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Schumer says new Farm Bill will benefit Upstate New York

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer today revealed the details of the newly released 2018 Farm Bill, Conference Report, which passed the Senate by an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote of 87-13 yesterday.

Schumer said the bill will benefit key Upstate New York agricultural communities. Senator Schumer detailed several major areas in which the Farm Bill will be a major boost to Upstate farmers, growers, food-needy families and producers, as well as other New York businesses.

Schumer said the newly announced bill reflects a variety of different priorities he pushed for on behalf of the New York agricultural community. Schumer explained the bill will give New York's agricultural industry a shot in the arm.

Schumer lauded the months-long bipartisan process to craft the Farm Bill and congratulated committee leaders Sen. Debbie Stabenow and Republican Chair Pat Roberts, as well as Committee Member Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand for their assiduous work.

“The Farm Bill is a major victory for Upstate New York and its large and vital agricultural community,” Schumer said. “Ensuring the passage of a Farm Bill is vital for New York’s agricultural community and our economy as a whole.

"The bill makes further investments to help Upstate New York dairy farmers, boosts the rapidly growing organic sector, builds on New York’s burgeoning industrial hemp industry, expands rural broadband, strengthens crop insurance, and protects our most vulnerable hungry families and seniors from harmful cuts.

"While the bill does not contain everything that we fought for, it is ultimately a win for the farmers that are the heart of Upstate New York."


The newly introduced Farm Bill includes major victories for Upstate New York dairy farmers and producers. The newly introduced Farm Bill invests in programs to help give much-needed relief to Upstate New York dairy farmers and producers. The Farm Bill includes a variety of helpful reforms including, an investment of $100 million to help improve the Federal dairy insurance program to help make the program work better for small to medium dairy farms, a provision waiving administrative fees for beginning, veteran, and underserved farmers, a provision continuing the vital changes made in the Omnibus Budget bill that allowed for the creation of new dairy insurance tools in the future, and a program that would provide funding to dairy organizations who chose to donate their products.

Rural Communities

This Farm Bill focused on investing in our small rural communities across New York State and nationwide. One example of this was the establishment of a new grant program that will target high-need, rural areas seeking to undertake broadband internet projects. These projects will help connect our most in need areas and upgrade to more modern internet access. Additionally, the Farm Bill made important investments in programs that help grow our rural small businesses, as well as those that help to fight the opioid crisis.

Agriculture and Farming/Growing

Organic Farming

The newly introduced Farm Bill establishes mandatory funding of $24 million over FY19-23 for the National Organic Certification Cost-Share Program (NOCCSP), which helps support farmers who want to become involved in the organic market by providing reimbursements of some of their annual fees for United States Department of Agriculture organic certification -- it includes an increase in critical funding for organic research through the Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative from its current level of $20 million to $50 million by FY2023. Finally, the Farm Bill increases the authorization for the National Organic Program (NOP). Schumer has been a major supporter of this program that helps USDA protect farmers from having to unfairly compete against fraudulent organic imports while also helping to maintain consumer confidence in the USDA certified organic brand. This bill increases the authorization for the NOP to $16.5 million in FY2019, $18 million in FY2020, $20 million in FY2021, $22 million in FY2022, and $24 million in FY2023.

Specialty Crops

The Farm Bill contained a number of provisions beneficial to Upstate farmers, but especially to farmers of specialty crops. New York produces a wide range of specialty crops (fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture and nursery crops, herbs and spices, maple syrup, Christmas trees, etc.) that rank highly nationwide in terms of both production and economic value. The Senate Farm Bill, according to Schumer, provides vital funding to key programs that aid specialty crop producers, such as the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program and the Specialty Crop Research Initiative. These programs help provide support to New York's specialty crop industry in the form of robust research funding.


The Farm Bill reauthorizes Schumer’s original legislation known as The Maple Tap Act, which Schumer said is now officially called the Acer Access and Development Program. This provision will continue to help maple producers in the Hudson Valley and across Upstate New York boost their production and become more competitive with places like Canada, which produces 85 percent of the world's maple product. Schumer said, specifically, this provision provides an authorization for USDA grants to states that create programs to encourage individual and private landowners to open up their trees to maple tapping. Schumer's legislation would also provide grants to states to support market promotion, maple industry research and development, and education through leading institutions, like Cornell.


Another important provision Schumer fought to include was the Hemp Farming Act of 2018. Schumer, a cosponsor of the Hemp Farming Act, said the provision could help unlock industrial hemp’s full potential as an agricultural commodity across Upstate New York by removing hemp from a federal list of controlled substances. Schumer said the bill will do four important things for farmers nationwide including in New York State:

  • Remove industrial hemp from Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act;
  • Empower states to be the principal regulators of hemp;
  • Allow hemp researchers to apply for competitive federal grants from the U.S. Department of Agriculture;
  • Make hemp farmers eligible to apply for crop insurance;
  • Most importantly, Schumer said this important provision would allow for New York’s agricultural community to grow industrial hemp as an agricultural commodity if they so choose, allowing New York growers more flexibility.


The Farm Bill requires the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service to record all barley production in New York State. By ensuring that this critical information is accessible for barley farmers, they will be able to better determine any future plantings. Additionally, the provision would give crop insurance providers access to this essential information, which could spur them to expand coverage and potentially even offer a malting barley endorsement.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Program (SNAP)

Schumer explained that he fought tooth and nail to protect SNAP from any cuts in the Farm Bill. Schumer said that he also was able to push for other provisions to help those most in need. First, the Farm Bill creates opportunities for job training for some of the most in-need New Yorkers who participate in SNAP, to help them find and keep good-paying jobs. Second, the Farm Bill simplifies paperwork for New York seniors who participate in SNAP to ensure they get the nutritional assistance they need and deserve as quickly as possible. And lastly, the Farm Bill creates the “Farm to Food Bank” initiative, which will help provide New Yorkers using SNAP with locally grown, New York produce and other food.


Schumer said the Farm Bill funds key environmental programs that are essential to farmers, like the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP). These programs are voluntary conservation initiatives that farmers can utilize through the USDA’s Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) to help them continue to be good stewards of the land.


The newly introduced Farm Bill also includes a vital provision called the Pet and Women Safety Act (PAWS) Act, which Schumer is currently a cosponsor of. This bill would help give victims of domestic violence and their pets greater access to safe sheltering options, as well as provide stronger legal protections to pets. According to the Humane Society, up to one-third of domestic violence victims delay leaving a dangerous situation, because they fear for the safety of their pets, and up to one-fourth return to an abuser due to concern for their pets.

Local food programs

The Farm Bill creates a new Local Agriculture Market Program (LAMP) by combining the Value Added Producer Grants Program and the Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program. The value-added producers grant program helps dairy farmers that start producing artisanal cheese or apple growers that enter the hard cider industry. The grants administered through the new LAMP program will continue to support strengthening our local food systems from rural farmers to urban consumers.

Water, Waste Disposal, and Wastewater Facility grants

The Farm Bill provides funding to support and strengthen rural water infrastructure. Funding to Rural Development programs like the Water, Waste Disposal, and Wastewater Facility Grant program will help families and businesses across Upstate New York and nationwide continue to have access to clean drinking water.

Community facility investments

The Farm Bill supports Community Facility investments to continue to help provide resources to construct hospitals, improve schools, while also improving fire and police stations across small towns in New York State.

Job Fair at career center planned for Jan. 17

By Billie Owens

The Genesee County Job Development Bureau along with its partners at the One Stop Career Center invites you to attend our Job Fair.

The event will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. on Jan. 17 at the career center, located at 487 E. Main St. in Eastown Plaza, Batavia.

At least 30 local employers that are actively hiring for multiple job openings will be there.

If you would like to be better prepared to attend the Job Fair, you are encouraged to attend a workshop to hone your job-hunting skills:

  • Interviewing Skills Workshop -- Monday, Jan. 7 -- 2 to 3:30 p.m.
  • Resume Workshop -- Thursday, Jan. 10 -- 10 to 11:30 a.m.
  • Linked In & Twitter Basics -- Monday, Jan. 14 -- 2 to 3:30 p.m.

Le Royan promoted by Tops Friendly Markets

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo and press release:

Tops Friendly Markets, a leading full-service grocery retailer in New York, northern Pennsylvania, and Vermont, is pleased to announce the promotion of Lacey Klinkbeil.

She joined the Tops team in 2008 working her way through store operations holding various management positions at stores throughout the chain in the front end, office, bookkeeping, price discipline, and floral departments.

Klinkbeil brings a great deal of store experience to her new role as labor management scheduling specialist, overseeing the day to day management of the scheduling and functions of Tops labor management system.

She will also help develop the labor processes and standards that will be configured. Additionally, Klinkbeil will train and maintain the sustainability of Tops labor management applications.

Klinkbeil holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from Buffalo State College and an associate degree in Criminal Justice from Genesee Community College. She and her family are residents of Le Roy.

About Tops Friendly Markets

Tops Markets LLC, is headquartered in Williamsville and operates 159 full-service supermarkets with five additional by franchisees under the Tops banner. Tops employs more than 14,000 associates and is a leading full-service grocery retailer in New York, Northern Pennsylvania, and Vermont. For more information about Tops Markets, visit the company's website at

NYSERDA announces $19 million to accelerate use of clean energy technologies on farms

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The New York State Energy and Research Development Authority (NYSERDA) today announced that $19 million is available to accelerate the use of anaerobic digester gas-to-electricity projects and clean energy technologies to make farm operations more energy efficient.

The use of clean energy technologies and practices represents major cost-saving opportunities for farms and supports Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s ambitious clean energy goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 40 percent by 2030.

Alicia Barton, president and CEO, NYSERDA, said, “Throughout New York’s history, farms have played a critical role in sustaining the nourishment and health of our families and communities. Governor Cuomo’s emphasis on providing funding to help bridge the gap between the agricultural sector and energy efficiency will help farms across the state reduce their energy usage while continuing to provide environmental benefits for their local communities.”

NYSERDA is offering $16 million to accelerate the anaerobic digester sector. An anaerobic digester gas-to-electricity system is a renewable energy source that can reduce costs for a facility by using waste materials as fuel to generate electricity at the same location that it is used.

Anaerobic digester systems can be used on farms, wastewater treatment plants, and as stand-alone systems to treat food wastes. They are fueled by gas from the processing of biomass feedstocks such as manure, agricultural waste, food waste, and other wastes.

Of the $16 million, nearly half is for proposals to install new anaerobic digester gas-to-electricity systems in ways that demonstrate replicable business models or strategies to expand the anaerobic digestor marketplace. These proposals must describe how their projects will improve the marketplace for anaerobic digestion technology.

The remaining funds will be used to cost-share the refurbishment of existing digesters and associated equipment to extend their useful lifespans as well as for projects that will improve the capabilities of the anaerobic digestion marketplace.

An additional $3 million is being offered for the Advancing Agriculture Energy Technologies initiative to accelerate commercially available technologies and practices to make a farm operation more energy efficient. Under this initiative, proposals for emerging technologies should be replicable and provide cost-effective energy efficiency improvements to farms in New York State.

Eligible technologies and practices include hardware, software, and operational strategies. Selected technologies and practices will be demonstrated on host site farms to increase awareness in the agricultural industry about these processes.

To increase the likelihood of new energy efficient applications, a team approach is strongly encouraged. Eligible team members could include developers, manufacturers, farm owners, universities and other academic institutions, trade or professional organizations, and utilities.

The goal is to increase the number of farms adopting emerging energy efficient technologies and to increase communication and market awareness of clean energy technologies for the agriculture sector.

NYSERDA and the Department of Agriculture and Markets collaborate on the Clean Energy for Agriculture Task Force, an assembly of farmers, universities, agriculture organizations, and others to help identify and prioritize clean energy opportunities for New York State’s agriculture sector.

In March 2017, the Task Force announced its Strategic Plan, which identified initiatives to cut energy costs and accelerate the use of clean energy by more than 35,000 farms across the state. This funding supports the Strategic Plan.

State Agriculture Commissioner Richard A. Ball said, “Clean energy is our future and it is critical we continue to identify new ways to harness these opportunities to power our farms. Thanks to Governor Cuomo’s leadership, New York continues to lead the nation in environmental sustainability initiatives such as this one that are helping our farms save money and become more energy efficient.”

These offerings are just one of many steps the state has taken to support clean energy on farms including the Agriculture Energy Audit Program which offers free energy audits to identify energy efficiency measures for eligible farms, including but not limited to, dairies, orchards, greenhouses, vegetables, vineyards, grain, and poultry or egg producers.

Agriculture covers approximately 25 percent of land use in New York State. Livestock and agricultural activities at New York’s farms account for nearly 3 percent of the state’s greenhouse gas emissions. Total energy use on farms accounts for approximately 9 percent of farm expenses (equal to about $450 million in annual expenses).

Greater use of clean energy practices by farms can further reduce their greenhouse gas impacts and energy costs while building on the state’s efforts to promote environmentally sustainable practices. As of the end of 2012, the most recent number available, there were 1,379 renewable energy systems on farms in New York. Of these, 23 have anaerobic digester gas systems that are operational with another seven in the process of being installed.

Today's announcement supports New York's nation-leading efforts to combat climate change as part of the U.S. Climate Alliance, a bipartisan coalition of 16 states and Puerto Rico committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and pursuing aggressive climate actions at the state level in light of the Trump Administration’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accords, to create an energy grid that can be relied on during severe weather events.

The funding is made available through the state’s 10-year, $5.3 billion Clean Energy Fund. More information about these two solicitations is available on NYSERDA’s website.

Visiting Nurses Association opens new, larger office in Pavilion

By Howard B. Owens


The Visiting Nursing Association hosted a grand opening today of its new office on Telephone Road in Pavilion.

The VNA is part of a regional network of providers based in Buffalo and the Pavilion office serves the GLOW region.

It consolidates offices that were in Batavia and Wyoming County in what VP Lisa Greisler said is larger and more convenient for the entire staff.

"We really wanted something that was centrally located for our staff and really for our referral services to know we’re smack in the middle of where you need us to be," Greisler said.

There are 70 nurses, aides and support staff serving the GLOW region with an increasing need for more staff, so the new facility will help meet current and future demand. The nurses and aides make more than 28,000 home visits a year.

The office provides visiting nurse -- who mostly work remotely -- with a central location for doing paperwork, getting supplies and meeting with other caregivers.

“We’re growing, which is good news," Greisler said. "This region, in particular, is continuing to grow with the number of patients we’ve been serving and it is growing every day so we’re happy to be able to be here and serve."

Photo: Lisa Greisler, Judy Baumgardner, president, Peggy Weissend, Lyn Waldraff, Courtney Boss, Sarah Dufour and Wendy Swart.

Tickets go on sale Monday for annual Celebrate Ag Dinner March 16

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Plans are already underway for the 17th Annual Celebrate Agriculture Dinner which will take place at 6 p.m. on Saturday, March 16, at the Alexander Fire Hall.

This yearly event is a celebration of Genesee County’s agriculture industry. The highlight of the night is a delicious meal using locally produced foods prepared by Penna’s Catering. The dinner is open to the public.

Tickets go on sale Monday, Dec. 3, at the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce (8276 Park Road, Batavia). Tickets are $30 each or a table of 10 can be purchased for $275.

Sponsorships are also available which help support agriculture educational events in Genesee County. Only 400 tickets will be sold. Order your tickets now as they will not be available at the door.

The Celebrate Ag Dinner is coordinated by the following partners: Genesee County Chamber of Commerce, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County, Genesee County Soil & Water Conservation District, and Genesee County Farm Bureau.

Sponsors of the 2018 celebration included: Alleghany Farm Services, Arctic Refrigeration, Baskin Livestock Inc., Carolina Eastern Crocker, Clark Patterson Lee, CY Farms, Farm Family Insurance, Freed Maxick CPA, Genesee County Agricultural Society Inc., Lamb Farms Inc., LandPro Equipment, Lawley, My-T Acres Inc., National Grid, OXBO International, Rochester Regional Health -- UMMC, Scott Adams Trucking, T-Shirts Etc., Torrey Farms Inc., Senator Michael Ranzenhofer, William Kent Inc., and Windy Acres Farm.

Farms and businesses that donated locally grown food or other items for the 2018 dinner included: Bonduelle, Dairy Farmers of America, Farm Credit East, Farm Fresh First, Fenton’s Produce, First Light Farm & Creamery, L-Brooke Farms, Hill ‘n’ Hollow, Love Beets Inc., Jeremy Neal, New York Pork Producers, O-AT-KA Milk, SJ Starowitz Farms, Torrey Farms, Upstate Niagara Co-op., and Yancey’s Fancy.

For ticket information contact the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce at 585-343-7440 or

CountryMax announces return to Batavia at former Office Max location

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

CountryMax announces it will open a new Batavia store in 2019, in the former OfficeMax building located at 4160 Veterans Memorial Drive. The new Batavia location will become the 17th store operated by the local, Western New York family-owned business.

The 23,000-square-foot store will showcase multiple custom-built, wood-themed interior elements reflecting local history, as well as climate-controlled small pet rooms, a wild bird center, and more than 2,000 square feet of premium, healthy foods for dogs, cats, and pets of all shapes and sizes.

In addition to the massive selection of healthy pet options, the new location will feature a large selection of barn and stable feed and supplies, as well as an expansive lawn and garden offering for all seasons.

Additional features will include a “Scrub House” self-serve dog wash, special events room, and a custom-built wood lodge filled with homesteading products; beer, wine, cider, and cheese-making kits; housewares; gifts and novelty items.

CountryMax will be celebrating 35 years in 2019. It has grown by being known as the neighborhood store that can compete with competition both big and small, with prices and selection consumers have come to demand, as well as a customer service experience that goes above and beyond traditional expectations of today’s retail stores, such as their full carry-out service for purchases big and small.

“We were extremely disappointed when we shut our doors in our previous Batavia location because we knew that our customers in Batavia were so loyal in a location that did not fully showcase what we have developed our stores to be over the years,” said Brad Payne, director of sales. “Once we found the right opportunity, it was really just a decision on our part to give the Batavia community the 'true' CountryMax experience that we have been working on in our new locations.

"I think anyone who shopped with us in the past knows we have a huge, unique selection of products that fits the Batavia area, and they are going to be thrilled to see the amount of time, effort, and work that goes into creating the new CountryMax store experience.”

CountryMax, in business for more than 34 years, now operates 17 locations across New York State.

Byron-Bergen HS team places second in Stock Market Challenge

By Billie Owens

Pictured: (l-r, f-b) Becca Velasco, MacKenzie Rosse, Lydia Campbell, Jared Fregoe, Jason Hoehn, Stephanie Buell, Anna Hersom, Erin Parnapy, Marian Gerhardy, Tony DiQuattro, Nick Brown, Wade Thompson, Will Johnson, Ryan Cooper, Hunter Leach and Cory Bater.

Press release:

On Thursday (Nov. 15) 15 Byron-Bergen High School students joined more than 500 other students from area districts to compete in the 10th annual Junior Achievement Stock Market Challenge held at the Buffalo Niagara Convention Center.

Four of the 132 teams competing were comprised of students from Marian Gerhardy’s Economics class. Each team started with an imaginary $1 million and each passing minute represented a trading day. Students bought and sold pretend stocks in an effort to gain the largest profit.

“It is hectic and quite fun,” said Gerhardy, whose students have been participating since 2011 and were the first from Genesee County to compete.

As the final “trading day” closed out, the Byron-Bergen team of Lydia Campbell, Anthony DiQuattro, Jared Fregoe, and MacKenzie Rosse had achieved a 36.18 percent return on investment and a second-place overall finish.

Photos by Rob Kaercher.

Below, Byron-Bergen’s second-place team accepts their awards.

Below, more than 500 students compete in the 10th annual Junior Achievement Stock Market Challenge.

Local businessmen are giving back to the community during 'Lovember'

By Billie Owens

Press release:

For the third year in a row, Steven Foster and Timothy Adams, owners of The Red Osier Landmark Restaurant and Adams’ Welding and Fabrication, both located in Stafford, use their businesses as tools to give back to their community in a monthlong event they have named “Lovember.”

All this month, the restaurant has been offering promotions while giving back to the local community. These include “Christmas in November,” “Winter Wonderland of Lights,” “Spirits and Skivvies,” “Thanksgiving Give Back” and “Food for Le Roy Food Pantry.”

Christmas in November

This is a promotion where if you purchase a $50 gift certificate, you receive a complementary $20 gift voucher for January, February and March. Some restrictions do apply. The restaurant has run this promotion for well over 20 years.  

Winter Wonderland of Lights

The “Original” Red Osier Landmark Restaurant is rapidly becoming the largest holiday light display in Genesee County. With well over 2 million lights on display, its official yearly unveiling will be on Friday, Nov.23rd. Passionate about sharing the joys of the holidays with others, the owners encourage families, friends, and community members to come out and stroll through their property. On Monday Dec. 3rd and Monday Dec. 10th, Santa will be stopping from 5 to 8 p.m. This is free event allows families to take their own pictures with Santa, while having horse and carriage rides while taking in the holiday surroundings. The Red Osier Landmark Restaurant’s Lunch Trailer will be on hand for the purchasing of roast beef sandwiches, chili, salt potatoes, hot cocoa, and homemade Christmas cookies. Save the dates!

Thanksgiving Give Back

The Restaurant will once again be open on Thanksgiving starting at noon. A portion of the sales proceeds will be donated to Genesee Cancer Assistance, and the founding of two scholarships in the name of the restaurant and its brother company Adams’ Welding and Fabrication. These scholarships will be given to two high school students attending Genesee Valley BOCES in the Metal Trades Program and Culinary Arts Program. Each student must have a good standing GPA, have a part time job, and have a record of local community involvement. It is our hopes that these scholarships will be the largest offered in these trade programs history and allow these two students to pursue higher education within these fields.

Sixth annual Caryville Inn 5K & Turkey Trot is Thursday, benefits Sheriff's K9 Fund

By Billie Owens

The sixth annual Caryville Inn 5K & Turkey Trot will be held on Thanksgiving Day -- Thursday, Nov. 22 -- in memory of K9 "Destro."

Registration begins at 8 a.m., with race starting at 9 at Caryville Inn, located at 25 Main St. in the Village of Oakfield.

Proceeds benefit the Genesee County Sheriff's Office K9 Fund.

Preregistration is $20, with T-shirts available for participants while supplies last.

Register via email:

Or in person at Caryville Inn during normal business hours.

Questions? Call 948-9780.

Tops Markets successfully completes financial restructuring

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Tops Friendly Markets LLC (“Tops” or the “Company”) today announced that it has successfully completed its financial restructuring and emerged from Chapter 11. The Company reorganized on a fully consensual basis, with the support of its secured creditors and the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors.

The Company is emerging from Chapter 11 with a substantially stronger balance sheet, reducing its debt by approximately $445 million, and with more than $100 million in liquidity. This significantly enhanced financial flexibility will enable the Company to continue to invest in its stores and create an even more exceptional shopping experience for its customers.

The Company also emerges having resolved the labor and pension issues that it faced at the commencement of the Chapter 11 cases.

“We are moving forward as a stronger Company with an even greater ability to provide convenience, savings and friendly service to customers across our communities. We are investing in our stores and rolling out new services that make shopping with us even easier" said Frank Curci, chief executive officer of Tops.

“Some of those services include 'Tops Grocery Pick Up' which allows customers to order groceries online and select their preferred pickup times. This builds upon the 'Grocery Delivery' option that rolled out late last year. And, with Thanksgiving and the holiday season right around the corner, not only will shoppers find the best deals in town on family meals, gifts and household essentials, they will also be able to take advantage of exclusive savings opportunities like Tops Christmas Bonus.

"We thank our customers for their continued support, our Tops’ associates who provide our customers with exceptional service every day, and our vendors and partners for their ongoing support as we look forward to continuing to serve our communities for years to come."

Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP served as legal counsel to Tops, Evercore Group LLC served as Investment Banker and FTI Consulting Inc. served as restructuring advisor.

About Tops

Tops Markets LLC is headquartered in Williamsville and operates 159 full-service supermarkets with five additional by franchisees under the Tops Markets banner. Tops employs more than 14,000 associates and is a leading full-service grocery retailer in Upstate New York, Northern Pennsylvania, and Vermont. For more information about Tops Markets, visit the company's website at

2018 Genesee Country Farmers' Market brought more than 30,000 customers to Downtown Batavia

By Billie Owens

Press release from Mike Bakos, manager, Genesee Country Farmers' Market:

On behalf of the members of the Genesee Country Farmers' Market, I would like to thank everyone that supported this year's Market -- the City of Batavia, the Downtown Batavia Business Improvement District (BID), our 2018 market sponsors, our market vendors, and of course, our loyal customers.

The Market, located at the Downtown Batavia Public Market, on the corner of Bank Street and Alva Place, was, once again, able to sustain a three-day/week market schedule being open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., from mid-June through the end of October.

This year marked the third year of collaboration with the BID. The popular Friday "BIG" Market continues to grow and receive inquiries from new vendors interested in joining the Market.

It is estimated that between 1,500 and 2,000 people visited the Market each week, bringing 30,000 to 40,000 market customers into the Downtown Batavia Business District over the 20-week market season.

During the off-season, the Market will be pursuing new/prospective vendors with a goal of growing/enhancing the upcoming 2019 Market.

Please know that the Market is committed to our Mission of "providing a family-friendly environment where the residents of the Greater-Batavia area and Genesee County can shop for fresh, locally grown, produce and specialty artisanal items" -- and our Vision of "making the Genesee Country Farmers' Market @ The Downtown Batavia Public Market a WNY Destination."

Comments/inquiries regarding the Market are welcomed by emailing

We wish you a wonderful and safe holiday season. Hoping to see you next June.

Empire Access named Best Internet Service Provider for second year in a row

By Billie Owens

Press release:

For the second straight year, Empire Access has been named Best Internet Service Provider in the Best of the Best Southern Tier Readers’ Choice Awards presented by GateHouse Media. These awards recognize industry leading businesses in the Southern Tier region of New York State.

In Genesee County, Empire Access has locations in Batavia and Le Roy.

The Best of the Best contest allows for community members to vote in over 100 categories for their favorite business. Categories range from Best Real Estate Company to Best New Car Dealer. One winner is awarded from each category.

“We would like to thank all of our loyal customers for their continued patronage,” said Jim Baase, COO of Empire Access. “Receiving this award for two consecutive years truly shows the high level of customer satisfaction, not only with our Fiber Optic Internet but with our customer service and support”

Empire Access is a locally owned and operated Fiber Optic telecommunications service provider, offering state-of-the-art high-speed Internet, Television, Phone and Security services to homes and businesses – all enabled by Fiber Optic technology – to more than 25 communities in Upstate New York and Northern Pennsylvania.

Empire Fiber Optic residential Internet speeds start at 100 Mbps (Megabits per second) download and go up to a lightning fast 1 Gbps (Gigabit per second) download. Fiber Optics are far more reliable and not prone to slow downs due to issues caused by weather and congestion, each customer has their own dedicated connection.

Along with Fiber Optic-based Internet service, Empire offers a complete array of communications and Security services –

·       Television – delivering 100 percent digital picture quality, Free HD channels, Whole Home DVR capabilities and additional features through a variety of plan choices

·       Home and business phone service – including various plans with business options including toll-free numbers, phone systems, voice mail and more

·       Security and home automation – such as 24/7 video monitoring and in-home or business-based automation, the ability to remotely manage security, lock and unlock doors, control appliances, adjust heating/cooling and more from a smartphone, tablet, or computer

·       Advanced business services – enterprise Wi-Fi, business email, audio and video conferencing, dark fiber and metro Ethernet

For more information or to speak with an Empire Access Fiber Optic expert, please call 800-338-3300 or visit

About Empire Access

After starting in 1896 with one telephone line in Prattsburgh, NY, Empire Access has grown significantly as a family-owned, locally based communications provider serving large areas of Upstate New York and Northern Pennsylvania. Today’s Empire offers a wide range of products and services from basic phone service to customized phone solutions, scalable high-speed Fiber Optic Internet, basic to enhanced digital TV service and advanced security solutions.

Responding to a variety of business and consumer needs, Empire continues to expand into new areas while retaining a strong focus on local, personalized customer service. Empire Access offers Fiber Optic service in Arkport, Batavia, Bath, Big Flats, Burdett, Canandaigua, Canisteo, Corning, Dansville, Elmira, Elmira Heights, Geneseo, Geneva, Hammondsport, Hornell, Le Roy, Montour Falls, Mount Morris, Naples, North Hornell, Odessa, Prattsburgh, Penn Yan, Victor, Warsaw, Watkins Glen, and Waverly in New York and Sayre, Athens, South Waverly and Troy in Pennsylvania. The company’s Website can be found at

Newberry Project in Batavia gets Honorable Mention in Rochester Community Design contest

By Billie Owens

Submitted photos and press release:

On Thursday, Matt Gray (in photo above) accepted the Robert Macon Award with an honorable mention from the Community Design Center of Rochester -- Reshaping Rochester awards on behalf of the Newberry Project.

The award was established to honor the late architect Robert Macon’s contributions in the Rochester area. A gifted designer and leader in the architectural community, Macon is remembered for his civic contributions and transformative projects that spanned a 30-year career in the city that he loved.

Nominations for this award recognize projects that demonstrate Design Excellence and contribute to enriching the public realm. Nominations were judged according to the following criteria:

  • Excellence in a building or structure that has solved a design problem in a distinctive way;
  • Extent to which the completed project demonstrates enduring and notable design;
  • Ability to integrate that undertaking into a community’s context and extent to which it contributes to or benefits the public realm.

109-111 Main St., Batavia, location of Newberry Place – freshLAB

Project Award Nomination 

Newberry Place--freshLAB is a locally led $2.8 million three-story downtown mixed-use building renovation to deliver a 10,000-square-foot, ground-floor restaurant incubator housing three start-up eateries and upper floor apartments.

The Main Street food hall project has overcome design and infrastructure challenges, warranted State and Federal historic designation along with significant investment and grant partners to underwrite success.

Guided by Preservation Studios and TRM Architecture, the project was thoughtfully approached to preserve the building’s historic character in which the first national retailer, JJ Newberry, settled in Batavia. JJ Newberry wall medallions, Art Deco aluminum counter trim, office doors, hallways, beadboard and chain-link milk glass dome fixtures have been incorporated into the new design.

As expected, modifications also ensued when the century-old walls and floors revealed structural challenges. Relocation of bathrooms, kitchen ventilation hoods and floorplans were flipped to accommodate.

Meanwhile, the intended use as a foodhall with a micro-brewery anchor tenant took perseverance to advance. A simple farm brewery concept evolved into a restaurant incubator intended to keep millions of dining and entertainment dollars local to reduce spending leakage from Genesee County each year.

Local leadership coalesced an infrastructure for restaurateurs to advance a concept, write a business plan and open a new restaurant in this shared space under supervision of industry experts.

However, New York State Liquor Authority does not allow multi-tenants to occupy one space. After months of inquiries and legal fees, learning of “concessionaire” was key to authorizing Batavia Brewing Co. dba Eli Fish Brewing Co. the primary license to brew and sell alcohol on premise.

Two additional “concessionaires” are allowed to share seating, an indoor bocce court and tasting room whereby all alcohol must be purchased at the anchor tenant. The food-hall incubator is anticipated to launch five new businesses in five years, create 30 jobs and generate thousands of tax dollars.

While bumping into walls was expected, the floor integrity, lack of power in downtown and limited capacity gas lines had to be doggedly overcome.

The heavyweight brewing equipment was placed onto the basement floor, a hole was cut through the first floor to allow the tanks to peek through serving as a foodhall feature. A tasting room was fashioned above to overlook the tank farm.

Even though the City of Batavia underwent a substantial Main Street reconstruction less than a decade earlier, adequate electric power was not available and low pressure gas lines were underground. Fortunately, the property boundary extended eight feet to the rear of the building, which enabled a new transformer pole installation.

Yet, that triggered a NYS building code exception request since the outdoor space would no longer allow the fire stair descent; other fire safety measures were emphasized.

Commercial kitchens and upper-floor apartments were reequipped due to lack of available gas. The gas company is now considering infrastructure upgrades due to the existing demand and recognizing more than 40,000 square feet of vacant space remains on the City block.

Committed to transform downtown, Matthew Gray exudes patience as the concept leader, building investor and volunteer mentor drawing from his decades of restaurant ownership.

Upon purchasing the building, the first floor was divided into three different areas, each with their own cobbled, inefficient and potentially unsafe HVAC systems. These systems were completely removed to allow installation of new energy efficient heating and cooling equipment suited specifically for the new use of the building.

Arctic Refrigeration Company of Batavia completely designed, sourced and installed the HVAC and mechanical systems in the building. The brewery received three 10-ton rooftop heating and cooling units. This equipment was designed and selected with the brewery and restaurant in mind. They can operate independently, each unit with two-stage heating and cooling. This allows for energy savings by using partial capacity of the equipment as heating and cooling requirements constantly change. 

The HVAC system was also designed to work in conjunction with the multiple kitchen exhaust systems. By balancing the airflow between the six exhaust fans, two tempered makeup air units and the HVAC units, comfort levels and energy efficiency will be at their peak performance.

The brewery’s chiller is also placed on the roof, allowing the chiller to remove the heat from the brewery process and discharge it outside the building. This design kept the HVAC systems from being overloaded or oversized if the heat were to be discharged indoors, again using energy efficiency wherever possible.

Project Participants:

  • Matthew Gray, building owner, lead investor, co-owner Batavia Brewing Co. dba Eli Fish Brewing Co. and freshLAB restaurant mentor, Batavia
  • Jon Mager, co-owner Batavia Brewing Co. dba Eli Fish Brewing Co., Batavia
  • TRM Architecture, Matthew Moscati, Buffalo
  • Preservation Studios, Mike Puma, Buffalo
  • Thomson Builds, Paul Thompson general contractor, Churchville
  • Batavia Development Corporation, freshLAB partner and project grant coordinator, Batavia
  • City of Batavia, micro-enterprise grant and real property tax abatement, Batavia
  • NYS Homes & Community Renewal, NY Main Street Anchor Project & Micro-enterprise Program Funds, Albany
  • USDA Rural Development, Equipment Grant, Batavia
  • National Grid, Main Street Revitalization Grant, Buffalo
  • Empire State Development, startup micro-brewery incentive, Buffalo

BEFORE: Single tenant space represents half of the ground floor, center wall later removed to use10,000 square feet on ground floor as open, shared dining food hall.

Center wall removed to open entire 10,000-square-foot ground floor space, looking south.

AFTER: Concessionaire walk-up service with dedicated cold and dry storage for each startup restaurant.

JJ Newberry wall medallions preserved and incorporated in new design.

Art Deco aluminum trim to peek through drywall.

“Brew Hole” to set heavy brewing equipment on the basement floor, tanks will rise above the first-floor level.

Tasting room hovers over “Brew Hole.”

Arctic Refrigeration Company of Batavia completely designed, sourced and installed the HVAC and mechanical systems in the building.

Bankruptcy court approves reorganization plan for Tops Markets

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Tops Markets LLC (“Tops” or the “Company”) today announced that the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York (“the Court”) has confirmed the Company’s Plan of Reorganization (the “Plan”). Tops expects to complete its restructuring and emerge from Chapter 11 shortly.

“We are pleased to receive the Court’s approval of our Plan and are poised to emerge from this process an even stronger and more competitive company,” said Frank Curci, chief executive officer of Tops. “Through this process, we have accomplished several key objectives, including significantly reducing our debt, creating a viable cost structure and efficiently optimizing our store portfolio.

"Importantly, we provided an opportunity for employment to every associate who was interested and impacted by store closings at other nearby stores. Our restructuring will create an even more exceptional shopping experience for our customers and assure that we will continue to serve our communities like no one else can.”

“On behalf of everyone at Tops, I want to thank all Tops associates, who have continued to provide customers with convenient, friendly and high-quality service. I also want to thank our loyal customers, suppliers and other stakeholders for their continued support throughout this process.” 

Chamber hosts 'Business After Hours Schmoozer' at Harvester Center Nov. 15

By Billie Owens

Business After Hour Schmoozer hosted by the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce will take place from 5 to 7 p.m. on the second floor of the Harvester Center, 56 Harvester Ave., Batavia, on Thursday, Nov. 15.

These events are not only well attended, but laid-back and fun! They offer an easy way to get to know other movers & shakers here in the community.

You are invited to join your fellow Chamber members and learn about the unique business incubator -- the Harvest Center -- we have right here in Genesee County!

Enjoy some local food and drink, too. There will be craft beer provided by Eli Fish Brewing Co.; wine tastings by WNY ONEHOPE Studio; and hors d'oeuvres prepared by D&R Depot.

Plus there will be a 50/50 raffle to benefit Crossroads House, along with door prizes and other fun giveaways.

Click here to register.

Batavia Business Improvement District seeks new executive director, apply by Nov. 30

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Batavia Business Improvement District (BBID) is seeking qualified applications for the position of Executive Director.

We would like to thank our former Director, Beth Kemp, for her service to the district and wish her the best in her professional endeavors. Kemp represented our BBID with integrity, strong leadership and endless energy. Her presence will be missed.

Leanna DiRisio, former BBID board member, has accepted the interim position at this time, working part-time and resigning her position from the Board of Directors effective immediately. DiRisio will assume all functions of the Executive Director along with Board President, Jennifer Gray.

A hiring committee has met to discuss and establish the guidelines for hiring the next director. In addition, the Board is seeking two new members for the board, both tenant positions. Board members work collaboratively to solve problems, beautiful the downtown, identify strengths and areas for improvement as well as guide the BID organization in decision making to promote business in our district.

Any tenant member of the BBID interested in serving on the Board should contact the office for more information at 344-0900.

The BBID is seeking an Executive Director for full-time, salaried employment. Qualified candidates should have three years’ experience in executive leadership and/or management, including directing volunteers and being responsible for managing budgets of more than $100,000.

The ideal candidate is outgoing, amicable, reliable with excellent communication skills. Candidate must be a team player who enjoys making connections and new partnerships. A background in grant writing and community development is a plus.

A bachelor’s degree is preferred in either business, government, administration, marketing or similar/related fields. Paid vacation and bonus earnings are offered, with flexible hours with some mandatory nights and weekends.

Any interested candidate for the position of Executive Director should contact the BBID office for more information or visit our website at: or may email a letter of interest to:

The window for application submissions will be open until Nov. 30th.

BEST Center seeks survey input from local businesses and organizations

By Billie Owens
Press release:

The BEST Center at Genesee Community College is in the process of conducting a Functional Area Review (FAR) to help identify opportunities for improvement.

One of the most significant steps in this process is gathering feedback from our business and organization contacts about the quality, effectiveness and services we provide.

As a result, we are hoping you will take a couple minutes to complete a brief survey through Survey Monkey. Your input will be extremely valuable as we plan and prioritize our efforts moving forward. 

Here is the link to the Survey:

The BEST Center Survey will be open until Friday, Nov. 16th.

New executive director announced for United Way, starts Nov. 19

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo and press release:

United Way of Genesee County’s Board of Directors announced the selection of Tammy Hathaway as Executive Director. She will begin her duties Nov.19th.

Prior to joining United Way, she was employed as Account Executive at Tompkins Insurance Agencies and the Bank of Castile.

Erik Fix, former United Way of Genesee County Executive Director, announced his departure from the organization in September. Jennifer Gray has served as Interim Executive Director as United Way and the Genesee County Board of Directors performed a thorough search for the position.

Hathaway brings 17 years of experience working and volunteering in the non-profit and human service arena to the United Way of Genesee County. She previously conducted the PathStone Homebuyer Program as a part of Habitat for Humanity for Genesee County. Most recently, she has been an active United Way of Genesee County Board Member and has been a champion of the Genesee and Orleans Regional Arts Council, GO-ART!

“The Board of Directors is thrilled to welcome Tammy in this capacity," said Theresa DeMars, United Way of Genesee County Board chair. "Her experience and passion for the community makes her an ideal fit. We are looking forward to have Tammy grow the United Way of Genesee County and lead us into the future.”

United Way of Genesee County’s 2019 Campaign is underway, led by the Women of the Board.

For more information about United Way of Genesee County, please visit this website:

Batavia financial advisor honored with 2018 David Brady Award

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo and press release:

John Riter, a Merrill Lynch advisor based in Batavia, was one of 12 employees recently honored with the 2018 David Brady award at a ceremony in New York for his outstanding client focus and overall commitment to the company and his community.

The award is named for David Brady, a financial advisor who died in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. He was highly respected for putting the client first and giving back to his community.

The award that bears his name was created in 2007 and seeks to honor individuals within Bank of America Global Wealth and Investment Management who continue to emulate Brady’s ethos.

“The Bank of America family is made up of dedicated individuals who, like David, exemplify what it means to go ‘above and beyond’. This award not only immortalizes David’s legacy but also rewards employees such as John for their continuous hard work in meeting the needs of their clients, colleagues and communities,” said Paul Lehrman, market executive.

In 2008, Riter joined Merrill Lynch as a first vice president, financial advisor; he is currently the resident director of the Batavia office. John and his wife, Liz, have been married for 29 years. They live in Batavia and have two children, Mitch and Kathryn.

Bank of America Corporation 

Merrill Lynch is part of Bank of America Corporation. Merrill Lynch is a leading provider of comprehensive wealth management and investment services for individuals and businesses globally. With 14,838 financial advisors and $2.3 trillion in client balances as of Sept. 30, it is among the largest businesses of its kind in the world. Bank of America Corporation, through its subsidiaries, specializes in goals-based wealth management, including planning for retirement, education, legacy, and other life goals through investment, cash and credit management.

Within Merrill Lynch, the Private Banking and Investment Group focuses on the unique and personalized needs of wealthy individuals, families and their businesses. These clients are served by approximately 200 highly specialized private wealth advisor teams, along with experts in areas such as investment management, concentrated stock management and intergenerational wealth transfer strategies.

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