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Beth Parlato

McMurray calls on Parlato to turn down judge position in apparent quid pro quo to drop off November ballot

By Press Release

Press release:

Democratic candidate Nate McMurray released the following statement as reports circulated that Wednesday, Aug. 12th, Conservative candidate Beth Parlato would vacate her ballot line in NY-27. Under significant pressure from GOP party bosses, Parlato is reportedly willing to accept a nomination for a State Supreme Court judgeship using an often abused loophole in New York election law.

“I do not agree with Beth on much, but I admire her strength and tenacity. The same party bosses that attacked her and pressured her to bow to Jacobs in the primary want a unified political machine because they’re nervous about Jacobs in November. She told them ‘No’ before, and I hope she’ll do it again.”

McMurray hopes that Parlato stays true to her principles regarding party corruption.

“I talked with Beth a few times, and she was as disgusted by these party insiders as I was. These are the same men who made excuses for Chris Lee, still defend Chris Collins, teamed up against David Bellavia, and traded their principles for Jacobs’ deep pockets — a guy who up until a couple of months ago didn’t have a conservative bone in his body.

"She knows Jacobs is a fake. She knows that his allegiance isn’t to conservative morals or Republican ideals, his only loyalty is to the pursuit of money and power. I hope today she won’t do what Jacobs has done so many times, changing herself and her positions on a dime for political expediency.”

The Batavian attempted to give Parlato a chance to respond. We sent an email to her campaign email address and the email bounced. We sent a direct message through Facebook to her campaign more than 24 hours ago and the message doesn't appear to have even been read. 

In Election Day voting, Jacobs trounces competition with tens of thousands of absentee ballots yet to be counted

By Howard B. Owens

In walk-in voting on Election Day in Genesee County, Chris Jacobs far outpolled his opponents in the special election race to fill the vacant NY-27 race, getting 4,536 votes in the unofficial tally to 1,565 for Nate McMurray and 155 for Duane Whitmer.

Jacobs has declared victory in the NY-27 race and McMurray has said that with far more absentee ballots to be counted than were cast on election day it's premature to say who won and who lost the race.

In the GOP primary for the same seat, Jacobs received 2,473 votes from Genesee County residents to 1,099 for Darien resident Beth Parlato and 340 votes for Stefan Mychajliw.

Districtwide, the Buffalo News reports that Jacobs garnered 70 percent of the walk-in votes to 28 percent for McMurray and has a 30,639 vote lead with 65,509 absentee ballots to be counted.

That count could take a week or more but the Jacobs campaign contends it is mathematically impossible for McMurray to close the gap.

In the GOP primary, Jacobs currently has 25,668 votes to 8,644 for Parlato and 7,190 votes for Mychajliw.

Jacobs, McMurray, and Mychajliw have all issued statements about the election results. We've not received a statement yet from Parlato nor Whitmer.


Chris Jacobs has declared victory in the Special and Republican Primary for New York’s 27th Congressional District and is releasing the following statement: 

“We did it, it has been a long, challenging and ever-changing election, nevertheless the people of Western New York made their voices heard overwhelmingly for strong, conservative leadership! With the commanding lead I have amassed; I am confident in declaring victory in both the Special and Primary elections.

"Now I am looking forward to getting to Congress and getting right to work fighting alongside our great President for the people of Western New York. I would like to thank all the volunteers, supporters, party leaders, and elected officials who have worked so hard to make this happen, and I would especially like to thank President Trump for his early and consistent support throughout this entire election, I am deeply grateful.”


Tonight, with thousands of ballots left unopened across the 27th Congressional District, millionaire Chris Jacobs declared a premature victory. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, a historic number of absentee and mail-in ballots still need to be counted. Absentee counting in most counties will not start until July 1st, and likely won't be completed for at least two weeks. 

 “How can you declare victory before the ballots are counted?” Nate McMurray said on Tuesday night. “There are more ballots still out there, uncounted, than people that voted in-person today. As we have always said, we will fight for every single vote. Chris always wanted to be crowned. The coronation will have to wait. They had to bring the whole Trump family into this to help drag him across the finish line. He can peacock. We will talk in two weeks.”


Congressional candidate Stefan I. Mychajliw Jr. released the following statement on the New York 27th Congressional District election results:

“I called Chris Jacobs a few minutes ago to congratulate him on his victory in the Republican Primary. I’m thankful for the support I’ve received in this race. We said it was important to let voters decide, and they have. While not victorious, I’m proud of the race we ran. We stayed above the fray, and ran a positive campaign on the issues. I’m a loyal Republican – always have been, always will be. Just like I have in the past, I will work hard to keep NY-27 in Republican hands in November."

UPDATE: Statement from Parlato:

"I got in this race to give every voter in NY-27 a choice, and that is exactly what we did. Although not victorious, I am grateful for each and every vote, prayer and supporter. We ran a tough campaign, and I’m proud of all that were involved. I look forward to campaigning for President Trump as we fight harder than ever to protect our freedoms and conservative values."

Erie County DA says he feels his office was 'used' in filing of complaint against Chris Jacobs

By Howard B. Owens

During a press conference in Buffalo today, while announcing he was not pursuing criminal charges against congressional candidate Chris Jacobs, Erie County DA John Flynn "called out" the anonymous person who filed a complaint against Jacobs for alleged "voter fraud."

"There is no doubt that I'm being used here to a certain extent," Flynn said. "I didn't just fall off the turnip truck, you know. I've been around for a long time. I've seen a lot of things. When I feel like I'm being used, I feel like someone is, put John Flynn aside, someone is using the District Attorney of Erie County and that bothers me a lot."

Flynn declined to name the complainant but said the complainant's failure to identify him or herself is once the complaint was made public -- through an anonymous tip to a Buffalo TV station -- didn't sit well with him.

"I think it's pretty weak that you won't let anyone know who you are," Flynn said. "I'm going to say that publicly and I know the person won't want to hear it and I say, 'too bad.'"

The person who made the complaint called Flynn directly, he said, and then Flynn's staff and that person's attorney exchanged emails about the allegations.

After reviewing the allegations, Flynn decided not to file charges against Jacobs.

The person making the complaint alleged that Jacobs circulated petitions last summer using an address for an Orchard Park house he had made a deposit on but had not yet purchased. If that were a crime, Flynn said, it would be offering a false instrument for filing. And if it were a crime, Flynn said, it would be outside his jurisdiction because the petitions were filed in Albany.

The two other allegations against Jacobs were that he registered to vote at the Orchard Park address on Sept. 3 but didn't close escrow on the property until the end of September. Then, he used that address as his voting address on Nov. 5 while maintaining another residence in Buffalo.

Flynn said Jacobs came into Flynn's office voluntarily and shared with the DA paperwork and information about maintaining two households. He purchased the house in Orchard Park and invested a substantial amount of money in renovations while also continuing to pay utilities on that residence. Meanwhile, after the pandemic hit, Jacobs decided to spend more time in Buffalo where he could be closer to his mother and assist her during the pandemic lockdown.

He said the evidence undercuts any claim that Jacobs might have had an intent to defraud anybody therefore his actions were not criminal.

"Under election law, it is legal to have two residences," Flynn said. "It was Jacobs who voluntarily came into my office and voluntarily gave me the whole story, he readily admitted he owns two homes, readily admitted during COVID-19 crisis he lived more so at home in Buffalo because his mother lives near him and he wanted to stay close by and help his mother

"He readily admitted he spent more time at his buffalo address," Flynn added. "That is not a crime. It is not a crime to have two residences. There is nothing the in law that says you have to live at one resident X-number of days or X-number of hours to have that declared as your residence."

Because Jacobs invested a substantial amount of money in the other house and because he has continued to pay the utility bills there, there is no "aura of a sham," which would be necessary, he said, to prove an election fraud case.

Jacobs issued the following statement following the announcement:

Chris Jacobs is releasing the following statement in response to DA Flynn’s dropping of the false complaint.

“I want to thank D.A. Flynn for his swift dismissal of Beth Parlato’s phony complaint. And I further want to thank D.A. Flynn for allowing me to come in of my own volition and present him with complete documentation that completely disproves these attacks from Beth Parlato.” 

“It’s now clear Beth Parlato orchestrated this stunt and abused the justice system solely as a political attack and to run a negative television attack ad. It’s shameful, but not surprising. Beth Parlato must immediately take down her false, negative ads. The voters of Western New York are a lot smarter than Beth Parlato thinks and I suspect they will reject her and her nasty, negative campaign on Tuesday.” 

The Batavian offered Beth Parlato a chance to respond to the Jacobs' allegation that she was behind the complaint and got no response to our email request.

Hours after news of a complaint was filed, Parlato released a campaign commercial that accused Jacobs was the subject of a criminal investigation. She also included the same accusation in a press release sent to The Batavian yesterday. There was no criminal investigation, as Flynn revealed today.

Parlato has not issued a statement regarding Flynn's decision to drop the complaint.

Stefan Mychajliw:

“My initial statement on this matter is just as relevant Thursday as it is today: the District Attorney and voters will pass final judgment on Chris Jacobs. Judgment has been passed by the District Attorney. Now, voters will decide for themselves who will be the Republican nominee for New York’s 27th Congressional District in November. Nevertheless, it is troubling to just now find out from the District Attorney that Chris Jacobs admittedly does not live in the 27th Congressional District."

Nate McMurray:

“It is concerning that in a day a complaint of voter and election fraud of a Congressional candidate and State Senator can be dropped, so quickly. No one knew about this until the local news reported it yesterday. Yet here we are, everything resolved with a 5:00 p.m. press conference on a Friday the weekend before an election--just hours after a visit from Jacobs and his attorneys,” said McMurray. 

“If only justice worked so swiftly for regular people, and not just people who can afford the best attorneys. I will tell you this, regardless of what loophole he used, what he did was meant to mislead. He knows. But the people of Western New York, most of us never get a break. Chris? He gets all the breaks,” said McMurray.

Speaking of misleading, McMurray posted this tweet this evening:

Months ago, pre COVID, I sat down with @howardowens for an hour long, no cut interview.

Jacobs refused.

— Nate McMurray for Congress 2020 (@Nate_McMurray) June 20, 2020

Jacobs did not refuse an interview with The Batavian. Jacobs, like McMurray, Parlato, Duane Whitmer, and Mychajliw, all participated in interviews.

NY-27 Candidate Interviews: Beth Parlato

By Howard B. Owens
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The Batavian interviewed candidates for NY-27 both in the special election and in the GOP primary.

Our original plan was to interview Chris Jacobs, Nate McMurray, and Duane Whitmer, running in the special election originally scheduled for April and later interview the GOP candidates.

With that in mind, we interviewed McMurray in February at the Richmond Memorial Library. Then the pandemic hit before we could schedule the next interviews.

We were unable to return to the project until late May, early June, at a time when interviews could only be conducted remotely. Outside of this different setting, we strove to conduct the interviews in a similar style.

The goal of the interviews is to try and uncover the political philosophies of the candidates and how that affects their thinking on some big issues.

This is the interview with Beth Parlato.

Jacobs, opponents for NY-27 wrangle over his residency last time he voted

By Howard B. Owens

Opponents of Chris Jacobs, the state senator from Erie County running for the vacated NY-27 congressional seat in a special election Tuesday, and in a GOP primary for the same seat on the same day, have jumped on news reports accusing Jacobs of registering to vote and voting at a residence in Orchard Park that he did not own and was not living in at the time.

The house is his current residence.

A spokeswoman for the Erie County District Attorney's Office confirmed this evening that the office did receive a complaint about Jacobs but said, in reference to a FOIL request for documents, the office had "no documents responsive to the request."

While one of Jacobs' opponents said Jacobs was now the subject of a "criminal investigation," the spokeswoman indicated there was no such investigation currently but that the matter was "under review."

Nate McMurray, running against Jacobs in the NY-27 special election, and Beth Parlato and Stefan Mychajliw., running against Jacobs in the GOP primary, all issued statements attacking Jacobs for "voter fraud."

Jacobs, in turn, called the attacks, "a desperate political stunt."  

Here are his statement and the statements of the other three candidates.


"This is nothing more than a desperate political stunt made by someone who is about to lose an election. My wife and I went under contract to purchase our home in Orchard Park on June 17th of 2019 and closed on our home on September 30 of 2019.

Desperate attacks by political opponents are not surprising – sadly they have become a standard part of politics.

We are grateful to the thousands of volunteers and supporters who have helped put us in position for a victory on Tuesday and we are looking forward to getting to work for the people of Western New York.”


“Chris Jacobs said Chris Collins would be ineffective due to the criminal investigation hanging over him. With a pending investigation by the Erie County District Attorney into potential criminal misconduct, Chris Jacobs should apply his own standard to himself. The District Attorney will pass judgement upon Chris Jacobs, and so will voters in Tuesday's Primary Election."


"I got in this race 11 months ago because we cannot trust career politicians.

Chris Lee resigned in disgrace. Chris Collins resigned in disgrace and is heading to prison. Now, Chris Jacobs has not even made it to Congress yet, and he is under criminal investigation.

The last thing we need is another career politician embarrassing our district and bringing shame to the hardworking, honorable people of NY-27. We deserve better.

We need to bring integrity back to this seat.

I am calling on Chris to put the people first, to do what is right, and remove his name from both the special election and primary ballots."


Western New Yorkers were shocked to learn endorsed Republican candidate for the NY- 27 Congressional District Chris Jacobs was called out for alleged voter and election fraud.

The Erie County District Attorney received a complaint against Jacobs including the following allegations: that Jacobs was registered to vote in the Orchard Park District before owning his home, that he voted from the newly registered home less than 30 days before owning the home, and that he filed primary residence documents that he lived within the 27th District before doing so.

Democratic congressional candidate Nate McMurray joined Republican candidate Beth Parlato in calling for Jacobs to pull out of the race.

“After so much corruption here on the 27th, we now have another endorsed Republican candidate who appears to be lying to the voters already. He has high paid consultants. This was no accident. It’s fraud.

The people of this district cannot afford another entitled and detached millionaire. He’s proving he’s nothing more than that, and he shouldn’t be in office. I call on Chris Jacobs to do the right thing and drop out of this race,” said Nate McMurray.

Parlato calls on Jacobs to debate in NY-27 race

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

''It's been three weeks now since my opponent, Chris Jacobs, backed out of debating me. With the primary election right around the corner, I have one question to ask my opponent. Chris, what are you so afraid of? Debate me! This is your last chance to prove to the voters that you are not a bought and paid for career politician. I'll tell you what, you and Nick Langworthy set it up however you want. You make the rules, you pick the date, the location, the time -- I'll be there! Or, you can hide from the voters until Election Day. Your choice!

"We need transparency in leadership. As a resident of NY-27 for 53 years, I am sick of career politicians who serve themselves and not the people. We need leaders with convictions, integrity, and passion.The voters of NY-27 deserve this! I know he doesn’t want his liberal voting record exposed, but he owes it to the voters to explain the blatant lies coming out of his campaign."

Jacobs accused Parlato of touting fake endorsement, Parlato calls him a liar

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Divorce lawyer Beth Parlato, who on Friday was forced to pull an attack ad from the air after a published report concluded that Parlato faced the possibility of “a hefty fine and/or up to six months in jail” followed up the illegal ad with a mailing this weekend that included a fake endorsement.

Parlato’s weekend mailing includes the words “Endorsed Pro-Life Candidate” encircled by laurel wreath clip art and under a checkmark, but no actual endorsing organization is listed.

In fact, last week Chris Jacobs was endorsed by the National Right to Life, the nation's oldest and largest grassroots pro-life organization. (Jacobs for Congress, 5/11/20)

“Beth Parlato must think Republicans in New York’s 27th District are dumb,” Jacobs spokesman Christian Chase said. “Ads pulled from the air, ads with fake actors, and now a fake endorsement -- is anything about Beth Parlato’s campaign true?”

Parlato’s fake endorsement comes just days after pulling her illegal ad from the air, and the same week all eight Republicans chairs in the 27th District demanded Parlato “suspend (her) negative campaign and promote your own candidacy rather than viciously attacking others." (Buffalo News, 5/13/20

One county chair described Parlato’s negative campaign as “the continuation of a destructive behavior pattern for her own self-promotion,” and said it seems “like she's working with Nate McMurray." (Buffalo News, 5/13/20)

“Beth Parlato’s nasty, negative attacks and fake endorsements are moves straight out of the desperate candidate playbook,” Chase said. “Beth Parlato is doing everything she can to hand this seat to far-left liberal Nate McMurray and Republican voters won’t tolerate it.”

Response press release:

Beth Parlato, endorsed Conservative Republican for Congress in NY-27 released this statement:

“Chris Jacobs continues to show his weak candidacy for Congress. They have to lie to create anything to try and attack me. The weak, fake attacks are being sent to the media to hide the fact that Jacobs is scared to debate me on his liberal voting record. 

There is no illegal ad or fake endorsements. The truth is, I have been endorsed by The Conservative Party of New York State; Pro-Life Concerned Women for America, the largest public policy women’s organization in our nation; Pro-Life Moms for America, and many others. In fact, Chris Jacobs failed to receive the Conservative Party endorsement due to his pro-abortion stance.

Our campaign continues to run with integrity. We will not follow in Chris Jacob’s footsteps and put forth nasty, negative attacks, and outright lies. We will continue highlighting his liberal voting record where he voted to send our taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood and for Medicaid-funded abortions.”

UPDATED: Parlato says Jacobs is refusing to debate

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

“Channel 4 contacted me several weeks ago asking if I would accept their invitation to debate my primary challengers. Without hesitation, I responded yes, I would love to debate. I believe the voters in NY-27 deserve it. 

Yesterday, Channel 4 called to let me know that the debate has been canceled due to my opponent, Chris Jacobs, refusing to participate.

The career politician is refusing to debate me. Why? What is he hiding? Is he afraid that his liberal voting record will be exposed? 

If Jacobs is refusing to debate me, how can he debate anyone or stand up for anything in Congress? We cannot afford to have weak politicians. If he can’t even debate me, he certainly doesn’t have what it takes to stand up to AOC, Nancy Pelosi, or Chuck Schumer. 

We need someone in Congress with enough resolve to stand up for what’s right, a fighter, not afraid of a challenge. It’s time we have real representation. I am not going to back down from a fight. I am not going to back down from a debate. I will respond to questions because the voters deserve answers. They deserve to be informed.”

The Batavian received this response from the Jacobs campaign at 4:26 p.m.:

“We have agreed to participate in two formats with WIVB, one for the special and one for the primary. We had previously agreed to debate Nate McMurray and look forward to allowing voters to see the clear choice between Chris Jacobs -- a strong conservative leader, who has been endorsed by President Trump and will help the President secure our borders, get tough on China, and fight for Western New York -- and Nate McMurray who supports Bernie Sanders’ and AOC’s far-left socialist agenda.”

Jacobs says Parlato pulled 'illegal' ad, Parlato calls it a lie

By Howard B. Owens

Press release from the Chris Jacobs campaign:

Beth Parlato pulled an attack ad from the air today after a story published by WNYmedia Network indicated that Parlato faced the possibility of “a hefty fine and/or up to six months in jail” for violating federal laws related to misuse of IRS logos and hiring an actor to portray an IRS official.

“Parlato’s attack ad misses the mark in many ways, but most importantly, the ad prominently features the official IRS logo behind a really bad actor portraying himself as an IRS official. The use of the logo is a direct violation of Federal laws.” (WNYmedia Network, 5/14/20)

According to WNYmedia Network, “Parlato now finds herself facing the possibility of a hefty fine and/or up to six months in jail if the ad is not immediately removed.”

The report cited IRS guidelines that specifically indicate that “Failure to comply with or knowingly violate IRS Design Standards, or using any logo in an unethical way are subject to any of the legal ramifications denoted in IRM, Legal Authority.”

Parlato pulled the illegal ad from the air, just two days the Republicans chairs in the 27th District have demanded that Parlato “suspend (her) negative campaign and promote your own candidacy rather than viciously attacking others." (Buffalo News, 5/13/20)

One county chair described Parlato’s negative campaign as “the continuation of a destructive behavior pattern for her own self-promotion,” and said it seems “like she's working with Nate McMurray." (Buffalo News, 5/13/20)

But Parlato replaced the illegal IRS ad with another negative attack ad that also uses an actor to make fake and misleading claims.

Statement from Beth Parlato:

Sadly, it’s no surprise to me that within an hour of declining to debate me Chris Jacobs would push this lie citing a Never Trumper website. He’s lying now just as he has lied before to cover up his liberal record in Albany. Also, we fully delivered our ad and it was time to move on to the next message in our progression.

NOTE: The IRS guidelines mentioned in the press release do not pertain to third-party use of IRS logos. They are part of a standards document -- common in marketing -- created to guide employees and vendors in the use of IRS material to promote the IRS. Quote from the same document:

All IRS employees, contractors, and service providers are required to abide by all established standards and report any misuse immediately to M&P.

CLARIFICATION: In a previous paragraph at the end of this story, we said we couldn't find evidence that the use of the IRS logo was "illegal." We should note, that under U.S. Code, there are provisions for criminal prosecution of copyright infringement. Copyright cases are, however, usually civil matters. Trademark infringement is a civil matter, Again, "fair use" in copyright would come into play. Fair use is a complex legal question for a court to decide.

Jacobs highlights Parlato's 'negative' campaign

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

As first reported by the Buffalo News, the Republican chairs in the 27th District have demanded that Beth Parlato “suspend (her) negative campaign and promote your own candidacy rather than viciously attacking others." (Buffalo News, 5/13/20

“GOP leaders say they imposed one requirement on candidates interviewing for the 27th Congressional District seat back in January: refrain from attacks on fellow Republicans. Now those same chairmen from the district's eight counties accuse Beth A. Parlato, the family law attorney competing in the June 23rd Republican primary, of breaking her promise with "nasty, negative" mailings and television ads aimed at Christopher L. Jacobs…” (Buffalo News, 5/13/20

“…party leaders say Parlato's jabs at Jacobs could threaten his efforts to win a special election against Democrat Nate McMurray..” (Buffalo News, 5/13/20

" 'We respectfully ask that you keep your commitment to run a positive campaign that avoids dividing the vote and potentially costing the Republican Party a member of Congress in the special election,' the leaders told Parlato. 'Please suspend your negative campaign and promote your own candidacy rather than viciously attacking others.' The letter is signed by all eight leaders of the district's Republican committees."(Buffalo News, 5/13/20)

“Republican chairs in the district said by running those ads, Parlato is squelching on a promise she made during the special election candidate nomination process.” (Spectrum News, 5/14/20

“Ontario County Republican Chairwoman Trisha Turner, speaking for the leaders' group, said Wednesday she is 'deeply offended' by the Parlato efforts and insists they represent a broken promise.” (Buffalo News, 5/13/20)

" 'No one's ever told her to get out, not to run, just not to do something that would be destructive to a special election and she committed to that and she's broken that commitment,' Turner says.” (Spectrum News, 5/14/20)

…"You pay people a lot of money to create that kind of negative imagery," Turner said, adding that attacks against a fellow Republican competing against McMurray at the same time as the primary are inappropriate. Turner also noted Parlato's earlier criticism of Robert G. Ortt, the North Tonawanda state senator who dropped out of the race after losing the party nod to Jacobs and whom Turner originally supported.” (Buffalo News, 5/13/20)

One county chair described Parlato’s negative campaign as “the continuation of a destructive behavior pattern for her own self-promotion,” and said it seems “like she's working with Nate McMurray." (Buffalo News, 5/13/20)

Parlato's ads draw fire from GOP chairs, Chris Jacobs, and support from McMurray

By Howard B. Owens

Press release from Chris Jacobs campaign:

As first reported yesterday by the Buffalo News, all eight Republican chairs in the 27th District have signed a letter to Parlato demanding she “suspend your negative campaign and promote your own candidacy rather than viciously attacking others."

Parlato’s attack ads have been described as “negative” and “nasty.”

“Beth Parlato gave her word last year not to run a negative campaign and not to work to split the vote to hand our congressional seat to a liberal Democrat. Now she’s broken that pledge. We shouldn’t be surprised. Throughout this campaign Beth Parlato has done nothing but attack other candidates, first Rob Ortt and now Chris Jacobs. This is the mark of a desperate candidate. We will not let Beth Parlato succeed in her effort to elect a liberal Democrat to our seat in Congress.”  - Christian Chase, Jacobs for Congress

Press release from Nate McMurray campaign:

“Do the same good old boys network of party bosses and insiders that brought shame to Western NY by fighting for and electing disgraced former Congressman Chris Lee and Chris Collins really expect NY-27 to fall in line...again? They have no credibility. Their attacks on Parlato show weakness, sexism, and hypocrisy.  

"The party machine’s double standard here is laughable. Where were the fainting couches and tissues when Jacobs' aired his lying, racist attack ads against me, which Politifact debunked. And let’s not forget who they really fawn over: Trump. The man whose whole political identity is based on nastiness and name-calling. 

"I don’t agree with Beth Parlato on pretty much anything, but I like how she’s standing up to these bullies. Democracy is not a coronation, and these self-appointed kingmakers need to be humbled. They’re scared of me, but they might be more scared of her. Jacobs’ billions can buy the love of party bosses, but it can’t buy backbone. NY-27 might finally have the people’s showdown in November,” said Nate McMurray.

Other candidates finding it difficult to keep pace with fundraising, and self-funding, of Chris Jacobs

By Howard B. Owens

When she first jumped into the race for the NY-27 congressional seat, Darien resident Beth Parlato got off to a fast start in fundraising from individual donors.

She raised $271,000 in eight weeks. Her campaign coffers now stand at $554,153.62, which includes some PAC money and a personal loan but so far that isn't half of the $1,253,465.46 Chris Jacobs has in his campaign account.

Parlato said she knows what she's up against in trying to win a congressional seat against a candidate who can afford to drop $446,000 of his own money into his quest for a seat in D.C. So when the novel coronavirus swept through New York and she was forced to cancel five fundraisers, Parlato took what she thought was the next most sensible route to keep her effort financed. She borrowed $150,000 against her property on Seven Day Road.

That loan, which she turned around and loaned to her campaign, promoted a reader to contact The Batavian and suggest the loan violated Federal Election Commission rules.

At first blush, based on language on the FEC site, that might seem true.

When a candidate obtains a bank loan for use in connection with his or her campaign, the loan is considered to be from the bank and not from the candidate's personal funds.

However, two experts in campaign finance interviewed by The Batavian for this story said Parlato's use of money obtained from a second mortgage to make a personal campaign loan is legal.

"It's her personal money," said Paul Cole, a Republican who was once heavily involved in WNY politics, working for Tom Reynolds and Chris Lee before running David Bellavia's 2012 primary campaign. He is not currently involved with any congressional campaign.

"She's going to be personally responsible for paying back that banknote regardless of what happens in terms of the campaign," Cole said. "She's going to have to pay back that loan."

While the campaign, if it raises enough money, can repay the loan to Parlato, if the campaign for any reason can't raise enough money to pay back the loan, Cole said Parlato is still personally responsible to repay the money to the bank.

Michael E. Toner, an election law attorney in Washington, D.C., also said it is legal for a candidate to take out a second mortgage on his or her own property and then loan that money for a loan to his or her campaign.

A footnote on the FEC site also indicates such a loan is permissible:

The personal funds of a candidate include: Assets which the candidate has a legal right of access to or control over, and which he or she has legal title to or an equitable interest in, at the time of candidacy ...

Parlato, who is endorsed by the Conservative Party and is running the GOP primary, has raised $376,691 from individual contributors. She collected another $11,000 from political action committees.

Jacobs, the endorsed Republican in the special election and also a candidate in the primary, has raised $720,856 from individual contributors. He's also raised -- from PACs, other congressional campaigns, and corporations -- $85,699.

The other Republican in the race is Stefan Mychajliw, who has raised $75,576. He's loaned his campaign $465.

Democrat Nate McMurray, running in both the special election and unopposed in the Democratic primary, has raised $527,886. He's received more than $30,000 from PACs and has not loaned his campaign any money.

The Libertarian candidate is Duane Whitmer, who has raised more than $20,000, half of which comes from a loan from himself to his campaign.

CORRECTION:  Parlato is not a candidate in the special election, as previously stated.

NY-27 candidate Parlato says her campaign is here to serve the most vulnerable during coronavirus crisis

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Beth Parlato, Conservative Republican candidate in the NY-27 congressional district race, today released the following statement regarding the COVID-19 pandemic:

“COVID-19 is not a political problem or a partisan problem. This is an American problem. It’s a world problem. It’s a pandemic. And it needs to be taken seriously, especially for the elderly and those with compromised immune systems.

"With that, our campaign is shifting our focus to assisting the most vulnerable and those in need in NY-27 during the coronavirus crisis.

"I will not sit idly by as our neighbors are struggling. We are here to serve the community. Our campaign will be using our website as a resource for those in need. Anyone in need in NY-27 can submit a request for essential food and household items. We will be fielding requests, collecting donations, organizing volunteers and deliveries to our vulnerable neighbors who cannot leave their homes.

"You can sign up for assistance, to volunteer or donate items at

"We are in this together. We will get through this together.”

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Parlato criticizes selection of Jacobs by GOP chairs, promises primary in June

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Yesterday, the county chairs held a closed-door meeting to pick career politician Chris Jacobs for the GOP ballot in the special election. This decision does not reflect the voice of the voters of NY27. Jacobs has voted to raise taxes and fees, funded planned parenthood, has been weak on the Second Amendment and voted to provide free college tuition. As a Republican in name only, he is the wrong fit for the constituents in the reddest district in New York State. 

As the true conservative, our message has resonated with voters. In six short days, we had over 2,500 voters sign our pick Parlato petition. Our campaign has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars, our grassroots continue to build and we are gaining momentum as our movement continues to motivate and excite voters throughout the district.

We believe the voters deserve to have their voices heard. Therefore, we will continue our campaign and look forward to winning the Republican nomination in the June primary.

Bills legend Jim Kelly endorses Beth Parlato

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Buffalo Bills Quarterback and Hall of Famer Jim Kelly endorsed conservative Beth Parlato as his choice in the NY-27 congressional race over the weekend, calling Parlato the “strong conservative” who is best positioned to win the special election.

“President [Trump], my wife, Jill ,and I are supporting [Beth Parlato] for our district #NY27. Our daughters grew up together; we know her and trust her to stand for what matters most. She’s a strong conservative/republican we believe can win special [election 4/28],” Kelly said.

— Jim Kelly (@JimKelly1212) Jan. 19, 2020

Beth Parlato announces endorsement by VIEW PAC

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Beth Parlato, Republican candidate for Congress in NY-27, has received the endorsement of powerful Republican women’s group VIEW PAC following a successful meeting in Washington, D.C., earlier this month. In addition to a formal endorsement, Parlato has also received the maximum financial support allowed from VIEW PAC.

Julie Conway, an influential GOP operative and executive director of VIEW PAC, said “Beth Parlato is not only what the Republican Party needs – an outspoken woman on the right side of the issues, but also what voters want – a fresh-faced political outsider determined to do right by her constituents rather than build a political future for herself.

"In a district that voted overwhelmingly for President Trump, Beth’s unapologetically conservative message and life resume as a business owner and judge make her a clear favorite in this Primary and someone who will ensure that New York’s 27th District remains in Republican hands.”

Parlato, a first-time candidate for political office, was humbled by Conway’s words.

“VIEW PAC has done incredible work getting strong Republicans elected and I am honored that they have chosen to endorse me," Parlato said. "I won’t disappoint them just like I won’t disappoint the voters in my district.”

Beth adds this latest endorsement to her list of supporters, which include other conservative groups as well as beloved Hall of Fame Quarterback for the Buffalo Bills' Jim Kelly and more. Additional endorsements of Parlato’s candidacy are slated for the coming months.

Beth Parlato signs term limit pledge

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

This week Beth Parlato, Republican candidate for Congress in New York’s 27th Congressional District, signed U.S. Term Limits’ pledge to support legislation limiting the number of terms a member can serve in Congress.

The former judge and first-time candidate made the news public in a Facebook video in which she proudly declared her support for term limits, differentiating herself from Washington career politicians.

“I’m all for term limits. We need to keep Congress moving and finally get something done,” said Parlato on signing the pledge. “We have members preaching socialism on the left and need more people fighting back from a place of sanity. We can’t elect somebody afraid to rock the status quo. That’s why I’m running.”

“Beth’s support of term limits shows that there are individuals who are willing to put self-interest aside to follow the will of the people. America needs a Congress that will be served by citizen legislators, not career politicians,” said U.S. Term Limits President Philip Blumel.

Parlato, the only political newcomer in the race, made waves with her impressive first fundraising quarter when she raised more than $270,000 with no fundraising consultants or outside help. Now she is using the momentum of her campaign as a platform to advocate for the serious reforms needed to rid Congress of corruption.

Parlato announces more than $270K raised so far in campaign for NY-27

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

State and national Republicans, who have vowed to recruit and support more women for public office, may have found their strongest contender just outside of Buffalo.

In just two months, conservative Beth Parlato shattered expectations by raising an astounding $270,000 in her bid to replace Chris Collins in New York’s 27th District.

“I’ve been a part of this community my entire life," Parlato said. "I’m humbled by the generosity and support our campaign has received so far."

Parlato’s fundraising haul is especially impressive because, while traditional sources of Republican funding stayed on the sidelines before Congressman Collins announced his resignation, she managed to unearth an entirely new donor base within the district that had never given to a Congressional candidate before. 

With all of these new Republican donors on her first filing, Parlato has established herself as a firebrand with a unique ability to expand and build out the party. According to the first-time political candidate, she has only just scratched the surface.

“We still have big fundraising events ahead of us so I’m very confident we’ll have the resources to run an aggressive campaign,” she said.

Parlato, a former judge and frequent Fox News contributor, gives Republicans their most credible opportunity to elect a conservative woman to Congress.

“We’re organized, we’re funded and we have tremendous support from our community. That sets us up. I’m conservative and I live in the district. That’s what sets us apart,” noting that she is the only announced candidate who actually lives in the 27th District.

The resignation of Congressman Collins will require Governor Cuomo to call a special election to fill the vacancy. Republican leaders from the eight counties in the district must choose their party’s nominee – a process that will certainly test the GOP commitment to recruiting more women to run for office.

“I’m the only female in the race, but what I think matters more to Republican voters is that I’m the only conservative in the race,” Parlato said.

Collins has new primary challenger in NY-27

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Buffalo — She’s spent a career as a champion for families. Now, Beth Parlato is a candidate for Congress. Conservative activist Beth Parlato announced her candidacy for the Republican nomination in New York’s 27th Congressional District today.

The family law attorney and former judge promised to be a new, conservative voice in Congress.

“I’m concerned about the direction of our country," Parlato said. "Even as we see the evidence of a booming economy that continues to lift up every American, the loudest voices on the left are pushing socialist policies that will destroy jobs and devastate families. Now is not the time to go backwards.”

Beth Parlato has decades of experience. As a family law attorney and Judge, Beth has seen up close the struggles that families are dealing with.

“I’ve seen so many difficult situations,” Parlato said. “Families are in crisis and it’s taken a toll on our country; when our families are hurting, so is our nation.”

Parlato is also a recognized leader in the conservative movement. She is a regular contributor on Fox News and her leadership roles in Moms for America and Concerned Women for America have given her a large national voice to fight for conservative values.

“Christian and traditional values are mocked and the loudest voices on the left seem to have a disdain for America. We need a conservative alternative to what they call ‘the squad.’ In Congress, I’ll be that new voice.”

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