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Hour-long free virtual Opioid Overdose Reversal Training offered Jan. 15

By Billie Owens

If a drug overdose happened and you were nearby, would you know what to do to potentially save a life?

To be prepared, you just need to spend an hour in training.

A free virtual Opioid Overdose Reversal Training session will be held starting at 2 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 15.

This opportunity is sponsored by the Western New York Rural Area Health Education Center in collaboration with Spectrum Health and Human Services.

Certified trainer Dawn Stone, CRPA, of Spectrum, will teach you how to:

  • Recognize the signs of an opioid overdose;
  • Respond appropriately and effectively to an opioid overdose;
  • Correctly administer the spray form of naloxone (Narcan);
  • Apply the Good Samaritan Overdose Law to overdose responders.

A free reversal kit will be mailed to you upon completion of training.

To learn more visit th WNY Rural Area Health Education Center website.

Call Lisa Green to register at (585) 786-6275.

Rollover accident reported on North Bergen Road in Bergen

By Billie Owens

A single-vehicle rollover accident is reported at 7285 North Bergen Road, Bergen. Bergen Fire Department and Mercy medics are responding. The location is between Wood Road and West Sweden Road.

UPDATE 1:58 p.m.: Byron's rescue truck is called to respond. The lone occupant, the driver, is reportedly able to talk but is pinned inside and extraction is needed.

UPDATE 2:02 p.m.: Law enforcement on scene confirms the patient is conscious, entrapped, and bleeding from a head injury.

UPDATE 2:04 p.m.: The vehicle landed on its side.

UPDATE 2:06 p.m.: A first responder reports a utility pole was struck. There are no wires down, but the pole is cracked at the base.

UPDATE 2:21 p.m.: Mercy Flight was called, then cancelled.

Wortzman Furniture Inc., renowned for its customer service, is celebrating 95 years in business

By Virginia Kropf

This past year may have been a challenge for those in business, but it has also been one to celebrate for Wortzman Furniture Store.

Dealing with the coronavirus pandemic is not exactly how Harry Wortzman planned to celebrate the company founded by his grandfather in 1925.

Wortzman continues to follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, and provide his customers with the best service possible.

When Harry’s grandfather Harry Wortzman founded the store, it was just a few years before the Great Depression. He took on a partner to help him make it through the hard times, and the business became Wortzman and Lighter. Young Harry’s father, Israel, joined the business after he got out of Armed Services at the end of World War II. When the older Harry died in 1948, Israel took over. Israel bought out the partner in 1950, and the business again became Wortzman Furniture store.

Harry went to Ithaca College, where he majored in Business, then attended the University of Rochester to get his MBA. He was drafted after his first year there. In the summer of 1972, his dad got sick and Harry came to help him in the store, while finishing his second semester at the University of Rochester. He left graduate school when his father died in the fall of 1972.

Harry ran the business with his mother, Shirley, until she retired in 1980.

Under its founder Harry and his son, Israel, Wortzman’s carried only furniture. The current owner added carpeting more than 20 years ago and also put an addition on the back of the store, which is located at the corner of Ellicott and Liberty streets in the City of Batavia.

Harry said there are always challenges in a small business. His biggest challenge has been having to close for two-and-a-half months due to the pandemic.

“You never make that up,” he said. “We were fortunate to have the Paycheck Protection Plan.”

The pandemic has also caused a major problem with the supply of furniture.

“It’s been very difficult to get merchandise,” Harry said. “Some companies which were on a six- to eight-week delivery cycle are now six to eight months.”

It’s also challenging to know how much to buy, he added.

Another problem was having to close. In his 12,000-square-foot store, he said he might have four or six people, yet the big box stores were allowed to remain open. Because so many of the smaller stores had to close, people shopped on the internet, often not having to pay state tax, yet business owners like Wortzman still have to pay their taxes.

The best part of being in business is becoming acquainted with all the different people he’s never met before, Harry said.

“They come in and make a purchase, then they come back and you become friends,” he said. 

At 72, Harry has no plans to retire. His wife, Paula, has retired as a schoolteacher, but he has no exit strategy at this point, he said.

“As long as I’m healthy, I enjoy what I do and plan to be here,” he said.

Harry said his staff is what makes the store what it is today. His office manager Amy DiSalvo has been with him for more than 25 years. Kathy Hamm has been a salesperson for nearly 20 years and is semiretired. The newest sales person is Leanna DiRiso, who had her own business, Hidden Door Gift Store, in Wortzman’s but closed it to work full time for Harry.

Harry claims to have the best delivery people one could find. Raymond Scott has been with him for 17 years, and Darryl Roberts for nearly seven. He calls Wade Geedy Jr. the greatest flooring installer.

Taking care of customers and servicing what they sell is the key to success, Harry said.

“We bend over backwards to please our customers,” he said. “You can’t please everybody, but we do the best we can. We try to keep up with styles. We do a lot of business in the surrounding areas, as well as the city. We are getting a lot of business out of Buffalo and Rochester, because of word of mouth.”

Much of their business is special orders. Their sales people will sit and help a customer design a room.

“We give much more personal service than a big box store,” Harry said.

Wortzman’s is a full-service furniture store with living room, dining room and bedroom furniture; accessories, lamps, entertainment centers, accent tables and fireplace accessories. 

Photos by Virginia Kropf.

Top photo: Harry Wortzman stands in his showroom with Amy DiSalvo, who has been his office manager for 25 years.

Below, Wortzman Furniture store is celebrating 95 years in business at 309 Ellicott St. in the City of Batavia. The company continues to serve customers throughout the GLOW region.

East Pembroke Fire District adopts resolution to buy equipment

By Press Release

Notice of Adoption of Resolution Subject to Permissive Referendum

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Dec. 9 the East Pembroke Fire District, Genesee County, State of New York, at a meeting thereof, duly adopted a Resolution, subject to a permissive referendum, an abstract of which Resolution is as follows:

The Resolution authorized the East Pembroke Fire District to appropriate from the Capital Reserve Fund, a sum not to exceed $400,000, which is the maximum estimated cost for the purchase of a mini pumper, rescue truck and related equipment, after using the proceeds from the sale of the district’s existing rescue truck. The acquisition of the foregoing items are purposes for which such Capital Reserve Fund was established.

That this Resolution shall not take effect until 30 days after its adoption, or until approved by an affirmative vote of the majority of the duly qualified voting electors of this Fire District if a petition, as prescribed by Section 6-g of the General Municipal Law, is duly filed with the Secretary of this District protesting against such Resolution and requesting a referendum as is prescribed in said section of said law.

Dated: Dec. 9, 2020

By Order of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Pembroke Fire District, William R. Joyce, Secretary

Residents of East Pembroke Fire District can vote Jan. 5 on whether to sell rescue truck

By Press Release


HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Election for the East Pembroke Fire District will be held on Jan. 5 at the East Pembroke Fire Station, located at 8655 Barrett Drive, Batavia, at which time the polls for voting will be open between the hours of 6 and 9 p.m. for the purpose of voting on the following proposition:

Proposition #1

Shall the following Resolution of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Pembroke Fire District, entitled, RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS OF THE EAST PEMBROKE FIRE DISTRICT TO SELL RESCUE VEHICLE AS SURPLUS PROPERTY, adopted Dec. 9, 2020, and authorizing and empowering the Board of Fire Commissioners to carry out the sale of the East Pembroke Fire District’s 2014 Pierce Medium Rescue Truck, valued at more than one hundred thousand ($100,000) dollars, with the actual price of sale to be determined by the market, be approved?

All persons who have been residents of the East Pembroke Fire District for at least 30 days preceding the election, and who registered to vote with the Genesee County Board of Elections are eligible to vote at such East Pembroke Fire District election.

By Order of the East Pembroke Fire District Board of Fire Commissioners William R. Joyce, Secretary

Sponsored Post: Know your rights, call Dolce Panepinto today

By Lisa Ace

KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! You have the right to a safe workplace. Federal laws state that your employer must provide a work area with no known health or safety hazards. You also have the right to: 

  • Be protected from toxic chemicals;
  • Request an OSHA inspection, and talk with the inspector;
  • Be trained in a language you understand;
  • Work on machines that meet safety regulations;
  • See copies of the workplace injury and illness log;
  • Get copies of test results done to find hazards in the workplace;
  • Be provided required safety gear, including but not limited to: hard hat, gloves and harness;
  • Report an injury or illness, and get copies of your medical records If you or someone you know has been injured or fallen ill due to unsafe work conditions. 

Call Dolce Panepinto at (716) 852-1888 immediately. We understand how life altering a work injury can be, and we are here to help. Click here to visit us online.

Alexander district voters approve $15 million capital project

By Mike Pettinella

Update 12:35 p.m. with comments from Interim Superintendent Jared Taft:

"This has been almost a year in the planning process with the board (of education) ... and we feel that we have put together a responsible project with zero tax implication," Taft said, adding that is a scaled down version of a similar proposal that was defeated in late 2018.

See the body of the story for Taft's comments on specifics of the project.


Alexander Central School District voters on Wednesday passed a capital project proposition that authorizes construction, reconstruction and equipping of school buildings and facilities, including elementary school building reconstruction and demolition and the replacement of the existing transportation facility.

The vote was 113 in favor and 90 against.

According to information on the district’s website, the project is expected to cost up to $15 million, with $11,830,000 of that amount (79 percent) to be covered by state aid. The remaining $3,170,000 cost is to be covered by district’s capital reserve and current funds.

Specifics of the project are as follows:

Classroom Modernization and Accessibility – Renovation of select classrooms at the elementary school, new accessible toilet rooms, and minor renovations at the high school, including Freezer and Agriculture/Science, Technologoy, Engineering and Math classroom.

Taft said work at the elementary school consists of taking care of the water problems in the basement and with the gymnasium floor, making enhancements to the scanner system at the entrance and redesigning the stairway for safety purposes.

Transportation Facility – Construction of a new transportation building and fuel island, and realignment of traffic areas.

Taft said water damage also is an issue with the transportation building, which he said is well beyond its useful life. He said the project calls for a "modest bus garage" with two bays (one with a lift), along with a training room, storage space and break room.

Vehicle and Pedestrian Safety – Reconfiguration of the roadway, traffic calming design, sidewalk connection through the campus, and construction of a barrier to separate buses and cars.

Taft said the parking lot will be reconfigured to make it "tremendously safer" -- including curbing and islands and a bus turnaround. He also said that upon completion, pedestrians will be able to walk continously on the sideway from the elementary building to the main road.

Legislators set public hearing to consider coroner compensation in extraordinary cases

By Mike Pettinella

Genesee County legislative action to schedule a public hearing on a local law to compensate coroners for time spent on extraordinary cases is welcome news to Jeff McIntire, a recently retired county medical examiner who worked 260 hours following the tragic plane crash off Boyce Road in Corfu on Oct. 2.

The crash resulted in the deaths of prominent attorney Steve Barnes, the pilot, and his niece, Elizabeth Barnes, who also practiced law.

“I’m pleased,” said McIntire, speaking by phone from his new home in West Palm Beach, Fla., where he has relocated following his Nov. 15 resignation as a county coroner. “It is good to know that if it does happen again, some provision is in place to make sure the coroner will get paid appropriately.”

Legislators, at their regular meeting tonight via Zoom videoconferencing, voted in favor of setting the public hearing on Local Law Introductory No. 3 for 5:30 p.m. Jan. 13 at the Old County Courthouse.

If passed, the law will enable lawmakers to consider additional pay for elected or appointed coroners for a fixed term – beyond a negotiated $100 stipend per case (deceased individual) – when a catastrophic event occurs.

County coroners also receive an annual stipend of $1,500 – paid throughout the year on regular paydays – but do not receive mileage reimbursement.

McIntire not only worked an inordinate number of hours during the plane crash investigation, but also lost wages as a result of not being able to work his regular job.

“As coroners, we understand that it’s not a job that you get into to make money, but on the other hand, this was a situation where wages were lost,” he said.

Apparently, legislators agree and have taken steps to instill some flexibility into future compensatory matters.

McIntire, who served more than five years as a county coroner, said he plans to submit his hours to Genesee County as the proposed law stipulates that “any coroner may submit a claim retroactively to Oct. 3, 2020, by a submittal in writing, which details the services rendered and the times and dates of the same.”

An emergency medical technician, McIntire said he is working as a full-time scuba instructor at his new residence in the Sunshine State.

County Republican Party leaders reportedly are seeking someone to replace McIntire. The other county coroners are Karen Lang, Tom Douglas and Adam Palumbo.

In other action, legislators:

-- Passed four amended resolutions relating to tax equalization tables, taxable assessed valuation tables, and tax warrants for the county’s towns and City of Batavia that slightly changed the figures due to a court-ordered assessment reduction on a parcel of land in the Town of Pembroke.

Deputy County Treasurer Kevin Andrews brought the matter to the board’s attention in time for amendments, avoiding the need to pass revised amendments at a future legislature meeting. He said that the court lowered the parcel in question’s assessment from $2.9 million to $2.6 million.

As amended, the taxes for the towns based on 2020 assessment rolls are as follows:

  • Alabama, $1,726,593.76;
  • Alexander, $2,134,938.83;
  • Batavia, $7,460,274.92;
  • Bergen, $2,821,306.39;
  • Bethany, $1,664,249.96;
  • Byron, $2,443,824.80;
  • Darien, $3,257,061.47;
  • Elba, $2,536,131.54;
  • Le Roy, $5,788,202.93;
  • Oakfield, $2,398,440.44;
  • Pavilion, $2,040,817.01;
  • Pembroke, $3,999,315.92;
  • Stafford, $2,416,914.48;
  • Total, $40,688,072.45.

The county’s share of the total amount collected for the 2021 tax year is $27,761,253.04.

The 2020 total was $39,419,355.44, with $27,734,757.10 being the County’s share.

The City of Batavia’s share of the tax levy for 2021 is $6,058,672.57, which is about $60,000 less than the 2020 tax levy.

-- As previously reported on The Batavian from a legislative committee meeting, gave formal approval to a local law setting salaries of the following county officers, effective Jan. 1:

  • Commissioner of Elections (2), $49,761;
  • Highway Superintendent, $115,110;
  • Director of Real Property Tax Services, $66,385;
  • Director of Human Resources, $80,050;
  • Commissioner of Social Services, $89,319;
  • Public Defender, $103,453;
  • County Attorney, $127,845;
  • County Clerk, $97,862.

Previous: Legislature proposes local law for discretionary coroner pay for catastrophic events

MLB offers Minor League license agreements to 120 cities but not Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

Major League Baseball Enterprises Inc., a multinational corporation based in New York City, is killing off professional baseball in Batavia.

That's an oversimplification but that is likely the end result.

The New York-Penn League, founded in Batavia in 1939, is breaking apart -- though a smaller independent league may survive -- and since the NY-P owns the Muckdogs, the league in its new form, if it survives at all, won't have the wherewithal to operate a baseball club in Batavia.

Today, MLB announced that its Major League teams have selected their affiliates for the 2021 season and Batavia is not on that list.

Only four NY-P teams are on the list.

Some NY-P teams have chosen to join what will be known as the MLB Draft League. The new league will consist of collegiate players who compete on a limited schedule from May until the All-Star break when the MLB will conduct its annual amateur draft.

For more than a year, MLB and MiLB have been in negotiations over a new operations agreement, with the number of Minor League teams being reduced by at least 40 franchises.  That plan also would have eliminated the Muckdogs as a Major League-affiliated team.

The plan announced today goes a step further by eliminating the MiLB completely. MLB teams will have license agreements (they'll no longer be known as franchises), with each affiliated team and the Minor League system will be operated out of the MLB offices in NYC.

It's unclear if the owners of the 120 teams being offered license agreements will agree to the MLB terms. They just received the proposed contracts today.

Red Wings Gave it Their Best Shot

In 2008, the Genesee County Baseball Club, owner of the Muckdogs at the time, entered into a 10-year operations agreement with Rochester Red Wings. The Red Wings operated the team at a loss for those 10 years but the agreement gave them a 50-percent ownership stake in the team.

In 2018, the NY-P would not allow a new operations agreement and took over ownership of the team with an agreement that would allow the NY-P to recover its operating losses from any eventual sale of the club. The GCBC, a community-owned organization, would receive any money left from the sale that wasn't paid out to the Red Wings or the NY-P.

It is unclear if any of the financial stakeholders in the Muckdogs will be compensated for MLB's apparent unilateral elimination of the team.  

Ben Hayes, commissioner of the NYPL, said he's asked the question directly and hasn't gotten an answer.

Naomi Silver, chief executive officer of the Red Wings, said she also doesn't know whether the Muckdogs owners will be compensated for the loss of the team. 

An attorney who specializes in antitrust and business competition law, Luke Hasskamp, with Bonalaw, based in Los Angeles, said Major League Baseball and Minor League Baseball are both protected by an antitrust exemption that prevents those harmed by MLB's actions from filing an antitrust claim. 

Major League Baseball is a legal monopoly.  

Where to Go from Here?

The legal options for the Muckdogs stakeholders are limited, he said. The last affiliation agreement the Muckdogs had with a Major League team, the Miami Marlins, expired after the unplayed 2020 season, so there may not be a breach-of-contract claim. 

Other legal options don't seem to apply to the Muckdogs, such as claims that the stakeholders made financial commitments and investments based on a promised continued relationship. Since the Muckdogs have been under a cloud of financial hardship -- making them a target for acquisition and relocation -- there are no apparent promises of continued play in Batavia.

The commissioner's office, with its new plan for player development, is not specifically eliminating the Batavia Muckdogs. The lack of an affiliation with a Major League club, however, along with the upheaval in the NY-P caused by the new alignment, makes it impossible to operate the Muckdogs as a professional baseball team, causing its estimated $6 million value to evaporate. 

Asked if the stakeholders could claim the MLB unjustly deprived them of appropriate compensation for making the Muckdogs as a financial asset valueless, Hasskamp compared the idea to eminent domain, but said since MLB is a private organization any such comparison does not legally apply.

"It’s an interesting argument, not one I have thought through much, but it’s challenging, in my opinion, not only because MLB isn’t a public entity because also, as you pointed out, MLB isn’t really taking property," Hasskamp said. "It’s just taking action that will impact the value of others’ businesses. This may be relevant to a party’s damages."

At the end of that email to The Batavian, Kasskamp said, "One other thought: It will be interesting if this stirs any greater interest in Congress to revoke baseball’s antitrust exemption. These contractions are going to impact a number of communities / congressional districts, and more than 100 congressmen noted their displeasure when the contractions were first announced."

Will Schumer Keep Fighting for Batavia?

On a couple of recent visits, we've asked Sen. Charles Schumer, a die-hard baseball fan, if he would pursue legislation to revoke MLB's antitrust exemption. He didn't give a direct answer. He just promised to keep fighting to save teams like the Batavia Muckdogs and Auburn Doubledays.  

This afternoon, we asked a member of his staff for a statement and clarification on Schumer's position on the antitrust exemption and didn't get a response.

Today, in a phone conversation, Hayes offered no hopeful take on the future of the Muckdogs given today's announcement, other than to say there is still much that is unknown about the MLB plan and how Minor League team owners will respond to the license offers.

Silver said the team owners haven't even had a chance to fully review the contracts and discuss the best course of action. She said she's hopeful the Red Wings will be made whole for their losses incurred while operating the Muckdogs.

"We're sad to think there will be no Muckdogs baseball in Batavia," Silver said. "We worked hard for 10 years to try and save the team."

She noted that Batavia is not the only community suffering a loss of a team because of the MLB's decision.

"Batavia is not being singled out," she said.

Tabelski: Games Will be Played at Dwyer

While the prospect of a professional baseball game ever again being played in Batavia seems dim, that doesn't mean there won't be organized baseball played at Dwyer Stadium in the coming years.

Rachael Tabelski, interim city manager, said she has been contacted by representatives from collegiate leagues (often called wooden bat leagues) and semi-pro leagues looking to move into Dwyer. She said the city has yet to respond to those inquiries because there is still a contract in place with the NY-P that gives the league control of what baseball is played in the stadium. Unless and until that contract is resolved, the city can't find a new tenant. 

There will be a tenant in Dwyer again, Tabelski said. 

"As somebody who grew up going to Clippers and Muckdog games, it's very sad to think about losing the team," she said. "I think it's very difficult to look at losing the baseball team we've loved, but there will still be an opportunity for baseball in this town."

And the next team to make Batavia home could very well be called the Muckdogs. The Genesee County Baseball Club has retained the rights to the Muckdogs trademark (it was recently renewed).

Health department reports 46 new positive COVID cases since yesterday

By Press Release

Press release:

Data Update:

  • Genesee County received 46 new positive cases of COVID-19.
    • The new positive cases reside in Alabama, Alexander, Batavia, Bergen, Bethany, Byron, Darien, Elba, Le Roy, Pavilion and Pembroke.
    • The individuals are in their 0-19s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s.
    • Fifty-eight of the previous positive individuals have recovered and have been removed from the isolation list.
    • Twenty-one of the positive individuals are hospitalized.
    • One of the new cases is a resident at the Grand Rehabilitation and Nursing at Batavia, two of the new cases are residents at Premier Genesee Center for Nursing & Rehabilitation, and two of the new cases are at the VA Medical Center.
    • One of the previous community active cases has been identified as a resident of the Grand Rehabilitation and Nursing at Batavia.
  • Orleans County received 37 new positive cases of COVID-19.
    • The new positive cases reside in Albion, Barre, Carlton, Clarendon, Gaines, Kendall, Murray, Yates, Ridgeway and Shelby.
    • The individuals are in their 0-19s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s.
    • Thirteen of the individuals were on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
    • Six of the previous positive individuals have recovered and have been removed from the isolation list.
    • Six of the current positive individuals are hospitalized.

Batavia Rotary Club's popular Corvette raffle is back this year, get your tickets now

By Press Release

Press release:

Looking for that perfect last-minute gift? A stocking stuffer for that sports-car buff in the family? How about a new ‘Vette? 

OK, so a chance on one. And more likely, just in time for Valentines’ Day. Either way, the odds are decent. 

Batavia Rotary Club has reintroduced its popular Corvette Raffle.

“We took a break for several years, but realized it was time to bring it back” says Rotarian and event chair Lisa Ormsbee. “The raffle raises money for all of Rotary’s good causes locally and worldwide. And we sell only up to 3,999 tickets.” 

Tom Turnbull, 2020-21 Rotary president, adds We’re thrilled to be able to bring back this project after several years’ hiatus. 2020 will surely go down in history as one to remember. We are happy to be back doing what we do best: supporting our communities. All proceeds support Rotary’s charitable causes, which this year included $20,000 in direct COVID-19 relief, in addition to support of a dozen or more community nonprofits who take care of so many needs right here in Genesee County.” 

Tickets are $50 each or three for $100. Donations are fully tax deductible.

First prize is a new 2021 Corvette or $40,000 in cash, with 10 second prizes of $500 each. The drawing will be held on Feb. 6. Tickets may be purchased from any Batavia Rotarian, or online.

“Or ask your Rotarian friend to mail you one or three tickets, and take care of it that way,” says Ormsbee. “Either way you’re doing a lot of good, and who knows, you might be driving around in style next Spring!” 

Law and Order: Rochester man accused of assaulting and injuring officer and resisting arrest

By Billie Owens

Andre Lamar Roberts (inset photo right), 28, of Burrows Street, Rochester, is charged with assault on a police officer and resisting arrest, a Class C felony and Class A misdemeanor, respectively. On Dec. 8, Genesee County Sheriff's deputies apprehended and arrested Roberts following an investigation of an incident that occurred on Oct. 21 on Church Street in Alexander. Roberts allegedly resisted arrest when being taken into custody, resulting in a deputy being injured. Roberts was arraigned in Genesee County Court and put in jail in lieu of $5,000 cash bail or $10,000 bond. He is scheduled to reappear in county court on Jan. 8. The case was investigated by Deputy Erik Andre, assisted by Deputy Jonathan Dimmig, Deputy Jeremy McClellan, and Deputy Kenneth Quackenbush.

Every Fall Season 1 Varsity sport at Byron-Bergen HS earned state Scholar-Athlete Team award

By Press Release

Press release:

The Byron-Bergen Senior High School proudly announces that every Fall Season 1 Varsity Byron-Bergen affiliated sports team achieved the New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA) Scholar-Athlete Team award. The Fall Season 1 sports teams are boys cross-country, girls cross-country, gymnastics, boys soccer, and girls soccer.

Due to current state guidelines, cheerleading, football, and volleyball are designated as Fall Season 2 sports and are currently scheduled for the spring.

“It has been a unique fall sports season,” said Byron-Bergen Athletic Director Rich Hannan. “These athletes couldhave made excuses to coast in academics or athletics, and they didn’t. They got it done. They are excellent students and role models. Congratulations to all!”

The Scholar-Athlete program recognizes athletes for their academic success. NYSPHSAA Scholar-Athlete Team awards go to teams whose average GPA equals 90 or above.

Scholar-Athlete Team award recipients:

Cross Country - Boys

Alden Belknap, Jeffrey Borycki, Cameron Carlson, Joshua Fleming, Frank Hersom, Colby Leggo, Lincoln McGrath, Gabriel Vallese, Corden Zimmerman

Cross Country - Girls

Cassidy Ball, Rachel Best, Dayanara Caballero, Grayson Erion, Hanna Loewke, Stephanie Onderdonk, Alaura Rehwaldt, Katherine Rogoyski, Grace Shepard, Leyna Wheeler


Kendall Chase, Carli Kirkwood, Emily Salmonds, Mikayla Yohon

Soccer – Boys

Nicholas Baubie, Caleb Carlson, Jonah Clare, Alexander Donnelly, Leyver Galvez, Andrew Hare, Austin Hunt, Colin Martin, Joshua Swapceinski, Joshua Tardy, Jose Venegas, Matthew Zwerka, Nicholas Zwerka

Soccer - Girls

Bianca Brumsted, Zoey Chambry, Eden Goff, Ava Gray, Mia Gray, Mackenzie Hagen, Hope Hersom, Brooke Jarkiewicz, Kendall Phillips, Mikaylah Pocock, Victoria Rogoyski, Sasha Schramm, Alayna Streeter, Ava Wagoner

Just Kings and Adam Miller Toy and Bicycle team up for toy drive

By Press Release

The Just Kings Community Organization and Adam Miller Toy and Bicycle are teaming up to make the Just Kings Toy Drive as easy as 1-2-3 to donate.

Adam Miller is offering $30 Gift Certificates for $20.20, and has extended this offer to anyone who wishes to buy one for the Just King’s Toy Drive. Simply stop by the store at 8 Center St. or call (585) 343-0548 and they will be happy to take your order over the phone.  

Adam Miller’s is a hometown favorite, featuring classic and educational toys, activity kits, bicycles, puzzles and the most interesting collection of stocking stuffers around. This charming, old-school toy store comes complete with old wood floors that squeak a bit -- a quaint welcome as you walk through the doors and browse

The Just Kings continue to work and mentor youth in our area, and have held a host of community outreach events and fun activities like their Trunk or Treat Halloween, Thanksgiving Food Drive, Book Bag Giveaway, and neighborhood summer celebrations galore.

You are also welcome to donate gently used toys for newborns to age 12. They will brighten some child's Christmas morning.

The toy drive is underway through Dec. 21.

Toys can be dropped off at Royals Barber Shop, 317 Ellicott St., Batavia.

Need is critical for this year's annual WBTA Toy Drive at Ken Barrett dealership Friday

By Press Release

Press release:

The Salvation Army of Batavia is proud to announce, for the 37th year in a row, WBTA’S annual toy drive with Ken Barrett Cadillac Chevrolet. COVID-19 has hit The Salvation Army especially hard, with the need for services being at an all-time high and funding down nearly 40-50 percent. 

The annual drive for new, unwrapped toys will take place at the car dealership this Friday, Dec. 11, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. It is located at 229 W. Main St. in the City of Batavia. WBTA will broadcast live.

The toy drive is a staple seasonal event for The Salvation Army of Batavia and the local community. All toys donated go to children in the Genesee County area. To date, The Salvation Army of Batavia has 180 families registered with more than 400 children needing toys this Christmas. They have seen more than a 30-percent increase in need this year due to the coronavirus pandemic in just the Batavia area. 

“While the start of the Christmas season for The Salvation Army begins in the summer with planning, for me, the Christmas spirit is ignited with our annual toy drive,” said Captain Rachel Moore. “I feel the toy drive is what really signifies the holiday spirit in Batavia.

"It is overwhelming to see the generosity of our community as toy after toy is dropped off. This year, more than ever before, we are relying on the giving spirit of our neighbors to offer hope to children in need all over Genesee County. We are grateful to WBTA and Ken Barrett Cadillac Chevrolet for continuing a beautiful tradition that will help so many this year.” 

The Batavia Salvation Army has implemented additional precautions to make the toy drive a COVID-19 safe event. Those participating can simply drive up to the designated area at Ken Barrett Cadillac Chevrolet and open their trunk. A member of the Batavia Fire Department will collect the toys.

If you cannot participate on Dec. 11th, please visit our Angel Tree Registry with Toys will be directly shipped to our offices. 

About The Salvation Army Empire State Division

The Empire State Division of The Salvation Army covers 48 counties in Upstate New York and one city in Pennsylvania (Sayre, Pa.). Our annual Red Kettle Campaign in November and December helps our 45 community centers and 166 volunteer driven service units raise funds that remain in each community to help those in need. 

For more information go to:


About The Salvation Army 

The Salvation Army annually helps more than 23 million Americans overcome poverty, addiction and economic hardships through a range of social services. By providing food for the hungry, emergency relief for disaster survivors, rehabilitation for those suffering from drug and alcohol abuse, and clothing and shelter for people in need, The Salvation Army is doing the most good at 7,600 centers of operation around the country. In the first-ever listing of “America’s Favorite Charities” by The Chronicle of Philanthropy, The Salvation Army ranked as the country’s largest privately funded, direct-service nonprofit.

For more information, visit Follow us on Twitter @SalvationArmyUS and #DoingTheMostGood.

LandPro's new facility in Town of Batavia will be company's 'main hub for technology'

By Mike Pettinella

Genesee County Planning Board members are in for a busy night on Thursday as 14 project referrals are on their monthly meeting agenda.

The meeting will take place via Zoom videoconferencing at 7 o’clock.

Four of the referrals -- including a site plan review for a new state-of-the-art LandPro sales, storage and maintenance facility in the Town of Batavia -- are coming to the board following initial action taken by the Town of Batavia Planning Board last week.

LandPro, dealer of John Deere tractors and equipment, is lined up to build what Paul Williams, operations manager/north, says will be the company’s “main hub for technology” at 4554 W. Saile Drive – on a 14-acre parcel just east of Vantage Equipment at the corner of Call Parkway.

“This will be a full-servicing John Deere dealership and that will include agriculture as we know it, turf, all turf products and a limited, what we call a compact construction equipment (facility),” said Williams, who is in charge of half of LandPro’s 20 stores in New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio. “Additionally, it will be our main hub for technology – our integrated solutions as we call it – GPS (Global Positioning System) and all of the fancy technology that is in our equipment.”

Williams said technology has made its way to the forefront over the past 15 to 20 years.

“It continues to grow and continues to be an extremely critical piece of our business,” he said. “The machines are now talking to us, they’re talking to John Deere at the factory and we’re getting early warning signs of failures so we can be on site before things fail.”

He said the tractors, by utilizing GPS, have the capability to be within an inch of accuracy as they drive down the rows of corn, for example.

“The technology is very, very high at this point, and it continues to grow. That’s why this facility will not only be state-of-the art and our largest shop, but it will also house our high-technology product division,” he said, adding that LandPro is partnering with Stihl and Honda products for handheld supplies and generators.

When asked if the new location would replace the John Deere stores in Oakfield and Alexander, Williams said that “eventually, they probably will (close) but we want to make sure that we can still serve the capacity of the customers in that geography … before we close those locations.”

“So, we’ve got a little bit of work to do – but that is the long-term plan,” he said.

Williams said that 60 to 65 employees will work out of the new building, which is expected to be completed in the spring or summer of 2022, with current workers in Oakfield and Alexander relocating to West Saile Drive.

He didn’t disclose the amount of investment into the facility, which shows 13,000 square feet for retail sales, 5,000 square feet for parts storage and 28,000 square feet for maintenance, but without question, it is a multimillion dollar venture.

LandPro will seek tax credits through the Genesee County Economic Development Center and grants through National Grid, Williams said.

Other highlights of Thursday’s Genesee County Planning Board meeting:

  • A site plan review and area variance for a four-story, 140,000-square-foot medical office building proposed by Rochester Regional Health at 8103 Oak Orchard Road (Route 98), near Call Parkway, in the Town of Batavia. The facility will have 90,000 square feet for office space and 63 of its 360 parking spaces in a lower-level parking garage.
  • Special use permits and an area variance for a pair of solar projects named Trousdale Solar I and Trousdale Solar II at 5117 Ellicott Street Road, Batavia. The first phase is a 5-megawatt array covering 18 acres of a 65-acre parcel while the second phase is a 4-megawatt system covering 19.6 acres on a 71-acre parcel. Pending recommendation of approval (with modifications) from county planners, it will go to a public hearing conducted by the Town of Batavia Planning Board.
  • A special use permit for two ground mounted commercial solar systems, one generating 5.3 megawatts and the other generating 6.6 megawatts, at 7984 Tesnow Road in the Town of Pembroke. The applicant, Solar Liberty Energy Systems, Inc., of Buffalo, wishes to place the solar array on property owned by Kreher Brothers LLC of Clarence.
  • A site plan review to change the use from professional office space and art studio to a medical office for acupuncture and physical therapy at 10 Lake St. (Route 19) in the Village of Bergen. Documents submitted by applicants David and Anna Marie Barclay reveal a plan to use about half of the building’s lower level for their clinic, which will have four employees.
  • A site plan review to relocate Precious Paws to an existing commercial building at 10571 Main St., Alexander. Plans submitted by the applicant, Alicia Brenkus, call for slight modifications to convert a former pizza shop to the owner/operated dog grooming business.

Previously: Rochester Regional Health plans to build four-story medical office building in the Town of Batavia

Ray Tourt, with 22 years of service to the city, appointed Director of Public Works

By Press Release

Press release:

Interim City Manager Rachael Tabelski announced today the appointment of Raymond Tourt as the Director of the Department of Public Works.  

Tourt has served the City for 22 years in various capacities including Assistant City Engineer and currently as the Superintendent of Maintenance.

During his tenure, he has successfully completed multiple infrastructure projects to include over 10 federal aid projects, other responsibilities have been streets, sewers, parks, snow and fleet operations. He currently oversees 23 employees in the Bureau of Maintenance.  

As the Director of the City of Batavia Public Works, Tourt will oversee the Bureau of Water, Wastewater, Bureau of Maintenance, Bureau of Inspection and Bureau of Engineering.  

“I am excited to continue to work with Ray in his new role as the Director of Public Works," Tabelski said. "The City is undertaking numerous capital projects and his knowledge and leadership will ensure that these projects move forward to successful completion. He is a dedicated and knowledgeable member of the City staff and I know he will be well received in his new role."

Tourt will serve as Acting Director of Public Works for the next four weeks until the retirement of the current Director, Matt Worth, at which time he will be appointed provisionally. 

The City of Batavia encourages all citizens to welcome Tourt in the position of the Director of Public Works. Tourt lives in the Town of Batavia with his family.

Genesee County has 21 new positive COVID-19 cases today and two deaths

By Press Release

Press release:

Data Update:

  • Genesee County received 21 new positive cases of COVID-19.
    • The new positive cases reside in Batavia, Bergen, Bethany, Byron, Elba, Le Roy, Oakfield and Pembroke. 
    • The individuals are in their 0-19s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, and 70s. 
    • Fifty-seven of the previous positive individuals have recovered and have been removed from the isolation list.
    • Seventeen of the positive individuals are hospitalized.
    • We received notification of two deaths of community members. Both of the individuals were over the age of 65. To protect the individual and their family we will not be releasing any further information. We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of this community member during this very difficult time.

  • Orleans County received 23 new positive cases of COVID-19.
  • The new positive cases reside in Albion, Barre, Clarendon, Gaines, Kendall, Murray, Yates, Ridgeway and Shelby.
  • The individuals are in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s.
  • Two of the individuals were on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
  • Twenty of the previous positive individuals have recovered and have been removed from the isolation list.
  • Six of the current positive individuals are hospitalized.

We are saddened to report the COVID-related community death of an Orleans County resident who was over the age of 65. We will not be releasing any further information to protect the individual and their family. Our hearts go out to the family and friends of this community member during this very difficult time.

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