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alpine ski

BHS Alpine Ski team wraps up regular season with strong performances at Swain

By Staff Writer
Abby Bestine
Photo by Matt Holman.

The was an overcast day at Swain with a hard, slick, packed powder racecourse on Swain's Wheels Run. Saturday, February 8 was the regular season finale of the Southern Tier Race League. 2 runs of Giant Slalom, 1 run of Slalom.

While Batavia High School's Alpine ski team did not get the team results that were desired, the young team (mostly sophomores and freshman) and Senior Abby Bestine had some highlights. Setting up the underclassmen for a bright future.

Abby Bestine (12th Grade) - Last regular season race of her HS career. 16th place finish in Giant Slalom.

Nolan Radley (10th Grade) - 6th place finish in the morning's first GS run.

Lucas DeVay (9th Grade) - Consistently finished races and has established himself as Batavia's number# 2 skier going into sectionals. 15th place in Slalom.

Gunnar Pietrzykowski (10th Grade) - Much improved ski racer, hopes to win the rail jam at Swain's winterfest.

Brody Ditzel (10th Grade) - Good athlete and first year racer showing promise for the future.

Emersyn Mager (8th Grade, modified) - 9th Place in Slalom, 6th place in Giant Slalom.

Brody Ditzel
Photo by Matt Holman.
Emersyn Mager
Photo by Matt Holman.
Gunnar Pietrzykowski
Photo by Matt Holman.
Lucas DeVay
Photo by Matt Holman.
Nolan Radley
Photo by Matt Holman.

Batavia Alpine Ski Team sectional results from Swain Resort

By Staff Writer
Gunner Pietrzykowski, Ethan Bradley, Nolan Radley, and Ben Stone
Submitted Photo.

Submitted by Coach Matt Holman

On Tuesday, the Batavia Boys Alpine Ski team found a mixed bag of weather and conditions at Swain Resort. 

The warmer temperatures over the weekend led to a sugary snow, easily pushed away by each skier leading to a hard service with large banks of soft light snow. The morning sun turned to afternoon clouds and light snow of giant picturesque snowflakes.

The boys came in sixth place out of 11 teams in the competition.

Freezing overnight conditions left the race course in great condition for the girls on Wednesday. 

The soft snow from the day before was much more solid and the girl skiers did not have to worry about snow piles of any kind. The day was perfect for ski racing, with bluebird skies minimal cloud coverage, and the bright spring sun.

The girls, competing with an incomplete team, came in eighth place out of 11 teams.

Abby Bestine and Lily Wagner
Submitted Photo.
Lily Wagner
Submitted Photo.
Abby Bestine
Submitted Photo.
Ben Stone
Submitted Photo.
Ethan Bradley
Submitted Photo.
Nolan Radley
Submitted Photo.
Gunner Pietrzykowski
Submitted Photo.


Alpine Ski team gets in last evening run before start of sectionals

By Staff Writer
Nolan Radley, Gunner Pietrzykowski, and Ethan Bradley
Submitted photo

Batavia's Alpine Ski Team took to the slopes for its last evening race of the season this week at Swain Resort on Wheel's Run.

Batavia's top finisher in the slalom was Ben Stone in 11th place.

"Hard and slippery conditions tested the skier's fundamentals and how well their skis were sharpened," said Coach Matt Holman.

Sections begin in the coming week.

Lily Wagner
Lily Wagner
Submitted Photo.
ben stone
Ben Stone.
Submitted photo.
Abby Bestine and Lily Wagner
Submitted photo.


Batavia's Alpine Ski Team has good showing at first meet of season despite warm conditions

By Staff Writer
alpine ski team
Abby Bestine, Lily Wagner, and Quinn Woeller.
Submitted photo.

Story by Coach Matt Holman:

It was windy and snowy for the first race of the 2024 ski season on Wheels Run. 

The warm daytime temperatures left the race course softer than ideal conditions would provide. After the modified field had completed its first run, the course had been worn with ruts and large snow piles for the racers to navigate.

The Batavia Alpine Ski team fared well, with a third-place finish for the boy's team and a 4th place finish for the girl's team.

Leading the way for the team was a ninth-place finish for senior Ben Stone. Ethan Bradley (12th grade) was 15th, Gunnar Pietrzykowski (9th Grade) was 18th. Freshman Nolan Radly had a first run time good enough for 16th place but was unable to finish his second run.

Lily Wagner (12th grade) finished 11th for the girls. Quinn Woeller (12th grade) and Abby Bestine (11th grade) had good first runs (15th and 17th, respectively) but were unable to finish their 2nd.

"This first race sets the stage for a good season," Holman said. "The young skiers have learned some things tonight that you can't outside of an actual ski race, and I believe these teams will only get better as the season goes on."

alpine ski team
Ethan Bradley, Nolan Radley, and Ben Stone.
Submitted photo.
alpine ski team
Lily Wagner.
Submitted photo.
alpine ski team
Ben Stone.
Submitted photo.


Photos: Batavia Ski Team competes at Wheels Run at Swain

By Steve Ognibene

Batavia's Alpine Ski Team competed at Wheels Run at Swain over the weekend, with two girls team members notching five-place finishes.

On a cloudy day with no wind and temperatures just above freezing, Lily Wagner had the best individual results, finishing 17th in the afternoon slalom.


To view race photos, click here. To view team photos, click here. Photos by Steve Ognibene. Top photo: Ethan Bradley

Lily Wagner

Gunner Pietrzykowski

Ben Stone

Abby Bestine

Quinn Woeller

BHS Alpine ski team hitting the slopes

By Press Release

Article by Matt Holman, Ski Coach

Saturday was a picturesque day at Swain. Cold, sunny and partly cloudy. A perfect day for ski racing. The racecourse was all but bulletproof on Wheels Run after a large amount of natural snowfall followed by a few days of cold temperatures.

One Run of Giant Slalom:
Sophomore Lily Wagner had her best finish of her young career. She finished in 13th place in the morning giant slalom race. Lily has been training hard all season and we are finally seeing the results. This is her second top 15 finish this season. Sophia Minuto was 21st, Abby Bestine was 26th and Quinn Woeller was 29th. The Girls finished 6th. Boys competitors Ben Stone was 18th and Ethan Bradley was 24th. 

Two Runs of Slalom:
Lily Wagner finished 18th, Sophia Minuto 22nd, Abby Bestine 23rd, Quinn Woeller 24th.  Ben Stone 20th 

Quinn's second run time was an improvement of a full second and finished 3rd on the team. This team's improvement this year has been phenomenal, The team is looking forward to Monday's training session with a two-run Slalom Race on Wednesday 1/26

Photo submitted by Matt Holman. Lily Wagner, Sophia Minuto, Abby Bestine, and Quinn Woeller

Batavia Ski Team competes in first race of the season

By Steve Ognibene

The Batavia Ski Team competed Saturday in their first race of the season at Swain Ski resort.  In Giant Slalom the girls team was led by sophmore Lily Wagner who finished 17th overall with a combined time of 1:51:07.  

In Slalom, Sophia Minuto was the top skier finishing 17th with a time of 1:11.15.  Abby Bestine and Quinn Woeller also were the teams finishers.

The boys top finishers were Ben Stone in 25th in GS with a time of 1:45.77. Ethan Bradley finished 25th in Slalom with a time of 1:09.71.  

There was thick fog at the start of the race but conditions were good overall for the first race of the season said head coach Matt Holman.

The teams next race is this Wednesday night.  Start time 5:30p.m.

To view or purchase photos, click here.

Photos by Steve Ognibene

Batavia ski team competes in two-run race

By Howard B. Owens

Write up and photo submitted by Coach Matt Holman.

SWAIN -- The Batavia Alpine Ski Team competed in a two-run slalom race on Wednesday. This changed from a previously scheduled giant slalom race because conditions were prime for snowmaking on the headwall of Wheels Run due to the high temperatures and rain forecasted for the weekend.

Heavy snow in the early afternoon, wind and cold; ski racing conditions were near perfect at the 5:30 p.m. start. The course wore well, but still testing each athlete's skiing ability and the importance of a freshly tuned pair of skis.

Eighth-grader Lily Wagner successfully passed the advanced placement test early this week and will now participate as a varsity racer for the rest of the season. This gives Batavia a full girls varsity team, which finished in fourth place. 

Senior Aubrey Towner was the team's top individual finisher in sixth place. Junior Lily Whiting was 14th and Lily Wagner was 15th.

Zack Wagner finished in 14th place on the boys' side.

Eighth-grader Ethan Bradley placed 10th, the first modified top-10 finish in his young career. Elijah Abdella (eighth grade) was 20th, and seventh-grader Abby Bestine was 23rd.

A big thank you to the BHS Ski Club and advisor Mr. Metler along with the Ski Team parents and alumni for helping host the race.

The Batavia Ski Team will next race at Swain on Saturday, Jan. 12th.

Photo: First-year Modified Skiers Abby Bestine, Brody Swinehart, and Elijah Abdella after receiving their team jackets.

Batavia Alpine Ski Team closes out season

By Howard B. Owens

Write-up and photos submitted by Coach Matt Holman:

The regular season came to a close this past Saturday as the Southern Tier Race League marked senior day at Swain. After canceling a race on Wednesday due to freezing rain and warm temperatures, the conditions were hard and icy for a two-run GS, followed by a single slalom race.

The Batavia girls finished the regular season with a fifth-place finish in the afternoon race slalom led by Tess Cerefin, who capped her senior season with the best finishes of her career, a pair of 15th-place finishes. Lily Whiting finished in 18th place in slalom. The morning GS produced a fourth-place team finish, led by Aubrey Towner, who was 13th.

On the season, the girls finished in fourth place in the Southern Tier Race League, with all three girls collecting points for finishing in the top 15. Aubrey Towner was 16th place, Lily Whiting was 21st and Tess Cerefin was 22nd.

Zach Wagner finished the morning GS race in 23rd place, followed up by a 22nd-place finish in the afternoon slalom. He finished the season in 23rd place for the boys on the season.

The modified team finished the day with a pair of fifth-place finishes. In GS Ben Stone had the best individual finish, but Ethan Bradley was the top overall finisher at 21st and Lily Wagner at 22nd. In slalom, Ethan was the top finisher at 20th, followed by Lily at 22nd and Ben at 23rd.

The Varsity skiers will compete at sectionals at Swain on Tuesday the 12th for the boys and Wednesday the 13th for the girls.

Team photo: Lily Wagner, Lily Whiting, Zach Wagner, Tess Cerefin, Ben Stone, Ethan Bradley, Aubrey Towner.

Aubrey Towner

Zach Wagnerski

Tess Cerefinski

Lily Whiting

Saturday a good day for Batavia Alpine Ski team

By Howard B. Owens

Photos and article submitted by Coach Matt Holman.

It was a good day for ski racing on Saturday, cold with an overcast sky and no wind. A packed-powder race course turned slippery in the afternoon slalom and tested each racer's ability and the sharpness of their skis.

It was a good day for the Batavia Varsity skiers as they turned in some of the best runs of their season and careers. Led by Junior Aubrey Towner, who finished 13th, followed by Sophomore Lily Whiting, who finished 18th in the morning single-run Giant Slalom race. The afternoon brought a two-run slalom race in which Towner finished 12th and Whiting finished 14th, both career bests. The first time Batavia has had a pair of girls in the top 15 finishers in many years.

Zach Wagner also finished 12th in the slalom on the boys' side, a career best for the sophomore, 26th place finish in GS.

The Modified Team continues to improve with Lily Wagner taking the top team spot in GS. Ethan Bradley was Batavia's top slalom skier with Ben Stone finishing one spot behind.

The teams will next compete on Wednesday at Swain in a two-run GS race.

Team Picture: L to R: Ben Stone, Aubrey Towner, Lily Whiting, Lily Wagner, Ethan Bradley, Zach Wagner, Coach Matt Holman, Assistant Coach Bill Bradley

Zach Wagner

Aubrey Towner

Lily Whiting

Batavia's results from Giant Slalom Race at Swain Resort

By Howard B. Owens

Photos and article from BHS Coach Matt Holeman:

It was a cold, blustery snow globe kind of night for a ski race at Swain Resort for a two-run Giant Slalom Race. 

The Batavia Girls Team took fourth place with the top finishers of Lily Whiting (18th), Aubrey Towner (20th) and Tessa Cerefin (23rd) overall. Aubrey improved by almost 4 seconds on her second run that moved her up three places in the second-run standings.

Zach Wagner took 19th place overall for the boys, improving on his second run by a second moving him up six places in the second-run standings.

The Modified Team took fifth place with Ethan Bradley, Lily Wagner and Ben Stone as the top finishers.

The next race is a double race (both Slalom and Giant Slalom) on Saturday, Jan. 12, also at Swain.

Top photo, Zach Wagner; bottom, Lily Whiting.

Batavia Alpine's ski team wraps up season with sectional showing

By Howard B. Owens

Earlier this week, both the boys and the girls Alpine Ski teams finished in ninth place at the sectional championships at Bristol Mountain in what Coach Matt Holman described as a deep Class A field.

For the boys, top finishers for were Brandon Bradley (33rd in Slalom, 38th in Giant Slalom), Zack Wagner (35th in SL, 43rd in GS) Alec Wagner (40th in GS), Matt Grover (41st in GS), Ryan Bowen (36th in SL, 47th in GS).

For the girls, top finishers were Aubrey Towner (30th in SL, 31st in GS) and Lily Whiting (38th in GS).

Holman said Batavia has had a ski team since 1991 and he's encouraging more students to participate.

"With the Olympics in full swing," he said, "if anyone who is a student in the Batavia Middle or High School is interested in learning more about ski racing can contact Coach Matt Holman by emailing him at"  

If you are not a Batavia City School District student and interested in ski racing, contact your school's athletic director. In the past Notre Dame High School and Elba Central Schools have been represented in the Southern Tier Race League and have trained with the Batavia Ski Team.

BHS Alpine ski results from Thursday January 18th

By Steve Ognibene

Batavia High School Varsity Ski Team posted four top 20 finishers in both boys and girls slalom from this past Thursday hosted by Livonia Central School at Swain. 

Seniors Brandon Bradley (pictured above) finished 13th, time 1:46:19 and Alec Wagner (pictured below) finished 14th time 1:48:07 for the slalom race.

Also finishing for the boys was freshman Ryan Bowen time 2:27:61 and Matt Grover and Zack Wagner.

In the girls race sophmore Aubrey Towner finished 15th, time 2:08:27, and freshman Lily Whiting finished 17th, time 2:10:83.

Next race is Tuesday at Swain Ski Resort for the Southern Tier Slalom ski teams.

For more photos go to:

Girls Aubrey Towner pictured below and Lily Whiting in last photo.

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