teen, and then Choate asked her to be a student rep on the GSO board.  Following a break for college, Case rejoined the orchestra and the board as she wrapped up her education in 2016.

"I like GSO because you meet so many people in the community, people from all ages and backgrounds. That is what really drew me in," Case said. 

The orchestra, she said, is comprised of “local folks, people from surrounding counties, music teachers and people with jobs outside of music.  It’s such a wonderful group of people. We have a wonderful time rehearsing together and putting on concerts together.”

Obviously, Case is passionate about music.  She thinks music helps bring people together.

"Music has a unique way of connecting people like nothing else. Music is healing, exciting, joyful, engaging," Case said. "I see every day the impact that music has on people of all ages and how it is a creative outlet in so many ways. Music is a part of nearly every moment of my day, whether I’m singing, playing, teaching, or listening."

One reason GSO has thrived in recent years is the leadership of music director and conductor S. Shade Zajac, Case said.

“I enjoy working with Shade," Case said. "The whole board does. We appreciate that he comes to board meetings when he can or gets on a call with us and that he brainstorms with us about concerts. We really have a great time working with him. He has a great vision when it comes time to select repertoire. The music he picks pushes us all as musicians, and we feel grateful to have him at the helm.”

As president of the board, Case, of course, has a role in ensuring the GSO continues to build on its success, and she that can happen through collaboration with other arts groups in the community and making connections with young people who are interested in music.

Entertaining programs, such as the one Zajac has programmed for Saturday at GCC, will also help garner growing support for the orchestra.

"The program is a blend of emotions," Case said. "There are some familiar pieces and some new ones that people will enjoy."

One of the new pieces is a composition by Paul McCartney.  Yes, the former Beatle writes more than pop songs.  He has composed a number of classical pieces, including Spiral, which the GSO will perform at the concert.

"I'm a huge Beatles fan, so I'm excited to play one of Paul McCartney's lesser-known works," Case said.

The rest of the program is comprised of pieces by other English composers, as Vaughn-Williams and Samuel Coleridge-Taylor.

The anchor piece of the program is Elgar's “Enigma Variations.” 

"It's one of my favorite pieces in the entire literature," Zajac told The Batavian at the start of the season. "It's a very special piece. I've conducted only one movement from it (previously). It's a remarkable piece of music. Every note and every bar sounds like English music, which is incredible because you can trace every note to some other composer. You can hear the influences of Beethoven and Bach and Wagner. But somehow, he makes it all sound like English music."

Choate is, as they say in show business, a tough act to follow, Case acknowledged.  She led the board. She often handled concert publicity. She was also the personnel manager.

"Roxie did so much.  We find things all the time we didn’t even know about," Case said. "As a board, we say all the time, 'Oh, Roxie did that, and she did this, and she did that.' She was a huge advocate for GSO and for music education.

The GSO, with what it has achieved and how it can yet grow, will carry on because of a lot of people over the past eight decades, but Choate certainly contributed to GSO's success.

"I have so much pride in GSO," Case said. "We have a professional orchestra right here in Batavia. We can offer to our community that experience. You can go to Buffalo and Rochester and hear those orchestras, or you can stay right here in Batavia and hear a professional orchestra."

The GSO concert on Saturday at GCC begins at 7 p.m.  Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for seniors, and students with an ID can get in for free.

Photos by Howard Owens.

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gso feb 2024
gso feb 2024

Batavia High's Rock Band class proves its chops and popularity with Thursday evening concert

By Howard B. Owens
Some members of first block rock band, jam out tunes for parents and families.  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Some members of First Block Rock Band perform for parents and families.  
Photo by Steve Ognibene

Music teacher Dan Grillo thinks maybe, as much as it pains him to say it, rock 'n' roll music is a dying art form.

That isn't apparent from the way students at Batavia High School have embraced his elective class, Rock Band.

In the nine years since he started the program, the course has grown from one class with a handful of boys who typically didn't own their own instruments to two packed classes with many students bringing in their guitars. 

"(That first year) we had three of the same exact guitars, three of the exact same basses, and we actually started with an electric drum set," Grillo said. "Now, as you know, we have our own nice acoustic drum set."

The program has encouraged many kids to get their own guitars, Grillo said, "which is really good."  Another sign of growth -- he doesn't have to sing all the songs any more.

"We started on one song and just kind of worked that song for a while, but none of the boys wanted to sing," Grillo said. "I had to sing it. I had to sing pretty much everything that year."

There are 25 members in three bands.

Rock band class in high school music departments is still kind of a rare thing in the area, Grillo said, so he isn't sure the program will ever grow to the point where -- like for other music genres at the high school level -- there are competitions and festivals.

"It's still kind of a niche thing," he said.

The most telling way things have changed is the engagement of the students.

"As I mentioned in our concert tonight, a lot of the students are suggesting and writing up songs for us," Grillo said. "This is not all just my contributions in terms of -- I thought of a good song, I thought it would be good for the kids, and I gave it to them. A lot of these were songs that the students championed. And that means a lot that they're that invested that they want a say in the music that we're playing and performing."

The students pitching their own favorite songs evolved out of, well, students pitching their own favorite songs and Grillo deciding to students owning their ideas.

"I would have students come to me every day, and they're like, 'You know what song we should do? You know what song we should do? You know what song we should do?' And I got sick of hearing it," Grillo said. "I finally said, 'Look, if you want to do a song, you write it up. I'm not going to write it up. I don't have that kind of time.' Okay, it takes a good half hour to write these songs up (as guitar tablature) because you got to make sure the lyrics and the chords and all that stuff is right, that they're in the right place, that they work. So it does take some work to write up those songs. So the fact that the students are doing some homework is also pretty telling."

The program is popular all over campus, Grillo said. The rock bands occasionally play lunchtime concerts in the auditorium and they're well attended.

"Everybody likes it," Grillo said. "It's not just students that come in. It's faculty and support staff. It's pretty popular with everybody in the building. So we get a lot of support. We're always being asked to do different gigs. We've been asked to perform at open houses; we've been asked to perform like we did the wrestling match this year and last year, we did a wrestling match. ... So it's very popular even though, like I said, rock is kind of a dying style. I used to do barber shop and that's even more so a dying style."

To view or purchase photos, click here.

Steve Ognibene conducted the interview for this story.

Addison Glynn and Faith Guiste on vocals.  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Addison Glynn and Faith Guiste on vocals.  
Photo by Steve Ognibene
Ben Stone, guitar  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Ben Stone, guitar  
Photo by Steve Ognibene
Left to right, Evan Kimball, Isaiah Benway-Snyder and Elijah Abdella on guitar  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Left to right, Evan Kimball, Isaiah Benway-Snyder and Elijah Abdella on guitar  
Photo by Steve Ognibene
Ethan Bradley, guitar  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Ethan Bradley, guitar  
Photo by Steve Ognibene
Gavynn Trippany, drums  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Gavynn Trippany, drums  
Photo by Steve Ognibene
Tommy Gaylord, bass guitar  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Tommy Gaylord, bass guitar  
Photo by Steve Ognibene
Rock Band, music director, Mr. Daniel Grillo  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Rock Band music director, Mr. Daniel Grillo  
Photo by Steve Ognibene

Genesee Chorale sings in the holiday season with annual Christmas Concert on Saturday

By Howard B. Owens
genesee carole christmas concert 2023

From Medieval times through the Renaissance, the classical period, and into modern carols, Christmas music has changed to reflect the times. On Saturday, at St. James Episcopal Church, the Genesee Chorale will take listeners through that journey in a program entitled "Christmas Through the Ages." 

"We're going to go through the process of the beginning of Christmas carols back in the 1400s and then work our way up," said Musical Director and Conductor Ric Jones. "It's a wide mix of styles and in music, a lot of things that will be familiar, some that there'll be new."

Jones said he expects the audience to find the performance as entertaining as it is beautiful.

"The whole concert begins with Gregorian chants so that's really cool," Jones said. "We have four instrumentalists. They're gonna be joining us on about six different pieces, so they'll really liven things up. We have some great, really cool arrangement of "Jingle Bells." It's a rearrangement of the Barbra Streisand version of Jingle Bells written for choir. That's a lot of fun. And then "Joy to the World," "Lo, He Comes with Clouds Descending" -- there's some really beautiful, large moving pieces as well."

The concert also isn't without its challenges for the choir, which should also impress listeners.

"The biggest challenging piece is probably "Here We Come A-wassailing," which is a traditional song, but it's super challenging for the choir," Jones said.  "It's seven verses, and every verse gets more and more intricate. So it begins with the choir in unison and as we progress, it gets more and more integrated, and it breaks out into eight different parts of one point. So they're going to do great on that."

Jones said he always looks forward to the traditional Christmas concert because, for him, it signals the beginning of the season.

"You get into the mood and the spirit," Jones said. "Also, they're always well attended. They're always popular concerts because people just people want to hear great music at Christmastime."

The Genesee Chorale will perform Christmas Through the Ages 4 p.m. on Saturday at St. James Episcopal Church. For more information, click here. To purchase tickets, click here.

Photos by Howard Owens.

genesee carole christmas concert 2023
genesee carole christmas concert 2023
genesee carole christmas concert 2023
genesee carole christmas concert 2023
genesee carole christmas concert 2023
genesee carole christmas concert 2023
genesee carole christmas concert 2023
genesee carole christmas concert 2023

GSO ready to perform holiday favorites at GCC on Sunday

By Howard B. Owens
genesee symphony orchestra holiday rehersal 2023
Genesee Symphony Orchestra Concertmaster Julia Plato.
Photo by Howard Owens

It's that time of year when the Genesee Symphony Orchestra rosins up the bows and gets crackin' on holiday chestnuts such as “Christmas Festival,” “Sleigh Ride” and selections from “The Nutcracker.”

The annual holiday concert is at 4 p.m., Sunday, at Genesee Community College.

GSO's concertmaster, Julia Plato, is looking forward to taking the solo on another holiday favorite, the winter movement from Vivaldi's “Four Seasons.”

She's excited about it, she said, because "I think it's insanely easy to make it sound modern, even though it was written through like 300 years ago. It still has so much excitement and vigor and, yeah, personality that you would never know that it was written in the 1700s."

Plato, who is originally from the Hershey area of Pennsylvania, is in her second year as the first chair of the GSO, under the direction of conductor S. Shade Zajac.

She's been involved in orchestra performance since she was a child, participating in the youth orchestra in her hometown.

"That's kind of where I fell in love with playing music," she said.  "I went to school for music education in Ithaca and wound up teaching in Pittsford."

Through a friend, she heard about GSO during the pandemic, when the orchestra was still finding ways to perform, and that piqued her interest.

"I was so excited because I just wanted to have a group to play with, and it just lined up really well with the time that I moved to the area, and I found a good group of people to perform with," she said.

She's found it inspiring to work with Zajac.

"He has got such a great taste and repertoire," she said. "He selects very nice, well-rounded programming from all the modern works that you may not have heard to the classics that everyone hopes to hear."

genesee symphony orchestra holiday rehersal 2023
Genesee Symphony Orchestra Music Director and Conductor S. Shade Zajac
Photo by Howard Owens.
genesee symphony orchestra holiday rehersal 2023
Photo by Howard Owens.
genesee symphony orchestra holiday rehersal 2023
Photo by Howard Owens.
genesee symphony orchestra holiday rehersal 2023
Photo by Howard Owens.
genesee symphony orchestra holiday rehersal 2023
Photo by Howard Owens.
genesee symphony orchestra holiday rehersal 2023
Photo by Howard Owens.
genesee symphony orchestra holiday rehersal 2023
Photo by Howard Owens.
genesee symphony orchestra holiday rehersal 2023
Photo by Howard Owens.
genesee symphony orchestra holiday rehersal 2023
Photo by Howard Owens.

Photos: Nerds go wild in 1980s celebration at Batavia Downs

By Howard B. Owens
nerds gone wild batavia downs

It was a packed house in the Park Place Events Center at Batavia Downs on Saturday with Nerds Gone Wild rockin' that action-packed and fun 1980s vibe.

The Nerds are:

  • Eddy "Eugene" Tabone on drums and vocals
  • John "Gilbert" Gibbon, on bass, guitar, and vocals
  • Ed "Milton Wild" Wyner, lead vocals and guitar
  • Brian "Irwin" Beaudry, keyboards, keytar, vocals
  • Eric "Barney" Rovner, lead guitar and vocals.

Previously: Expect a wildly fun night at Batavia Downs when Nerds Gone Wild takes the stage

nerds gone wild batavia downs
nerds gone wild batavia downs
nerds gone wild batavia downs
nerds gone wild batavia downs
nerds gone wild batavia downs
nerds gone wild batavia downs
nerds gone wild batavia downs
nerds gone wild batavia downs
nerds gone wild batavia downs
nerds gone wild batavia downs
nerds gone wild batavia downs

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