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Chapin, Max Pies honored as historic businesses in New York

By Press Release
max pies and steve hawley
Steve Pies, Phil Pies, and Assemblyman Steve Hawley
Photo by Howard Owens
Andris Chapin and Assemblyman Steve Hawley
Submitted photo

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, C-Batavia) was proud to honor Chapin International and Max Pies Furniture, two staple businesses in Western New York, on Tuesday, Oct. 29, for being officially designated on the New York Historic Business Preservation Registry (HBPR). Established in 1920, the HBPR highlights the legacy of local businesses that have made a significant impact in their communities, offering them recognition and support to continue growing and serving the public.

On Tuesday, Oct. 29, Assemblyman Hawley presented certificates to both businesses in honor of their recognition. This recognition represents their long-standing service and dedication to their community, enriching the Batavia area.

Assemblyman Hawley admires the businesses, stating, “Both Chapin International and Max Pies Furniture have built a legacy of hard work, integrity and service to the people of Batavia and the greater part of Western New York. Recognizing these historic businesses is about honoring their contributions to our communities and supporting their continued success,” said Hawley. “Their presence has been a pillar in Batavia, and I am honored to celebrate their achievements.”

The Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Commissioner Pro Tempore Randy Simons said, “The New York State Historic Business Preservation Registry is a remarkably diverse collection of businesses across the state that have demonstrated generations of dedication to their local economies and communities. We welcome the opportunity to recognize businesses like Max Pies Furniture Company through this honorific program and appreciate receiving nominations from state elected officials to help this registry grow. With more than 200 businesses now listed, it is a fascinating history lesson on New Yorkers’ ongoing ambition, ingenuity and perseverance.”

The Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Commissioner Pro Tempore Randy Simons said, “The New York State Historic Business Preservation Registry is a remarkably diverse collection of businesses across the state that have demonstrated generations of dedication to their local economies and communities. We welcome the opportunity to recognize businesses like Chapin Manufacturing through this honorific program and appreciate receiving nominations from state elected officials, who will help this registry continue to grow. With over 200 businesses now listed, it is a fascinating history lesson on New Yorkers’ ambition, ingenuity, and perseverance.”

Tenney claims victory in NY-24 race

By Press Release
Claudia Tenney
File photo

Press release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney decisively won the 2024 General Election for NY-24.
“I am honored by the overwhelming support from the voters of NY-24 tonight. Our grassroots campaign was able to reach voters in every corner of this new district with our message of economic growth, a secure border and safe streets,” Tenney said. “Since representing NY-24, our office has delivered millions for this community, stood up for local taxpayers against oppressive governments in Albany and Washington and remain the only Member of Congress to explain every vote I take on the House Floor in detail. Our unparalleled transparency and aggressive advocacy have resonated with voters across all party lines. While our election may be over, the fight has just begun to ensure President Trump’s victory tonight along with key Congressional Districts. As the founder and Chair of the Election Integrity Caucus, we will continue to closely monitor the swing states and swing districts to ensure that only legal votes are counted," Tenney continued.

At the time of this release, Claudia Tenney held a commanding lead.

Pub Coffee Hub owner sad to close, but ready to move on

By Joanne Beck
File Photo of Rob Credi
Photo by Howard Owens

Pub Coffee Hub owner Rob Credi has mixed but confident feelings about his latest decision to close the shop at 56 Harvester Ave., Batavia, after a four-year run.

Credi announced the news on social media Tuesday and talked to The Batavian about prioritizing his work and family life. Pub Coffee Hub will close on Nov. 16.

“There’s nothing wrong with the business; it’s a profitable business. I think that we really exceeded my expectations. I feel like we really hit the ceiling for as how much we can grow in this space. I was actively looking for somewhere to move the coffee shop to, which is why I was originally engaged in conversations with (realtor) Gavin when the whole Gilliana's thing came up. But there wasn’t really anything that was worth moving the whole shop into … that would give us the greatest opportunity to expand and grow. So that was my first choice was to move it somewhere … and the second option was to see if someone wanted to take it over, whether it was buying the business as a whole and continuing this Pub Hub or just buying the assets and starting their own coffee shop,” Credit said, explaining that nothing worked out for any of those options. “And ultimately, you know, my life will be so much easier if I just wash my hands and call it a day. It’s been a great run. No regrets. We did incredibly well, and I’m happy with what we were able to do.

“So 99% of me is very sad, but the 1% is like, selfishly speaking, happy to get that off of my plate,” he said. “It’s nice because my staff is great; they really do run the day-to-day for me, but there’s still so much that I still need to do that they can’t do for me. So, being able to take that off my plate, we prioritize my young son at home, more that I want to be more available for, and then with my actual full-time job and everything, it’s just going to make my life a little bit easier.”

He currently has five part-time staff, and he is very grateful to them for being dedicated workers, as he is the customers, many who were regulars and most likely will continue to get their coffee and food orders up to the last day of closing, which is Nov. 16, he said. 

Credi considered staying open a while longer, but he didn’t want to get into the holiday season, when Pub Hub sold a lot of gift cards, and then have to deal with closing later and the potential for issuing refunds and unused cards. So, mid-November would give a couple of weeks’ notice to everyone and not get into that, he said.

An entrepreneur at heart, Credi bucked the odds by opening the coffee shop on the east end of town, moving into the Harvester Center complex formerly occupied by Moon Java and building up a business frequented not only by coffee lovers but by folks who enjoyed mingling and meeting and conducting business and arts events. He served as a spokesman of sorts when the avenue was torn up and parking became an issue, advocating for better communication between small businesses and municipal leaders. 

Credi also opened the Crapshoot Kitchen & Commissary and Xavmen Ramen just down the street in the same complex, closing them after a stint of finding some success with the takeout ramen place and hosting a Puerto Rican takeout restaurant for a short time. 

He continues to serve as business manager for Shush Wine Bar LLC (the actual name will change once opened next spring 2025) at 41 Jackson St. in the former Gilliana’s restaurant, in downtown Batavia, and looks forward to that venture owned by Bonnie Woodward and family. 

Throughout all of his endeavors, Credi understands and appreciates the patronage of loyal customers. On social media, he expressed how “incredibly grateful” he is for the support of his family, wife, customer base, and “trustworthy” staff.

“I couldn’t have taken it on without them,” he said,” “for making Pub Hub what it was.”

Photo: Jackson School first grader rides to school in fire truck

By Howard B. Owens
city fire coloring contest
Photo by Howard Owens

Isabell Herdlein, a 1st grader at Jackson Primary School, rode to school today in City Fire's ladder truck as her prize for winning the department's annual coloring contest at her school.  Joining her in the photo with the firefighters is her teacher, Lexi Wahr.

Photos: Election Day in Batavia

By Howard B. Owens
batavia polling places
Ward 5 and Ward 6 (District 06-01) Ascension Parish, 15 Sumner St., Batavia.
Photo by Howard Owens

It's Election Day 2024 across the nation, and all polls are open in Genesee County. 

As one voter noted this morning, with the good weather, there's no excuse not to vote (if you haven't already).

Polls close at 9 p.m.

batavia polling places
Ward 1, The Salvation Army, 529 East Main St., Batavia.
Photo by Howard Owens
batavia polling places
Ward 3, Senior Center, 2 Bank St., Batavia
Photo by Howard Owens
batavia polling places
Ward 2, Richmond Memorial Library, 19 Ross St., Batavia
Photo by Howard Owens
batavia polling places
Ward 6, District 06-02, 400 Towers, 400 East Main St., Batavia.
Photo by Howard Owens
batavia polling places
Ward 4, ARC Community Center, 38 Woodrow Road, Batavia.
Photo by Howard Owens

Proposed Genesee County budget has $6.2M hike, with tax decrease

By Joanne Beck
Matt Landers state of emergency
2023 File Photo of Genesee County Manager Matt Landers
Photo by Joanne Beck

Lagging sales tax growth was the biggest challenge in drafting a proposed Genesee County budget, Matt Landers says. For 2025, the budget has tacked on $6.2 million more from this year’s total to accommodate several cost increases.

The county manager has carved out a budget of $189,249,435, which includes a tax rate of $7.57 — a 51-cent decrease from the current rate of $8.08 due to increased property assessments, he said this week.

“Large drivers of the increased budget were New York State retirement increases, health care cost increases, jail operating cost increases, preschool supportive health services program cost increases, assigned counsel cost increases, just to name some,” he said Monday to The Batavian. 

A budget presentation will be held at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Courthouse Chambers of the Old County Courthouse, 7 Main St., Batavia. 

The budget increase is 3.4% more than from the 2024 adopted budget due to those increases and a lack of sales tax growth “to help offset the various cost increases,” Landers said.

If this budget is adopted by the county Legislature, it would mean an annual bill of $757 for a property assessed at $100,000, versus this year's tab of $808, for a decrease of $51 if a homeowner has not had a property assessment increase.

However, if a home's value went up from $100,000 to $125,000, it would mean that home that cost a yearly $808 would now cost $946.25, for an overall yearly increase of $138.25 due to that increased assessment. 

A brand new $70 million county jail on Route 5 has meant a debt service for several years to come, and those payments began in 2023. However, there are other considerations to go along with the larger size and responsibilities of the facility, Landers said. 

“The proposed budget has ten new correction officer positions created for the new county jail,” he said. “The medical costs at the jail are increasing due to the utilization of an additional contracted nurse in the 2025 budget.”

Which department raised the most concern in terms of cost?
“Jail, preschool supportive health services cost increases in which the county Public Health Department oversees, assigned counsel cost increases and 730 mental health restoration costs are all areas that continue to be closely monitored,” he said.

As an example of the increases, preschool program costs have gone from the 2024 budget of $2.7 million to the proposed 2025 budget of $4.6 million due to the program's rising demands and related costs of transportation, personnel, and benefits.

During his annual report to the Legislature in February, Public Health Director Paul Pettit discussed how transportation, in particular, was driving up pre-school costs, projecting a tab of nearly $1 million for busing alone in 2024.

Transportation and center program costs have been rising as an "underfunded mandate," Pettit had said.

“One of the drivers that’s really expensive is that more kids get referred.  You probably saw on the governor's proposal she's proposing a 5 percent rate increase across the board. And then there's a 4 percent rider for rural counties, which we would fall under that bucket. So that'd be a 9 percent rate increase for early intervention,” he said. “And this is one of those programs that, again, we don't have a lot of control over the services that are provided.” 

Landers has earmarked $1.14 million for preschool transportation in 2025. Mental health court is slated for an extra $200,000 in 2025, for a total of $500,000.

How is the water project fitting in -- debt service, the planning for work to be done this next year? 
“Besides the annual $515,000 General Fund contribution to water from sales tax, which has been taking place for 20+ years, all operations of the water fund continue to be paid for out of operating revenues of the water fund,” he said. “Planning continues for Phase 3 of the water system.”

Circumstances may not have been perfect, but Landers is pleased with what he plans to present on Wednesday, he said.

“I am happy with the efforts made by my department heads and staff to deliver responsible budget requests that meet the demands of the community while providing quality service and do so in an efficient manner,” he said. “I would say the reduction in sales tax is a challenge that doesn’t present itself very often, which makes this budget a little more unique.” 

The Legislature will meet on Nov. 13 to discuss the budget and include any public feedback to make further recommendations if necessary. The Ways & Means Committee will then review the budget and refer it to the full Legislature for vote. A vote to adopt the budget is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Nov. 25 in Courthouse Chambers. 

Photos: Alabama Fire Department annual awards banquet

By Kara Richenberg
Festive ugly sweaters worn by attendees during Alabama Fire Department's annual awards banquet Saturday.
Photo by Kara Richenberg
President's Award - Rising Star -  Nicky Stefanski 
Photo by Kara Richenberg
President's Award - Rising Star - Colleen Nelson
Submitted Photo
Top Responder Award - Alex Summers - 90 calls
Photo by Kara Richenberg
Rookie of the Year Award - James Nichols
Photo by Kara Richenberg
Service Award - Ryan Thompson
Photo by Kara Richenberg
Firefighter of the Year Award - Presented posthumously to the family of Anthony (Tony) Mudrzynski.
Photo by Kara Richenberg
EMS Award - Provider of the Year - Terry Thompson (right) with Brianna Smith (left)
Photo by Kara Richenberg
Induction of officers.
Photo by Kara Richenberg.

Not pictured:

Top 10 Responders were Alex Summers, 90; Ryan Thompson, 85; Todd Thompson, 85; James Nichols, 83; Rob Crossen, 78; John Summers, 67; Johsh Mullen, 65; Terry Thompson, 61; Max Maerten, 35; and Gary Patnode Jr., 28.

10 Years of Service - Leah Thompson and Jamie Belluscio.

15 Years - David Kinney and Gary Patnode Sr.

35 Years - Rick Brunea and Alison Thompson

70 Years - Hank Mudrzynksi

Salvation Army in Batavia launches annual Red Kettle Campaign to support families in need

By Press Release

Press Release:

As the holiday season approaches, the Salvation Army in Batavia is excited to announce the launch of its annual Red Kettle Campaign, set to begin in November 2024. 

This initiative aims to raise funds to provide warm clothing, holiday meals, and gifts to families in need, as well as to support year-round family service programs. The campaign presents an opportunity to spread joy and make a meaningful impact in our community.

In light of declining contributions in recent years, we are actively seeking support from local businesses and organizations to help achieve our campaign goals. This year, we aim to raise $100,000, with a target of securing $50,000 before the bell ringing begins outside select locations. 

We are inviting local partners to join us in this effort through:

Donations: Financial contributions, gift items, or resources that directly benefit those we serve.

Volunteers: Individuals or teams willing to assist with bell ringing at various locations during the campaign.

Christmas Partnerships: Sponsorship opportunities at different levels, including Press Release sponsors, T-shirt sponsors, and Social Media sponsors.

For more information contact Bradley Moore at 585-343-6284.

Byron Fire Department's EMT team takes first place at NYS competition

By Press Release
Laura Platt and Tatum Higby
Submitted photo.

Press Release:

This year EMTs, Laura Platt and Tatum Higby from Byron Fire Department’s Rescue Squad, took first place in the NYS Basic Life Support competition. 

The EMS Games held this year at the Riverside Convention Center in Rochester on October 16-20 brought together teams of EMTs and Paramedics from across New York State for an exciting competition sponsored by Aura Prep and the BMCC Paramedic Program. The event featured a series of challenging, real-world scenarios designed to test participants' clinical skills, quick thinking, and teamwork under pressure.

Teams demonstrated their expertise in emergency response, patient care, and problem-solving, vying for top honors and recognition. The sponsorship by BMCC and Aura Prep highlighted their commitment to advancing EMS education and fostering a robust and skilled community of first responders across the state.

The workshop is designed to help first responders hone their knowledge and collect CME credits to maintain their license with the state. The last one held in Rochester was in 2017.

Besides Platt and Higby, Brad Nickerson, Squad Captain attended. Higby is an energetic 17-year-old who recently completed her Basic EMT Training in March of this year while attending Byron-Bergen High School as a junior.

Higby currently has completed all her CME credits for recertification, which is 3 years away. Higby was so excited when she learned that Vital Signs was being held in Rochester; she was eager to learn even more.

This year the council added a new twist for all attending. The games were held at the Strong Museum of Play on Saturday, October 19 in the morning. Each company was encouraged to sign up a team that would then participate in a “real life scenario.” Higby urged her mentor, Platt, to team up and compete. Higby created the team’s name, “Lil Legs of Byron.” 

Just before the “call” the teams consisting of two people were given a few minutes to familiarize themselves with the equipment available for them to use; and they were allowed 20 minutes to complete the call. 

The scenario that the Byron team was in a restaurant setting where an employee was having trouble breathing. The team accessed the scene and the patient, who was alone in the restaurant. The team used all their skills as they treated the patient with oxygen, EpiPen and albuterol to keep the patient alive because they were notified that the ambulance was 40 minutes away. 

The two teams that were in first place in both categories, EMT and Advanced, received medals. Both winners were also awarded a large trophy cup that they can keep and display for the year. It will eventually have their names and date engraved on it.

Team Lil Legs of Byron took the EMT first place. Second place went to Wayne County and third place to Madison County. The Byron Fire Department will proudly display their trophy in their hall.

Submitted photo.

Law and Order: Batavia man accused of threatening police officer

By Howard B. Owens
jon bush
Jon Bush

Jon H. Bush, 41, of Batavia, is charged with menacing a peace officer, criminal possession of a weapon 3rd, and obstructing governmental administration 2nd. Bush is accused of threatening two probation officers with a knife at an unspecified location and preventing them from arresting another person during a home visit on June 28. He was arrested on Oct. 18. He was arraigned in City Court and jailed. Cindy L. Bush, his mother, was also charged with obstructing governmental administration and issued an appearance ticket.

Shawn P. Wolcott, 42, of Batavia, is charged with burglary 3rd, criminal possession of stolen property 5th, and petit larceny.  Wolcott broke into a building on Harvester Avenue and stole property on Oct. 12.  He was arraigned and released.

Carolyn L. Kurek, 82, of Batavia, is charged with unlawful imprisonment 2nd and harassment 2nd. Kurek is accused of blocking another person from leaving a room at an apartment building on West Main Street, Batavia, on Oct. 16. She allegedly struck a person with her cane. She was issued an appearance ticket.

Kamau S. Freeman, 30, of Buffalo, was arrested on Oct. 15 on a warrant. Freeman was previously arrested on July 23 and charged with robbery 3rd, grand larceny 4th, criminal contempt 1st, and criminal mischief 3rd. The warrant was issued after he allegedly failed to appear in court. He was arraigned and released.

Morgan A. Schoonmaker, 28, of Perry, and Jaqulyn A. Dueppengiesser, 40, of Perry, are charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance 7th. Schoonmaker and Dueppengiesser are accused of possessing narcotics during a traffic stop on Pearl Street on Oct. 15. They were issued appearance tickets.

Emily D. Shea, 29, of Batavia, is charged with DWI. Shea was stopped on Oct. 10 on East Main Street by a Batavia patrol officer for allegedly driving putout headlights. She was issued tickets and released.

Ryan A. Decillis, 32, of Batavia, is charged with DWI. Decillis was allegedly caught speeding after Batavia PD received a traffic complaint on Oct. 5 (location not disclosed). He was issued tickets and released.

Kristen L. Kocent, 36, of Batavia, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance 7th. Kocent allegedly passed narcotics during an investigation on Oct. 13 at an undisclosed location. She was issued an appearance ticket.

Douglas G. Goodwin, Jr., 33, of Alabama, is charged with petit larceny. Goodwin is accused of stealing a gold chain from another person on Sept. 19. He was arrested on Oct. 21. He was arraigned and released.

Alicia M. Lyons, 45, Batavia, is charged with resisting arrest. Lyons is accused of resisting police on Oct. 17 when they attempted to take her into custody on multiple warrants. She was arraigned in City Court and was released.

Tek B. Giri, 46, of Scottsville, is charged with DWI. Giri was stopped on Clinton Street on Oct. 17 after Batavia PD received complaints of an erratic driver. Giri was issued tickets and released.

Mark J. Schultz, 38, of Batavia, is charged with DWI. Schultz was stopped on Oct. 20 on West Main Street by a Batavia patrol officer who reportedly observed him driving without tail lights. He was issued traffic tickets and released.

Francis A. Coombs, III, 57, of Batavia, was arrested on Oct. 16 on a warrant. Coombs was initially arrested on Aug. 25 and charged with criminal mischief 4th. He was issued an appearance ticket but allegedly failed to appear in court. Coombs was arraigned in City Court and released. 

Carolyn L. Kurek, 82, of Batavia, is charged with unlawful imprisonment 2nd and harassment 2nd. Kurek is accused of blocking another person from leaving a room at an apartment building on West Main Street, Batavia, on Oct. 16. She allegedly struck a person with her cane. She was issued an appearance ticket.

Arnold B. Colopy, 67, of Batavia, is charged with criminal trespass. Colopy is accused of unlawfully entering an apartment on School Street on Oct. 19. He was issued an appearance ticket.

Kelly Marie Zwolinski, 45, of Broadway Road, Darien, is charged with criminal mischief 3rd. Zwolinski is accused of damaging the property of another person at 5:30 p.m. on Oct. 29 at a location on Broadway Road, Darien. The value of the property is reportedly in excess of $250. He was held pending arraignment.

Harold Phillip Duell, 62, of Perry, is charged with felony DWI, open alcohol container, license restricted, driving on shoulder, and aggravated unlicensed operation. Duell was stopped at 1:24 a.m. on Oct. 28 on Richmond Avenue by Deputy Matthew Wesolowski. He was released on tickets.

Paul William Zeches, 36, of Liberty Street, Batavia, is charged with sex offender failure to report a change of address. Zeches was arrested on Oct. 30. He was jailed on the charge.

Nathaniel Ashton Finta, 20, of North Main Street, Oakfield, is charged with assault 2nd and criminal mischief 4th. Finta is accused of burning another person's clothing and of striking that person in the face with an open hand causing an injury. Finta was held pending arraignment.

Local squads compete in Section V cheer championships

By Staff Writer
section cheerleading batavia elba le roy

Cheerleading squads from Batavia, Oakfield-Alabama/Elba, and Le Roy competed in sectionals at Gate-Chili High School on Saturday.

The champion teams were:

  • Class A - Hilton
  • Class B - Webster Thomas
  • Class C - HFL
  • Class D - Gananda
  • Class COED - Greece Arcadia

Also participating were Alexander/Attica, Byron-Bergen, and Pembroke

Photos by Debra Reilly

section cheerleading batavia elba le roy
section cheerleading batavia elba le roy
section cheerleading batavia elba le roy
section cheerleading batavia elba le roy
section cheerleading batavia elba le roy
section cheerleading batavia elba le roy
section cheerleading batavia elba le roy
section cheerleading batavia elba le roy
section cheerleading batavia elba le roy
section cheerleading batavia elba le roy

Genesee finishes sixth at gymnastic sectionals

By Press Release
genesee gymanastics
Back Row: Lei St.Clair,  Nee'Kay Smith,  Ava Pellegrino,  Emma Cooper,  Roan Finn,  Sophia Matthews,  Coach Hamilton Front Row: Carsyn Good,  Edison Betances,  Chloe Garner,  Kendall Chase,  Mikayla Yohon 
Submitted photo

Press release;

Team Results: 1. Fairport: 136.5, 2. Penfield-Webster: 132.85, 3. Rush-Henrietta: 131.85, 4. Pittsford: 124.9, 5. Gates-Brighton: 121.85, 6. Genesee: 119.025, 7. Mercy: 99.675, 8. HFL: 51.525, 9. Newark: 34.875, 10. Charles Finney: 20.475

All Around: 1. Kalliste Brandon (Mercy): 35.125, 15. Roan Finn (Batavia): 31.85, 26. Sophia Matthews (Genesee): 28.65

Vault: 1. Stephanie Gulvin (Penfield-Webster): 9.375, 13. Mikayla Yohon (Genesee): 8.0, 15. Roan Finn (Genesee): 7.9, 16. Carsyn Good (Genesee): 7.85, 24. Edison Betances (Genesee): 7.7, 27. Sophia Matthews (Genesee): 7.65, 34. Kendall Chase (Genesee): 7.35

Uneven Bars: 1. Evelyn Buttaccio (Rush-Henrietta) & Kalliste Brandon (Mercy): 8.55, 24. Sophia Matthews (Genesee): 6.4, 26. Edison Betances (Genesee): 6.35, 28. Roan Finn & Emma Cooper (Genesee): 6.15, 35. Kendall Chase (Genesee): 5.7, 37. Carsyn Good (Genesee): 5.4

Balance Beam: 1. Ashlyn Pettee (HFL): 9.15, 5. Roan Finn (Genesee): 8.9, 27. Nee'Kay Smith (Genesee): 7.5, 33. Sophia Matthews (Genesee): 7.1, 34. Kendall Chase (Genesee): 7.0, 35. Mikayla Yohon (Genesee): 6.9,  40. Emma Cooper (Genesee): 6.3

Floor Exercise: 1. Sarah Lago (Fairport): 9.45,13. Roan Finn (Genesee): 8.9, 28. Mikayla Yohon (Genesee): 7.95, 36. Carsyn Good (Genesee): 7.625, 37. Emma Cooper (Genesee): 7.55, 38. Sophia Matthews (Genesee): 7.5, 42. Lei St. Clair (Genesee): 6.85

Notre Dame's cross country team wins milestone title

By Staff Writer
Remote video URL
VIdeo by Pete Welker

Notre Dame won its 100th sectional block on Saturday with a Cross Country championship at Letchworth State Park.

The team received an escort through the city of Batavia by City of Batavia Fire Department.

notre dame cross country
Photo by Pete Welker

Girls Soccer: Bees get fourth consecutive title with 1-0 win

By Staff Writer
byron bergen girls soccer
byron bergen girls soccer

Byron-Bergen won its fourth consecutive Section V Class C2 Girls' Soccer championship on Friday, beating Kendall 1-0.

Mia Gray scored the lone goal for the Lady Bees with 8:25 left in the second half.  

Photos by Jennifer DiQuattro

byron bergen girls soccer
byron bergen girls soccer
byron bergen girls soccer
byron bergen girls soccer
byron bergen girls soccer

Football: OAE beats York/Pavilion in quarterfinal playoff game

By Staff Writer
oakfield-alabama/elba football

The Oakfield-Alabama/Elba Aggies beat York/Pavilion on Friday in the Class D quarterfinal, 26-14.

OAE Statistics:

  • Senior RB/LB Avery Watterson - 16 Carries, 115 Yards, 1 TD,  7 Tackles, 1 INT, returned 46 yards for a TD.
  • Senior RB/LB Jack Cianfrini - 14 Carries, 102 Yards,  3 Tackles, 1 TFL, 2 INTs on Defense
  • Junior RB Hunter Tobolski - 5 Carries, 35 Yards, 1 TD
  • Sophomore QB Brayden Jachimowicz -  7/13 Passing, 100 Yards, 1 TD
  • Junior TE/LB Nicholas Scott - 2 Receptions for 30 Yards and 1 TD, 4 Tackles and 1 TFL on Defense
  •  Senior DL Ryan Stymus - 5 Tackles and 3 TFLs

"It's always good to win when the game's name is 'survive and advance,'" said Coach Tyler Winters. "Hats off to some of our senior leaders who made big plays when the game was on the line.  Also, I can't say enough about the job some of the underclassmen up from JV did when they were asked to step up in a big way tonight.  Anyone who watched this game would agree that it was not a perfect performance on our end, and we know that.  However, we are excited to dive into the film, clean up the things that we can control, and see how long this group can continue to play football with one another."  

Photos by Debra Reilly

oakfield-alabama/elba football
oakfield-alabama/elba football
oakfield-alabama/elba football
oakfield-alabama/elba football

Alexander's strong running game tops Attica 30-14 in opening sectional round

By Staff Writer
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
Alexander got on the board first on the way to a 30-14 victory over Attica in the football Section V Class D quarterfinal at GCC on Friday.
Jacob Brooks ran the ball in from 14 yards out off the right side of the offensive line to put the Trojans on the board early at 6-0.
After a defensive stop, the Trojans offense once again put together another successful drive.  The big run came from senior fullback Damien Hale on a 64-yard zone run.  The Trojans then went for a 2-point conversion, and SR QB Brody Heckman ran it in for the successful try, making it 14-0.
At the end of the second quarter, the Trojans were driving again, but on a 4th and 2 from the Attica 20-yard line, the Blue Devils strip-sacked Heckman. SR LB Logan Albano recovered the fumble and ran it back for a 78-yard fumble recovery TD. Attica converted the 2-point try, making it 14-8 at the half.
In the third quarter, following Alexander's third turnover, Attica connected on a 21-yard TD pass after a wild scramble.  14-14
In the fourth quarter, the Trojans settled down and pounded the rock with the tailback Kaden Torres. Torres ran for 134 yards on 12 carries in the second half. He scored from 24 yards out, and then Heckman found Duke Snyder on the two-point conversion pass, making the score 22-14.
After a defensive stop, the Trojan offense continued to grind out yards, culminating with a Brody Heckman keeper TD from 16 yards out. Heckman then kept the 2-point try for the 30-14 point total.
Damien Hale ended the game with 104 yards rushing on 12 carries.  Heckman finished with 77 yards rushing on 10 carries.
Defensively, Lbers Damien Hale and Sean Pietrzkowski each had seven tackles and a quarterback sack. Duke Snyder had 1.5 QB Sacks.  Dylan Pohl had six tackles and 1/2 sack.
Alexander is now 8-1 on the season.

Alexander, the #2 seed, plays home vs. #3 seed Oakfield-Alabama/Elba. The date and time TBD

To view or purchase photos, click here.

 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene

Volleyball: Elba advances to semifinal game

By Staff Writer
elba lancers volleyball

The Elba Lancers beat Pavilion three sets to zero in the D2 Section V quarterfinal on Friday.

Sets: 25-10, 25-15, 25-16


  • Mariah Ognibene: 6 kills, three digs, seven aces
  • Alexa Ocampo: 11 kills, two blocks, two kills, two aces
  • Jada Fite: 19 assists, three digs, two aces


  • Severyn Winters: 3 blocks, two kills
  • Cori Gardner: eight assists, 11 digs
  • Cricket Coots: three kills, five digs
  • Peyton Gay: five digs

Next up for Elba, at the #3 seed, Arkport-Canaseraga, the #2 seed.  

 Photos by Kristin Smith

elba lancers volleyball
elba lancers volleyball
elba lancers volleyball
elba lancers volleyball
elba lancers volleyball
elba lancers volleyball
elba lancers volleyball

Top Items on Batavia's List

Town Court Clerk Below are two lists: one details the myriad responsibilities that fall within the purview of the court clerk; the other summarizes the knowledge and abilities that court clerks possess or acquire through training. These lists are provided so that a judge and municipality can intelligently discuss the benefits that a court clerk can provide. The items below can also form the basis for a list of job duties should a municipality need to fill a vacancy in a court clerk position. Primary Responsibilities A. Maintain confidentiality of records and information when required to do so B. Prepare court calendar C. Collect monies, reconcile daily receipts, deposit receipts, prepare reports for monthly disbursements, reconcile bank accounts, and prepare administrative reports D. Enter convictions on drivers' licenses and prepare conviction reports electronically transmitted to the Department of Motor Vehicles E. Enter criminal conviction on NCIC reports and electronically send same to Division of Criminal Justice Services F. Respond to inquiries-in person, by phone, by e-mail and by mail-and provide assistance to lawyers, litigants, media, and members of the public G. Prepare monthly reports that are electronically sent to the Office of the State Comptroller H. Prepare orders, summonses, warrants and other court forms i. Communicate with outside agencies in order to coordinate the Court's activities and provide services to litigants. Such agencies include: ii. Law enforcement agencies, such as local police departments, New York State Police, Sheriffs office, FBI and CIA, US Armed Forces, and the Office of the District Attorney; I. Other courts, including superior courts and other local town and village courts; and i. Miscellaneous county agencies, such as Community Service, Community Dispute Resolution Center, Pre-trial Release, Probation, Stop DWI program, Victim Impact Panel, and Youth Court. ii. State agencies that require periodic reporting, including the New York State Unified Court System, the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Office of the State Comptroller, the Division of Criminal Justice Services, and the Office of Court Record Retention. J. Examine court documents to ensure their accuracy and completeness K. Receive and file summonses, traffic tickets and other documents for court proceedings i. Assist the Justice at the bench during all Court proceedings Knowledge of: 1. The functions and organization of the Unified Court System ii. Basic legal terminology, codes and abbreviations iii. Court forms, practices and procedures, including those set forth in the Uniform Justice Court Act and the Uniform Civil Rules for the Justice Courts (22 NYCRR Part 214) 2. Ability to: i. Prepare judicial orders and decisions ii. Effectively communicate information orally and in writing iii. File and retrieve materials, extract data from various sources for entry onto court form iv. Research and interpret laws outlined in court documents and litigants' motions and other papers v. Perform mathematical tasks in order to compile court activity reports, total receipts, accept payments, and verify bills vi. Refer to appropriate documents, statutes, citations or other sources in order to respond to specific questions from attorneys, litigants and members of the general public vii. Interpret policies, statutes, rules and regulations and apply them in specific contexts viii. Establish work priorities ix. Constructively manage conflict with court users Qualifications: Highschool diploma recognized by the NYS Dept of Education or appropriate equivalent. Along with 4 years of college, specialization in criminal justice, law, business administration or related field. -OR- 2 years college with specialization in Business Administration or related field. Please email your resume to no later than 12/16/2024. Pay is based on experience.
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