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139th assembly district

Photos: Steve Hawley's electronics annual recycling event

By Howard B. Owens
Sunnking Sustainable Solutions hawley electronics recycling

Once again in partnership with Sunnking Sustainable Solutions, Assemblyman Steve Hawley hosted his annual electronics recycling drive on East Main Street Road in Batavia on Saturday.

Photos by Howard Owens.

Sunnking Sustainable Solutions hawley electronics recycling
Sunnking Sustainable Solutions hawley electronics recycling
Sunnking Sustainable Solutions hawley electronics recycling
Sunnking Sustainable Solutions hawley electronics recycling
Sunnking Sustainable Solutions hawley electronics recycling
Sunnking Sustainable Solutions hawley electronics recycling
Sunnking Sustainable Solutions hawley electronics recycling

Hawley backs bill that requires criminals who kill cops to be locked up for life

By Press Release

Press Release:

File photo of
Steve Hawley.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, C-Batavia) attended a joint press conference to call out the unacceptable and persistent release of cop-killers by the New York State Parole Board. Since 2017, 41 cop-killers have been released. Hawley was joined by his colleagues in the state Assembly and Senate and members of the law enforcement community to advocate for police officers and their families.

Hawley has sponsored a proposal (A.3481) that would require life without parole for the first-degree murder of a police officer. The Majority, however, has not allowed this initiative to move forward in the lawmaking process.

“New York State’s Parole Board has failed us,” said Hawley. “These are the people who are supposed to keep dangerous criminals locked up, but instead, they’re letting them move in next door. Our police officers are the fabric of our society. An attack on one of them is an attack on our way of life. These cop-killing cowards belong in jail, no ifs, ands or buts. I will continue to work with my colleagues in the state Assembly and Senate until we have a parole board that actually cares about protecting victims, not rewarding criminals.”

Hawley, Borrello criticize new law that seals criminal records

By Howard B. Owens

Press release from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, C -Batavia) recently criticized the Clean Slate Act, a proposal that would seal the criminal records of recently released convicts. This week, the measure was signed into law by Gov. Hochul. Supporters of the bill argue this will help incarcerated individuals get jobs after they’ve served their time and combat racial bias in the state’s criminal justice system. Critics, however, have said this will make it virtually impossible for employers, landlords and other business owners to fully vet their incoming employees and tenants. Hawley is frustrated because reckless policies like the Clean Slate Act are giving criminals a free pass and making communities less safe.

“This is yet another example of the Majority in Albany imposing their radical ideology on everyday New Yorkers,” said Hawley. “We live in a country where criminals are treated like victims, and the people who are hurt by these crimes are put to the side. Public safety is not something we can afford to mess around with. We need to return to a system where we respect the rule of law and hold criminals accountable for their actions.”

Press release from Sen. George Borrello:

“Governor Hochul’s signing today of the Clean Slate Act is more confirmation that catering to criminals and the radical wing of her party is more important than the safety and concerns of New Yorkers who have repeatedly cited rising crime as the state’s number one problem.    

This misguided law will allow criminals – even serial offenders -- to have their records automatically sealed after a specified time period. Serious crimes like manslaughter, armed robbery, domestic violence, and arson are among the crimes that will be hidden from employers and landlords, placing countless unsuspecting individuals in harm’s way. 

There already exists a process for sealing criminal records that has reasonable safeguards to assure that the individuals in question don’t pose a public safety risk. Yet, like with all the criminal justice reforms passed in recent years by Albany Democrats, reasonable policies and reforms have been rejected and replaced with reckless versions.

This law is another slap in the face to New Yorkers who are watching their safety and quality of life rapidly erode.”

From modest origins in Byron, Oxbo grew into international company producing high-tech farm equipment

By Howard B. Owens
oxbow hawley factory tour 2023

During a drive down Byron Road, you might spot a group of low-slung buildings and figure it's some small ag-related business, maybe even a dairy farm.

You would never guess that it is a sophisticated manufacturing plant producing high-tech farming equipment that generates $65 million in annual sales.

Not bad for a company that started out repairing pallets a half-century ago.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley paid a visit -- and invited the press -- to Oxbo International's plant Thursday, and the company's first location, to highlight the importance of agricultural-adjacent businesses in the 139th Assembly District and in New York State.

"There are many different types of enterprises that highlight the fact that agriculture is not only the number one industrial employer in this area and ag-related businesses like this, not just farming, are critical to our economy," Hawley said.

Plant Manager Chris Chadbourne provided Hawley and reporters with a history of the company before escorting the group on a tour of the facility.

The original pallet repair company became Byron Equipment after filing for a patent on a corn head -- a mechanism to attach to the front of a combine that picks ears of corn off of stalks, leaving the stock behind. 

The company then grew through mergers and acquisitions.

In 1998, Byon Equipment acquired a competitor in Wisconsin, and the new management team settled on the name Oxbo, after an oxbow that yolks and ox team together, to symbolize the concept of the new two integrated teams pulling together.

Both plants stayed in production.

In 2003, Oxbo acquired a pea-picking combine company in Illinois and moved that manufacturing operation to Byron.  Oxbo is the only manufacturer of a pea-picking combine in the U.S.  

In 2004, Oxbo acquired a fruit company in Washington state, and this past June, the company acquired another company in Wisconsin.

One of the biggest mergers came, however, in 2009, when Oxbo merged with its largest customer in Europe and the company's headquarters were moved to the Netherlands.

The company also operates plants now in Brazil, the United Kingdom, and France.

In total, Oxbo employs about 1,200, with 700 employees in the U.S. and 140 in Byron.  Gross annual revenue exceeds $400 million for the entire company.

"And one of the founders still lives in the same house he's lived in forever, right up here," said Hawley, pointing to a house on property adjacent to the plant. "Richard 'Lefty' Glazer."

Chadbourne explained that working for Oxbo takes more than a bit of brawn to tighten bolts.  The equipment the company makes is sophisticated, exacting, and high-tech.  Oxbo needs employees educated enough and smart enough to do the job right.

"The equipment we make is simplistic and what it does, but it's not simplistic and how it acts and what it does on the shop floor or in the field," Chadbourne said. "We need high-quality people that are technically savvy, that can understand and read schematics and understand how things function and work together. It's not just, 'Hey, there's a lever and a clutch' in here anymore. 'We're going to bolt three parts together.' There's a lot of tech that goes into these machines."

Oxbo has been fortunate, Chadbourne said, to have good partners in Genesee County and throughout the region.  BOCES and other institutions provide a pathway for students to learn the necessary skills, and they can participate in job training and job shadowing. There's a welding program at Alfred State that helps supply workers. 

Employees for Oxbo come to Byron from through the GLOW area and Erie County but Chadbourne thinks the company needs to attract more talent from Monroe County.

"We have some really phenomenal schools in Western New York, and as we continue to grow, we need more of those technical guys," Chadbourne said. "We've got great colleges and universities in Rochester. We need to pull from there."

Photos by Howard Owens.

oxbow hawley factory tour 2023
oxbow hawley factory tour 2023
oxbow hawley factory tour 2023
oxbow hawley factory tour 2023
oxbow hawley factory tour 2023
oxbow hawley factory tour 2023

Hawley denounces free health care for sex workers

By Press Release

Press Release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C-Batavia) bashed Gov. Hochul’s recent plan to provide tax-payer funded health care to sex workers across the state. This new initiative, known as the “Sex Worker Health Pilot Program,” will allow the state Department of Health to set aside approximately $1 million in public funds toward primary, behavioral, and gynecological care, as well as dental care for prostitutes. In a heavy-handed move, the governor’s office authorized this program without the approval of the Legislature. Hawley is frustrated that this administration is encouraging and promoting an industry that has done so much harm to the State of New York. 

“The majority in Albany is once again pushing the boundaries of what should be normal and acceptable in our society,” said Hawley. “Prostitution in our state has increased crime and violence in our communities and decreased the quality of life for residents across Western New York. The way in which this program is being forced onto New Yorkers is nothing short of undemocratic. This new initiative by the governor is wildly irresponsible and will only encourage more prostitution within our state.”

Hawley announces patriot trip to DC for local veterans

By Press Release
Steve Hawley stands alongside local veterans at the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, D.C.
Submitted photo.

Press Release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C-Batavia) is announcing this year’s Patriot Trip to Washington, D.C., which will take place from September 21 to 24. During this time, veterans and their families will get a tour of the nation’s capital and its numerous monuments and landmarks that honor those who served. This year’s trip will feature stops at several notable locations in the D.C. area, including the WWII, Korean, and Vietnam War memorials and Arlington National Cemetery.

“This trip is an excellent opportunity to honor not only our local veterans but also those who served before them,” said Hawley. “I am incredibly excited to host this event for another year. We owe our veterans a deep level of gratitude for all they have sacrificed for the freedoms we enjoy in this country, so being able to take them to our nation’s capital to see these historic landmarks is truly an honor.”

This trip is open to all military veterans and their families. The cost will be between $450-$500 per person and includes travel, accommodations, admissions, meals, and even some souvenirs. Those who are interested in participating in this event should contact Hawley’s office at 585-589-5780 or email for more details.

Hawley announces assembly summer reading challenge kickoff

By Press Release

Press Release:

File photo of Steve Hawley

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C-Batavia) is holding his Annual New York State Assembly Summer Reading Challenge to help encourage good reading habits and continued learning this summer. 

This year's theme is "All Together Now," in cooperation with Summer Reading at New York Libraries. All students in grades K through 5 living in the 139th Assembly District during the 2022-2023 school year are eligible. 

Students who pledge and complete reading for at least 15 minutes each day for at least 40 days during the months of July and August will be presented with a New York State Excellence in Reading Certificate from Hawley.

“I’m excited to announce this challenge for the kids in our communities,” Hawley said. “Reading is an incredibly important part of any child’s education and I hope this challenge will instill the value of learning in them. I know this is a great opportunity for our kids, and it will be a great way to kick off the summer.”

This year, Summer Reading Calendars were sent to students at all schools and libraries throughout the 139th Assembly District. Track your child's progress on the Summer Reading Challenge with the calendar. Once your child has completed the challenge you can mail your summer reading calendar to my District Office and receive a certificate for your child's achievement. 

Mail to:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley

121 N. Main St.

Suite 100

Albion, NY 14411 

For any parents and guardians who would like a copy of the 2023 Summer Reading Challenge Calendar, you can download a copy and print one out by visiting

Photos: Electronics recycling event in Batavia

By Howard B. Owens
Batavia Downs Jackpot 5k 2023

A steady stream of vehicles pulled through the parking lot of the DSS office on West Main Street Road, Batavia, for the annual electronics recycling event on Saturday hosted by Sunnking and Assemblyman Steve Hawley.

The event makes it easier for people to drop of large electronic items, including TVs, as well as large amounts of electronics, all for free, with staff on hand to empty the vehicles.

Photos by Howard Owens.

steve hawley
Assemblyman Steve Hawley directing traffic. He said one of his first jobs when he was younger was as a flagman., when he was younger,
electronics recycling
electronics recylcing

Hawley calls final days of session 'wasteful'

By Press Release

 Press Release:

Steve Hawley released a statement regarding the final days of the NYS Assembly session. 

“The New York State Assembly finished their session for the year without meaningfully addressing the problems millions across this state are trying to deal with. The Majority ignored the affordability crisis plaguing our state, they ignored the public safety concerns our citizens have raised, and they failed to counteract the immigration crisis spurred by New York City legislators. Instead of focusing on any of these issues, the Majority prioritized removing checks and balances and giving criminals more leeway after they leave prison. It was a wasteful use of the Assembly’s time and energy.”

Hawley denounces 'clean slate' bill that would seal criminal records after seven years

By Press Release

Press Release:

Steve Hawley

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, C - Batavia) joined fellow Minority assembly members today for a press conference calling for the holding of a bill that would seek to automatically seal criminal records after a predetermined period. 

Called “Clean Slate,” the bill has been pushed by the Assembly Majority in what is read as an effort to prioritize the welfare of criminals above law-abiding citizens.

“This measure will single-handedly make the review of convicted felons’ history much more difficult, inherently increasing threats to public safety,” Hawley said. “I don’t understand why this is the issue that has dominated the Majority’s focus at the end of our legislative session for 2023 when we’re in the midst of an affordability, public safety and immigration crisis.”

“For a victim of crime, the slate is never wiped clean, so the favoritism shown to former convicts astounds me. I call on my colleagues in the Majority to reject this proposal wholeheartedly,” Hawley concluded.

Hawley, with Sunnking, to host annual electronics recycling event in Batavia

By Press Release
steve hawley recycling
Assemblyman Steve Hawley with a discarded printer during the 2022 electronics recycling event in Batavia.
Photo by Howard Owens.

Press Release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, C - Batavia) is once again partnering with the Sunnking recycling group to offer free electronic device collection and recycling for the community. Collection day will be Saturday, June 17, from 8:30 a.m. to noon at the parking lot at 5130 E Main Street Road in Batavia. 

Pre-registration is requested of all attendees at the website

“Recycling is a small but impactful way we can help keep our communities clean, and I’m grateful to the good people at Sunnking for partnering with me for another year of work,” Hawley said. “Anything from cell phones to computers to TV’s can be recycled, so please, register today and help keep our communities clean!”

Hawley signs letter calling for migrants to stay off SUNY campuses

By Press Release

Press Release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, C -Batavia) signed a letter today alongside several Assembly legislators calling on Gov. Hochul to prevent SUNY college campus dormitories and other facilities from being used as undocumented migrant housing during the unprecedented migrant crisis from downstate New York. The letter highlights the need to keep these public schools serving their primary purpose, that being the housing and support of students attending the institutions full-time. Hawley would like to see alternative housing solutions for migrants considered.

“SUNY is considered underfunded and undermaintained as it is,” Hawley said. “The migrant crisis our state is facing is only going to continue if local leaders are not brought in to help coordinate a plan that is the least impactful on residents currently living in these upstate communities. I sincerely hope the governor reconsiders this haphazard proposal before it becomes another unmanageable crisis.”

Hawley, Borrello issue statements reacting to new state budget

By Press Release

Statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

“Our state budget has finally passed, only a month later than it should have. Not only were there numerous empty seats on the side of the Majority as we trudged through the debate and voting process, but this budget is prepared to spend $229 billion worth of taxpayer dollars. That’s double the budget of Florida and Texas, despite New York having fewer residents than either of those states. Spending indiscriminately and passing the costs over to taxpayers almost unilaterally is not the way to attract or retain people or business to this state, and I fear it will continue the downward trend of New York’s economic strength.”

Statement from State Sen. George Borrello:

“New Yorkers have heard repeatedly over this last month that ‘the right budget is more important than an 
on-time budget.’  

“Yet, the sad truth is all the extra time did not produce ‘the right budget.’ It produced another bad budget that, once again, ignores New Yorkers’ top concerns – affordability and public safety – and spends us into a fiscal death spiral. At $229 billion, this budget means we will be spending $627 million in taxpayer dollars every single day.  

“Government watchdogs have decried the reckless spending which will explode next year’s projected budget gap and set us up for a long-term structural deficit of over $15 billion. New Yorkers, who already pay the highest taxes in the nation, will not find any relief in this budget and may very well see increases in the not-too-distant future because of the excessive spending. Property taxpayers are also at risk of higher taxes in the next few years as the state begins withholding federal Medicaid funds that were designed to help counties with these costs.  

“Throughout the process, the narrative we’ve heard is that the governor was fighting for changes to the bail law to strengthen public safety. Many people had high hopes that we would finally get a significant tightening of the disastrous changes that have transformed our criminal justice system into a dangerous revolving door. Disappointingly, the promised changes are nothing but a shell game that will do nothing to reverse the tide of rising crime. Ninety percent of crimes are still not eligible for bail. Judges still do not have the discretion they need to hold dangerous individuals, despite the rewording of the ‘least restrictive’ standard.  

“With a budget process conducted behind closed doors, it is easy to slide in controversial items in the last minute to prevent opposition from having time to organize. We saw that happen with the addition of a provision to dismantle the existing board and governance structure of the Western Regional OTB. This blatant power grab will undermine the voices of the rural counties that are part of the OTB board and put at risk the successful operation of Batavia Downs, the only profitable Western Regional OTB location.   

“While elected officials love to proclaim their support for small businesses, ‘actions speak louder than words,’ as they say. Small businesses’ requests for the state to help pay down the crushing COVID-era unemployment insurance debt that was unfairly dumped in their laps were ignored once again. Adding insult to injury, small businesses, farms and employers of every size will have to find a way to finance the higher minimum wage mandates in this budget, even as the last increase is less than six months old.  

“There were a few positive outcomes worth noting. The advocacy of myself and my colleagues was effective in removing the Executive Budget’s harmful housing mandates that would have steamrolled over localities’ home rule rights with regard to zoning and right sizing communities.  

“It is also encouraging that the fierce opposition of myself and the members of our Conference on the governor’s all-electric mandates helped remove her proposed requirements on existing homes from this budget. However, the mandates for new construction remain and are set to begin in 2025, which will have a devastating impact on the construction sector and related industries. That is just one of many fights that remain on this critically important issue.    

“New Yorkers deserve ‘the right budget’ and an on-time budget. This year, they received neither.”  

Hawley Celebrates West Point Day at the State Assembly

By Press Release

Press Release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, C - Batavia) was just one of the many Assembly members welcoming West Point cadets in the Assembly Chamber as Albany celebrated its annual West Point Day. Hawley, a staunch advocate for past, present and future members of the armed forces, was honored and glad to celebrate these cadets.

“New York’s history of service to the nation is unmatched, thanks in no small part to our excellent military academy in West Point,” Hawley said. “Like many of their predecessors, these cadets are some of the best and brightest our state and nation have to offer, and I was honored to welcome them to Albany and recognize their outstanding achievements. I want to wish these cadets well in their future endeavors and commit to working for their best interests as I work to do for all our men and women in uniform.”

Submitted Photo: West Point Cadets visit the State Assembly Chamber with Lt. General Steve Galland.

Hawley knocks proposed state budget

By Press Release

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, C -Batavia) is disappointed with the proposed “conceptual budget” following a review of the proposals released by the governor’s office. The proposal, which has yet to be finalized for debate on the Assembly Floor, suggests a spending count of $229 billion, much of which goes to downstate-exclusive endeavors like spending on the Metropolitan Transportation Authority and free buses for New York City. Hawley is unsurprised upstate New York is once again forgotten come budget time.

“It’s, of course, disappointing, but it’s not surprising; the downstate majority always puts its needs before those of the entire state,” Hawley said. “The spending proposal is not just a lot, it’s egregious. It’s more than what either Texas or Florida spends despite both states having larger populations than New York. Whoever recommended this unsustainable spending calendar clearly does not know what New York needs to succeed.”

“The answers to stop our overspending problem and manage our state’s debts are straightforward, yet this majority party continues to ignore them. And as they do, they continue to drive people away from New York,” Hawley concluded.

Hawley Chastises Assembly majority for blocking gold star license plate bill

By Press Release

Press Release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R , C-Batavia) is disappointed that the Assembly Majority has moved to block his legislation, A.2062, from passing in the Assembly chamber. The bill would have eliminated the registration fee for Gold Star Mothers and Gold Star Family Members for their distinctive license plates. Gold Star Family Members are families of veterans that served in the military and made the ultimate sacrifice, and Hawley has always been an ardent supporter of showing those families the respect they deserve.

“It’s really disappointing and frustrating that the Assembly Majority cannot vote on something that would go such a long way for families who deserve our support,” Hawley said. “The blocking of this bill tells me that despite whatever the Majority may say in regard to supporting our families of veterans, they don’t really care when it comes to meaningful action.”

The blocking of this bill recalls an issue several years ago that Hawley also championed, which was the granting of free college tuition to Gold Star Family members that also faced questionable pushback from the Assembly Majority. Hawley believes New York can do better for its Gold Star families.

“There’s not much to say other than it’s another example of New York failing to show up for those who showed up for New York. It suggests our state government needs a real re-evaluation of values and character,” Hawley concluded.

Photo: File photo by Howard Owens.

Hawley calls on Hochul to be transparent about crisis at nursing homes during pandemic

By Press Release

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, C - Batavia) signed on to a letter calling on Gov. Kathy Hochul to respond and investigate the nursing home mismanagement disaster from the COVID-19 pandemic in a more timely and open manner.

As many New Yorkers are aware, nursing homes were some of the most highly volatile areas where the coronavirus spread. This was largely due to elderly citizens being particularly vulnerable, and then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo decided to relocate hospitalized patients to nursing homes once there were no more beds in hospitals. Hawley, like many legislators, wants accountability from those who made the decision that led to so many deaths.

“This saga has gone on for three long and painful years, and it’s time for the governor to be more transparent with what her plans are,” Hawley said. “We’ve had families plead for justice, for answers, for accountability, but they have gone unheard thanks to a government that has tried its hardest to sweep its mistakes under the rug. We owe it to all New Yorkers to be transparent and timely with them about this matter.”

Western New York had a particularly notable case that demanded answering for. The Villages of Orleans is currently facing a class action lawsuit and a separate lawsuit from the New York State Attorney General’s office regarding the mishandling of the elderly in their care during COVID-19. With incidents like these in our own backyard, Hawley is eager to see wrongs be righted.

“Families deserve justice, plain and simple. Both here in Orleans County and across this state. I sincerely hope the governor agrees to our request and makes this process more transparent,” Hawley concluded.

Photo: File photo by Howard Owens

To increase school safety, Hawley backs more police, better mental health, hardened schools

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, C - Batavia) joined fellow legislators today in the presentation of new school safety proposals they hope to implement statewide. Following a statewide tour with input from several education professionals, mental health professionals, parents, law enforcement officials and the public, the Assembly Minority Task Force on School Safety & Security is offering changes to increase law enforcement’s presence in schools, better address mental health in schools and harden infrastructure at schools.

“We’ve seen too often, both in this state and nationwide, that our children are the primary victims of school attacks, yet we haven’t had a comprehensive response plan until now,” Hawley said. “My colleagues in the task force have done extensive research and collaborated with dozens of professionals across multiple disciplines to help find ways to fill in the cracks and look after our children better, and their proposals are all entrancing. I am fully committed to investigating and implementing these proposals to ensure our kids are safe as they do their work.”

Hawley himself is also pushing his legislation (A.2023), which will help recruit more retired experienced law enforcement officers to serve as school resource officers by increasing the outside income cap from $30,000 to $50,000. To combat the cost of employing these officers, a high percentage of it will be eligible for reimbursement by the state.

“New York’s children are amazing, achieving trailblazers. They deserve all the opportunities to succeed in a safe and protected environment. We can provide that to them here and now,” Hawley concluded. The Assemblyman’s further comments can be viewed here.

Hawley calls for changes to 2018's 'Raise the Age' reforms

By Press Release

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, C - Batavia) joined a coalition of assembly members and district attorneys from across the state and on both sides of the political aisle, to call for an end to the dangerous ”Raise the Age” law that has been in place in New York since 2018. The law was designed to keep 16- and 17-year-olds arrested for violent felonies from being convicted of those felonies by keeping their cases in family court rather than the Youth Part of the Superior Court.

The felonies that fall under this category range from sex offenses to dangerous weapon offenses and even making terroristic threats. This law has provided a loophole for more organized crime by providing an incentive to recruit adolescents into their fold, as their sentences often end up being lighter and their records sealed in family court. Hawley wants to close this loophole.

“Violent crime is violent crime, plain and simple, and if adolescents are going to commit violent crime, they must face consequences,” Hawley said. “It’s an unfortunate feedback loop that kids are being indoctrinated into criminal activity because of the way the law is written to leave them facing minor consequences, and it falls to the state government to close that loop before more people get hurt.”

According to the Department of Criminal Justice Services, in 2021, only 257 of the 3,303 arrests of adolescents for violent crimes received a conviction. Those arrested include 112 cases of homicide, 80 cases for sexual offenses, 587 cases for firearm offenses, 691 cases for robbery, 213 cases for burglary and 20 cases for making a terroristic threat.

“This law treats the offender as the primary victim rather than those who are afflicted by the committed crimes. It is wrong to continue operating this state in this way. We must repeal Raise the Age,” Hawley concluded.

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