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Batavia Attica sends top athletes to the indoor track New York State championships

By Steve Ognibene


Batavia high and Attica high schools will be sending top athletes to compete in the New York State indoor track championships this weekend and indoor track nationals next weekend, both in New York City.

We asked what each student's goals and achievements are for these upcoming events.

Pictured from left are Batavia’s Alex Rood, Daemon Konieczny, and Rebekah Daniszewski, along with Attica High School's Emily Tait.

Alex Rood a senior who has competed in both state and national events last year is returning for both again and looking to set new records.  Alex says his personal best for shot put is 54 feet, nine and a half inches and he would like to achieve throwing 56 inches or more. His goal in nationals is to go out there and compete the best he can and end on a good mark going into the outdoor track season.

Daemon Konieczny, a senior who has qualified for the state meet for pole vault, says his personal best is jumping is 13 feet. His goal is to get over 13 feet, six inches, which would beat the school record. Daemon added that if he can get to jump 15 or more, that would qualify him for the national meet the following weekend.

Rebekah Daniszewski is a junior at BHS who is competing for her first time in the state and nationals meet. She says she attributes her success to her coach who helped pushed herself to her very best. Her personal best in shot put is 39 feet, three and a quarter inches. Her goal this weekend is to throw 40 feet. Rebekah has not achieved that yet but hopefully in states she can pull it out.

Senior Emily Tait from Attica will be joining Batavia for the state and national meets, respectively. Emily will compete in the long and triple jump this year. Her personal best for long jump is 18 feet, eight and a fourth inches, which she did at state qualifiers. For triple jump, her best is 38 feet, nine and three fourths inches and she did that at sectionals. Her goal for long jump is to break 19 feet and she wants to come in first place at states. For triple jump, she wants to be competitive with the top girls in the competition so she's shooting for a mid-39-foot jump.

Batavia’s head indoor track Coach Nicholas Burk spoke about the success of students who have competed in states and nationals over the years.

"We have had a student compete every year since I have been coaching since 1998; we have been fortunate enough to have athletes compete at the state meet," Burk said. "The cool thing about indoor is the state championship is a legitimate state championship -- there is not a separation by class size, large school, small school.

"To qualify for this meet, means that you are competing against every school regardless of school size or class. So this one is really prestigious and when you medal at this meet, it's definitely a testament to the athlete with the ability to perform at the right time and have that performance at state qualifiers.

"We attribute our success to the boys winning nine sectionals championships, eight of them have been since 2008 and first one in 1993. On the girls' side, we have 16 championships, seven consecutives in 18 years."

Burk spoke highly of his students' dedication to track and the mentoring of his coaching staff.

In all aspects of track, whether it’s throwing, distance, jumping, hurdles or vault, coaches spends countless hours training young athletes year after year, Burk said, imparting in them the ability to compete at the highest level, both in sectionals and by attending the state meet.

"(This) has separated us and led us to the longevity to be one of the top teams in section five," Burk said.

Batavia’s throwing Coach Daniel Geiger said this is the 13th consecutive year of sending a thrower to the state meet, which is a great accomplishment and he is very proud of the work that these two athletes have done this year.

"We have to compete against every school in section five to get to this meet, whether it’s a small school like ours or a large school, it’s putting in the hard work and dedication to represent our school’s success," Geiger said.  "You couldn’t ask more for a group of kids to work hard every day, give their all for the team and give their all for this program.

"This stretch started back in 2008 with Sam Yeager, Eric Williams, Chris Jones, Daemon Reeves, Devon Keopp, Anthony Ray and now Alex Rood and Rebekah Daniszewski. We have guys down the pipe that are working hard to rise to that level, too. So I am really proud of these two athletes, not of just what they have accomplished, but the legacy that they are continuing and leaving behind for the future athletes coming behind them."

Photos: Pine Wood Derby in Batavia

By Howard B. Owens


Cory Richenberg places a race car on the track of the annual Boy Scout Pinewood Derby at United Methodist Church in Batavia on Saturday.







McMurray releases his plan for economic growth in WNY

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Nate McMurray, Democrat running to represent the 27th Congressional District, today released his proposal for job creation and economic growth in Western New York.

McMurray’s plan includes funding critical infrastructure development; investing in stable jobs in education and healthcare; encouraging the development of rural broadband and clean energy industries; promoting workforce training and small businesses; and raising the minimum wage.

As the vast majority of new private sector jobs in the state continue to be concentrated in New York City, McMurray’s plan outlines strategies to spur economic growth in Western New York. 

“There is an incredible wealth of talent and potential in Western New York — it’s just a matter of harnessing it,” McMurray said. “We have the opportunity, with the right resources, investment, and training, to sustainably grow our economy and make sure all working families are lifted up in the process.

"Our current president and leaders in Congress promised to get the job done on infrastructure and have failed to deliver. It’s clearer than ever that we need new leadership in Washington. 

“As your representative, I would ensure that we have the funding to repair our bridges and roads, that we’re investing in the healthcare and education sectors, and that our region is a leader in emerging industries like solar and wind where sited properly. Our district needs to have a fighter in Washington who will advocate for these policies, and win.”  

As the town supervisor of Grand Island, McMurray created jobs by attracting major business, investing in infrastructure and green technology, and filling dormant industrial space with new business. 

McMurray’s plan to expand job opportunities and spur economic growth includes: 

  • Funding and expanding infrastructure development: For years, our state government has diverted money away from critical investment in our bridges and roads, leading to crumbling infrastructure in our region. The federal government can, and should, step up to invest in transportation, infrastructure, and mass transit where we need it most. Legislation like the bipartisan BUILDS Act can help support workforce training programs for jobs in the infrastructure industry. 

  • Encouraging the development of rural broadband: Internet access is a fundamental necessity in the modern workforce — and yet, 80 percent of the 24 million American households that do not have reliable, affordable high-speed internet are in rural areas. Investing in broadband access for our communities will spur good union jobs and bring our economy into the 21st century. 

  • Investing in the education and healthcare sectors: “Eds and meds” are powerful economic drivers in our region, providing good, sustainable jobs for thousands. We must prevent further funding cuts to these sectors — which result in job cuts — and actually invest in the hospitals and public schools that support our community. We can do this by supporting the Rebuild America's Schools Act, which invests $100 billion in public school facilities to create jobs and improve schools, and the Strengthening Our Rural Health Workforce Act of 2019, a bipartisan bill that supports key rural health workforce programs. 

  • Supporting local small businesses: We should be supporting small businesses that fuel local job creation, not providing tax breaks and incentives to the wealthiest among us. We should support the creation of an Office of Emerging Markets within the Small Business Administration to expand resources and assistance to small businesses in rural areas. 

  • Investing in the burgeoning solar, wind, and other sustainable energy industries: Investing in the solar and wind industries in our region helps us create jobs while also helping to meet our nation’s clean energy goals. These pieces of infrastructure must be properly sited. We can also support legislation that provides workforce training in the clean energy industry for our veterans. 

  • Exploring new crops to grow in our region, including hemp and cannabis: New York State took steps in 2019 to regulate the production and sale of hemp products, but we still need to do more to protect and support in-state growers and fully take advantage of this economic opportunity. If New York legalizes adult use recreational marijuana, there’s huge potential for economic growth if we take steps to assist in-state farmers and properly regulate. 

Nate McMurray is a native of North Tonawanda. He ran for Congress in NY-27 in 2018 and lost by less than 1 percent of the vote. He is a family man, an Eagle Scout, and one of seven children raised by a single mother when his father died of cancer at the age of 39.

McMurray worked his way through community college, earned a bachelor’s degree at SUNY Buffalo, then earned a law degree from California’s prestigious Hastings College of Law. The U.S. government awarded him a Fulbright Scholarship to study the development of constitutional democracy in South Korea. His academic successes led to positions in private law practice, where he ably represented U.S. business interests in Asia.

McMurray was formerly the town supervisor of Grand Island, a conservative community in Western New York, where he was instrumental in bringing fiscal responsibility to local government and millions of dollars in new business investment to the town.

CCE conducts course for students in tractor safety

By Howard B. Owens


About a dozen high school students from the region took part in the classroom lecture portion of a 14-week tractor safety course sponsored by Cornell Cooperative Extension at Java Farm Supply in Batavia on Saturday.

The classes are held at multiple farm equipment sales locations in the county with a safety-driving test this spring at Empire Tractor.

The instructor Saturday was Deputy Kevin McCarthy.

Topics over the length of the course include tractor controls, preventative maintenance, operation, connecting equipment, driving practice, a written test, and a skills test. Students who pass the course will be licensed to operate farm equipment.


GCC Nursing students rally amidst grief and sadness over death of young mother of four

By Billie Owens

From information provided by Genesee Community College:

A fatal car accident last week tragically took the life of 38-year-old Reneé M. (Strain) Morris of Portageville, and gave rise to a wake of heartfelt intentions as a group of Genesee Community College nursing students rally around each other in grief and sadness.

They are also thinking of their special classmate and her family of four young daughters.

Morris was an honor's student at GCC, and was just two and a half months from completing her Nursing degree.

Described as "kind-hearted," "passionate" and "unforgettable," by her peers, Morris was also described as "truly genuine," and she would have made a perfect nurse, according to the instructors who are also grieving the loss of one of their top students.

In a group gathering, students and faculty alike recalled her innate desire to help people regardless who they were or what they needed.

"Renee was a very special person and an excellent student in the Nursing Program," said Ruth A. Gliss, GCC professor of Nursing. "Her classmates have done a wonderful job of supporting Renee's family and each other at this very difficult time.

"On behalf of the nursing faculty and the nursing program, our condolences are extended to everyone who knew and loved Renee." 

In less than one week, the GoFundMe website that was established by friend and classmate Amanda Linderman, has raised nearly $38,500 --approximately 95 percent of the $40,000 goal.

In addition, a special T-Shirt was created honoring Reneé's life and passion, which generated more than $3,900 that will go directly to the care of the Morris daughters.

In an effort to also provide emotional comfort, Morris's classmates and friends are also collecting pink flowers, which they plan to present to family during next week's Spring Break because "pink was Reneé's favorite color." 

Morris was a devout Christian, and would likely be touched by the multifaceted effort led by her fellow classmates to support her young family.

A Celebration of Life is planned at her parish this weekend.

To help the Nursing Program students' efforts, T-shirts are available at: and donations are welcomed at the GoFundMe page called "The Morris Daughters."

Members of the GCC community have been encouraged to contact the College's Counseling Services for assistance in managing their sadness and grief, if needed.

Photo of Morris from Eaton Watson Funeral Home.

(Editor's note: This post has been edited per the wishes of the family and GCC.)

Drum corps music extravaganza to be held at Batavia Downs March 14

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Music will take center stage for “An Afternoon of Drum Corps Music” on Saturday, March 14th at Batavia Downs Gaming. 

The individuals and ensembles start at 1 p.m. and the full corps perform at approximately 4 p.m.

This is a first, to have many corps performing inside this early in the year.

The corps’ consist of brass and percussion instruments. Some groups are competitive and others just for entertainment.

The individual and ensemble competition begins at 1 p.m. and will feature some outstanding individual performances in competition and exhibition.

The drum corps performing include:

  • Ghost Riders Alumni;
  • The White Sabers;
  • Hamburg Kingsmen drum ensemble;
  • Uptown Brass from Toronto Canada;
  • Tri Valley Brass;
  • Cadre Drum Ensemble;
  • St. Josephs of Batavia;
  • The Hitmen;
  • Brig Juice from Syracuse;
  • All-In Brass Band from Rochester;
  • and St. Joes Brass Ensemble.

“An Afternoon of Drum Corps Music” is also cosponsored by The Bugler’s Hall of Fame, St. Joe’s Alumni and St. Joe’s Reunion Brass Ensemble.

In attendance will be current members of the Bugler’s Hall of Fame plus the opportunity to meet and hear Hall of Fame members.

Tickets for the show are $10 at the door and for your donation, adults will receive $10 of free play at the Casino. 

There will be food and refreshments available for purchase in the Casino area all day.

At the conclusion of the show, the members and fans will be treated to a performance/dance party by Rochester’s favorite party group, the Coupe DeVilles.

For more information contact Donny Allen at (585) 297-6869 or Frank Panepento at (585) 409-4364.

Pembroke one game away from repeating as Section V champions

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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Pembroke led from start to finish in their Section V Class C1 semifinal game Wednesday night at Honeoye Falls-Lima against Red Jacket.

But that doesn't mean the win came easy.

"They were a lot faster, a lot quicker than we thought they were," said Head Coach Ron Funke. "It gave us a little trouble, especially with their press, because we tried to hurry the ball in. Once we took our time in and got the ball into the middle of the floor, we were OK. But they don't give up. They don't quit."

The final score was 53-35.

Dekari Moss scored 23 points, had seven rebounds and four steals.

"I thought Dekari dominated on both ends of the court," Funke said. "She rebounded well and she owned the middle. They were giving us a lot of gaps with their zone defense; Dakari is so quick and athletic that she took advantage of that."

Emily Peters scored 14 points, including a trio of three-pointers that helped seal Red Jacket's fate in the second half.

"When she gets on a roll, I mean, she's a very streaky shooter and she started off slow today but when she gets hot, you just keep feeding her," Funke said. "She came up big today especially toward the end of the third quarter."

Point guard Serene Calderon scored 12 points and had six assists, six rebounds, and three steals.

"She usually makes good decisions," Funke said. "We want the ball in her hands. She showed she'll get the ball to the people that we need to get the ball to. She runs the offense and she's in a great defensive player."

Casey Wurtz scored two points, had two assists, seven rebounds, and three blocked shots. Mackenna Johnson scored two points, had three assists, four rebounds, and three steals.

Next up, the Dragons will try to defend their 2019 Section V crown against Letchworth at 5 p.m., at Gates Chili.

Letchworth qualified for the finals by beating Byron-Bergen 58-55 in a game that went down to the closing seconds. 

Photos from the Byron-Bergen game below by Tammy Fuller.





Grand Jury: man indicted for Alexander burglary, grand larceny and petit larceny

By Billie Owens

Gary W. Hensley is indicted for the crime of burglary in the second degree, a Class C violent felony. It is alleged that on Sept. 7, Hensley knowingly entered, or remained unlawfully, in a building in the 4000 block of Gilhooly Road in Alexander with the intention of committing a crime. In count two, Hensley is charged with fourth-degree grand larceny, a Class E felony, for allegedly stealing property consisting of one or more firearms, rifles or shotguns -- in this case a Charter Arms revolver. In count three, Hensley is charged with petit larceny, a Class A misdemeanor, for allegedly stealing property of the victim: a wooden jewelry box, loose change, a flashlight, a silver bracelet, a large commemorative penny, bedding and a Snapple box with miscellaneous property inside.

McMurray calls new Jacobs ad xenophobic

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Nate McMurray, Democratic congressional candidate in the April 28th Special Election in NY-27, gave the following statement after the release of Chris Jacobs’ first TV ad.

"Two elections in a row, Western New Yorkers have had to deal with out-of-touch millionaires named Chris who prioritize lying about me and racist fear-mongering, instead of addressing the critical issues our families face each day. 

"Think about this. His first commercial is not about expanding healthcare, creating jobs, or building our infrastructure; it's about lies and hating foreigners. While seniors and hardworking families here continue to go without healthcare and struggle to make ends meet, he's ignoring real threats and trying to scare people with race-baiting politics. 

"Clearly Jacobs and the rest of Chris Collins’ cronies learned nothing from the incredibly close election results in 2018. Everyday Americans in this district have had enough of their self-serving approach to government and divisive politics. 

"While my opponent proudly touts his support of President Trump and his budget cuts to Medicare and Social Security, I will continue to fight for access to affordable healthcare, education, and quality jobs for the families in NY27.

"If he wants to try to win with xenophobic commercials, making up nonsense about me, and having GOP SuperPAC’s follow me around with cameras to make weird attack ads, he's more out-of-touch and more a repeat of Chris Collins than we all thought," McMurray said.

City fire chief reminds residents to change smoke detector batteries when setting clocks ahead Sunday

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The City of Batavia Fire Department reminds residents about changing smoke detector batteries when Daylight Saving time begins on Sunday, March 8.

Chief Stefano Napolitano recommends “that as residents set their clocks ahead, that they test their smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.”

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) estimates that two-thirds of home fire deaths occur in homes with missing and/or damaged smoke detectors. Often times smoke detector fails to operate because the batteries were missing, disconnected or dead.

Additionally, Napolitano recommends these safety tips:

  • Install a working smoke detector on every level of the home, outside and or inside sleeping areas/bedrooms.• Be sure to install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Test smoke detectors monthly using the test button on the unit.
  • Make sure everyone in the home knows the sound of the smoke detector, and knows what to do when it sounds.
  • Replace any smoke detector that is 10 years old or older.
  • Replace the smoke detector immediately if it does not respond properly when tested.
  • Batteries in traditional type smoke detectors, should be changed at least once a year, and/or in accordancewith manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Develop a plan of escape. Make sure everyone in the household knows how to get out of every room andhow to evacuate in under two-minutes. They should also know where to meet, once they are out of the house.
  • Try to avoid placing a smoke detector near a bathroom, heating appliance windows, or ceiling fans.

“Also as a reminder, if you reside in the City of Batavia and you do not have a working smoke detector or a replacement battery, the City of Batavia Fire Department will provide one smoke detector or batteries to you at no cost," Napolitano said. "Additionally, if you need assistance in testing, inspecting or changing your batteries please call 585-345-6375.

"A time will be set and members of the fire department will come to your residence and install a smoke detector, replace batteries and inspect and test the units in your home."

As Cuomo calls for infrastructure cuts, Hawley and highway superintendents cry out for more money

By Billie Owens

From Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

In light of years of stagnant investment in the Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) and a proposed elimination of $65 in Extreme Winter Recovery funds by Gov. Cuomo, Assemblyman Steve Hawley rallied Wednesday in Albany with highway superintendents from around the state calling for infrastructure investment parity.

For several years, CHIPS funding has been held stagnant at $438.1 million statewide despite billions of dollars in increases to fund the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) and repair downstate bridges.

This funding is used to repair and pave streets and highways. Furthermore, Gov. Cuomo has proposed cutting $65 million in Extreme Winter Recovery funds which are used by areas experiencing harsh winters to speed up recovery and repair processes.

“Whenever the MTA cries broke Gov. Cuomo is right there willing to throw more tax dollars their way, yet Upstate has to fight tooth and nail each year for a little bit extra to ensure we have safe travel,” Hawley said. “Millions of upstate residents, emergency services vehicles, farmers and manufacturers use our roads each day and their safety and quality of life matter just as much as a subway patron.

"We are seeking a $100 million increase to CHIPS and a restoration of the $65 million Extreme Winter Recovery fund – a small and reasonable step toward parity in a budget totaling over $175 billion. I will continue fighting to see that upstate gets it fair share this year!”

Elba student part of five-man winning team of financial analysis and research challenge

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo and press release:

Luca Zambito, of Elba, (second from left, above) was part of a five-person team from the Canisius College Golden Griffin Fund that secured a first-place win in the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Institute Research Challenge of Western New York, held Feb. 28 at Syracuse University.

Zambito is majoring in Finance at Canisius College and is set to graduate this year.

Canisius College has dominated the CFA Research Challenge in Western New York since its inception in 2010, securing first-place wins for the past 10 consecutive years.

The Canisius team overcame competitors including SUNY Geneseo, University of Rochester and SUNY Oswego to take home the first-place prize. The team now advances to the Americas Regional Challenge, to be held April 20-22 in New York City. 

"The success of our Canisius team gets more incredible every year when you consider the increasing complexity of the research and analysis, and the competition from other colleges and universities," says Richard A. Wall (Class of '78), Ph.D, CFA, professor emeritus of Economics and Finance at Canisius College and faculty advisor to the Golden Griffin Fund team. 

"To be one of only 50 teams advancing to the Americas Regional Challenge is an honor for our students and a testament to their hard work and commitment to the competition, and their futures in the investment management profession," adds Steven Gattuso (Class of '87), MBA '89, CFA, CFP, CMA, director of the Golden Griffin Fund. 

The Golden Griffin Fund team that took home first place in this year's CFA Research Challenge in Western New York was comprised of Justin Begley ('20), Luca Zambito ('20), Cameron Rosenecker ('19), MBA ('20) (team captain), Andrew Sagun ('20) and Nick Stinson ('20).

Batavia's Graham Corp. was subject of 2020 Challenge

The CFA Institute Research Challenge is an annual global competition that provides university-sponsored teams with hands-on mentoring and intensive training in financial analysis.

The competition tests the analytic, valuation, reporting, writing and presentation skills of students studying Business, Finance and Economics. Teams are challenged to research a publicly traded company and write a written report with a buy, sell or hold recommendation. Teams must then present and defend their analysis to a panel of industry professionals who serve as judges in the competition. 

The subject company for this year's CFA Research Challenge was Graham Corp., headquartered in Batavia. Graham Corp. is a global leader in the design and manufacture of engineered-to-order vacuum and heat-transfer equipment for process industries and energy markets.

Housed within the Richard J. Wehle School of Business and established in 2003, the GGF was one of the region's first real-money, equity investment funds managed by undergraduate and graduate business majors. GGF students select potential companies in which to invest, manage and analyze portfolio holdings, and evaluate and recommend companies to add to the portfolio. 

In 2019, the GGF team was one of only five universities, out of 1,100 worldwide, to advance to the Global Finals of the CFA Institute Research Challenge. It was the second time in five years that the college's team competed on the world stage. 

In 2015, Canisius College advanced through the CFA Institute Research Challenge of Western New York and the Americas Regionals to win the global championship title, earning first place over more than 4,000 undergraduate and graduate students from 865 universities in 70 countries.

About CFA Institute

The Chartered Financial Analyst Institute is a global association for investment professionals.

It administers to the CFA and Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement (CIPM) curriculum and exam programs worldwide; publishes research; conducts professional development programs; and sets voluntary ethics-based professional and performance reporting standards for the investment industry. The institute has approximately 150,000 members in 165-plus countries and regions.

About Canisius College

One of 27 Jesuit universities in the nation, Canisius is the premier private university in Western New York. Canisius celebrates its sesquicentennial anniversary during the 2019-20 academic year, marking 150 years of Jesuit education and leadership in the city of Buffalo and Western New York.

Visit for more information about Canisius' milestones and celebratory events.

Top photo, from left, the Golden Griffin Fund team at Canisius College: Justin Begley, Luca Zambito, Cameron Rosenecker (team captain), Andrew Sagun, and Nick Stinson.

Mark Your Calendar: Iroquois refuge hosts 36th annual Spring into Nature celebration May 2

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Alabama is hosting its 36th annual Spring Into Nature celebration from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 2.

This year, we recognize 50 years of Earth Day with the theme – Climate Challenge.

We are also celebrating 20 years of partnership with the Friends of Iroquois NWR Inc.! Join us for a variety of nature-related exhibits, crafts, fishing demos, and games for the kids.

There will be activities for all ages including sunflower seed feeder construction, live birds of prey, archery games, and guided trail walks. Our resident experts will also be out for the Eagle Watch, so you can see and learn about their nesting behavior.

Don’t forget to meet Puddles, the blue goose mascot of the National Wildlife Refuge System.  

Since Western New York weather is unpredictable, we’ve moved most of our events indoors and pushed the date back one week. So, please join us rain or shine! Food will be available for purchase. Parking and all activities are free.

The headquarters of the Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge is located at 1101 Casey Road in Basom.

Please visit their website, or contact Refuge staff at (585) 948-5445 for more information about Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge.

Iroquois NWR is located midway between Buffalo and Rochester, and is managed by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.

Individuals with disabilities and any other person who may need special assistance to participate in this program should contact the Refuge at (585) 948-5445 or atthe Federal Relay No. 1-800-877-8339.

Free SKYWARN spotter training offered by National Weather Service in Batavia March 30

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Buffalo office of the National Weather Service will be conducting a SKYWARN spotter training seminar in Batavia, at the Genesee County Fire Training Center, 7690 State Street Road, at 7 p.m. on Monday, March 30.

The training session will last about two hours and there is no cost for the training.

SKYWARN is a national effort to save lives during severe weather emergencies with an expanding network of trained volunteer weather spotters.

SKYWARN spotters support their local community and government by providing reports of severe weather directly to the National Weather Service in Buffalo by phone using the NWS spotter hotline, by email, or social media. The services performed by SKYWARN spotters have saved many lives.

The National Weather Service has an array of modern technology for detecting severe thunderstorms. Included in these are Doppler radar, satellite, and lightning detection networks. However, the most important tool for observing thunderstorms is the trained eye of the storm spotter.

By providing observations, SKYWARN spotters assist National Weather Service staff in their warning decisions and enable the National Weather Service to fulfill its mission of protecting life and property. Storm spotters are, and always will be, an indispensable part of the severe local storm warning program.

The basic training session provides a brief overview of the National Weather Service organization and our responsibilities, severe weather safety, and basic severe weather meteorology including how thunderstorms, severe thunderstorms and tornadoes develop.

Anyone can become a severe weather spotter for the National Weather Service. SKYWARN training is free and open to the public. The training is being sponsored by the Genesee County Office of Emergency Management.

For further information, you can call the National Weather Service at (716) 565-0204, ext. 223.

More information about SKYWARN is available on the NWS Buffalo website at

Register online, call or email the Genesee County Fire Training Center:

  • 585-344-0078

National Weather Service on the Web:

  • NOAA:
  • NOAA’s National Weather Service:
  • NOAA’s National Weather Service in Buffalo:

Law and Order: Lyon Street man accused of threatening to kill a person and burn down the house

By Billie Owens

John Michael Taggert, 38, of North Lyon Street, Batavia, is charged with second-degree harassment. Taggert was arrested on Lyon Street following a domestic incident at 9:58 p.m. Feb. 28 during which he allegedly threatened to kill a person and burn down a house. He was processed, transported to jail and arraigned at 10 a.m. the following morning in Batavia City Court. Taggert was released on his own recognizance and is due to return to city court this afternoon (March 4). The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Wesley Rissinger, assisted by Officer Connor Borchert.

John Charles Clark, 51, of Linden Road, Bethany, is charged with second-degree harassment. At 12:32 a.m. on March 3, Clark was arrested following an investigation. Clark is accused of shining a light in the victim's window on Linden Road in Bethany over a prolonged period of time and repeated period of time. He was issued an appearance ticket and is due in Bethany Town Court on March 17. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Nicholas Chamoun, assisted by Sgt. John Baiocco.

Tammy L. Truax, 55, of Leicester, is charged with third-degree assault. The incident was reported at 10:02 p.m. on Dec. 10 on Woodrow Road in Batavia. Truax was arrested on a Batavia City Court warrant on Feb. 28 after being located  by the Livingston County Sheriff's Office. She was arraigned in city court and released on her own recognizance. She is due to return to city court at a later date.

Kevin M. McCoy, 53, no permanent address, is charged with criminal contempt in the second degree. Batavia Police Officer Peter Post arrested McCoy following a complaint at the Park Site Manor Apartments on East Main Street in Batavia at 10:53 a.m. on Feb. 28. McCoy was given an appearance ticket and is due in Batavia City Court on March 10. Officer Stephen Quider assisted in the case.

Jeanne M. Casper, 41, of Knowlesville Road, Oakfield, is charged with driving while intoxicated and failure to keep right. On March 4, Genesee County Sheriff's deputies Jonathan Dimmig and Ryan Young responding to a property damage accident at 12:11 a.m. on Knowlesville in Alabama. The deputies made contact with the operator and sole occupant of the vehicle, who identified herself as Jeanne M. Casper, of Oakfield. She was arrested on the charges and is due in Alabama Town Court on March 11.

First TV ad from Chris Jacobs hits McMurray on immigration

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

A new television ad released by the Jacobs Campaign today will highlight President Trump’s endorsement of Chris Jacobs for his support for securing our borders.

In his endorsement of Jacobs, the President stated, “Chris will be a great Congressman who will always fight for the people of New York. He supports our MAGA Agenda and will continue to secure our Border.”

“In a time where democrats like Bernie Sanders and Nate McMurray support open borders and sanctuary cities, I am focused on Americans’ safety," Jacobs said. "I’ve been to the southern border and have been briefed by our great Border Patrol Agents. I have seen firsthand the problems we are facing as a nation, and in Congress I plan to work with our President to continue securing the border."

Jacobs toured the Rio Grande Valley in October of 2019 and received extensive briefings from Border Patrol Agents stationed in the area. He participated in a tour of the Southern Border and toured three different detention facilities.

The Jacobs ad will air on broadcast and cable stations in the Buffalo and Rochester markets.

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