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Rubbish fire endangering barn in Stafford

By Billie Owens

A rubbish fire near a barn is reported at 9997 Fargo Road in Stafford. Stafford command reports the fire needs to be extinguished ASAP or the barn could catch fire.

Stafford firefighters are on scene along with mutual aid from Bethany, Darien and Corfu. A passing train slightly delayed some responders. 

UPDATE 5:09 p.m.: Fire is out. Stafford assignment is back in service.

Rift between city, farmers' market widens as new police station feasibility study moves forward

By Mike Pettinella

As a Williamsville architectural firm conducts a feasibility study on the construction of a new Batavia Police Department headquarters on the parking lot at Alva Place and Bank Street, a representative of the Genesee Country Farmers’ Market continues to seek an “open dialogue” with City Council on the future of the seasonal produce business.

In 2020, the privately owned market, which has been at several locations over the past 15 years, conducted business on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from June 5 through Oct. 30 on the Downtown lot across the street from the City Centre Mall.

The market has been a hot topic of discussion in recent days following Market Manager Elizabeth “Betty” Carr’s public comments at City Council’s Oct. 26 meeting. At the meeting, Carr asked city leaders to reconsider its decision to build a new police station on the Alva Place parking lot.

Since then, although no formal meeting between farmers’ market board members and City Council has taken place, the open dialogue that Carr was hoping for has come in the form of remarks on the website of The Batavian and its Facebook page.

On one side, there is City Council President Eugene Jankowski Jr. consistently stating the municipality’s position that since the city already owns the Alva Place lot – which was deemed the No. 2 choice by a police facility task force that met in 2015 – erecting a new police facility there would result in a significant cost savings.

The first choice, a parcel on Swan Street, was not a city-owned property. When city leaders inquired about its availability, they were told it was not for sale.

While no official budgetary figures have been released (that will happen at the conclusion of the feasibility study by Architecture Unlimited LLC, of Williamsville), previous cost estimates were in the $9 million to $12 million range. City officials are hopeful that the building they are proposing will cost less than that based on similar completed projects in the Town of Clarence and Town of Greece.

Jankowski: City Saves Money as Property Owner

“Here’s the thing about the farmers’ market,” Jankowski said. “We’re saving $500,000 by building the station on our own property. The farmers’ market manager in her emails and in her comments on Facebook, which some of them were out of line, is expecting us to just give them a $500,000 value or more lot in the middle of town. We’ve already been given a walkability study that says we have too many parking lots. Those lots were designed for buildings to be put there.”

Jankowski said Carr is advocating for the city give to the market taxpayer-funded property at no charge.

“And I don’t know who is going to pay for the building they want to put on there. I’m thinking she expects the city to pay for the building as well,” he said. “She wants us to build and give her a piece of property, and then we need to go buy another piece of property, take that off the tax rolls and build our police station on some third, fourth or fifth choice that we can come up with so she can have the farmers’ market there.”

On the other side is Carr, who said she is simply looking for City Council to allow directors of the farmers’ market to present pertinent information about the markets’ customer base and nutritional needs in an era of COVID-19.

“Mr. Jankowski says we are taking a hard line? The only hard line is that this was dictated to us,” she said. “We were never in agreement and we were never asked to have a conversation. We were told from day one that we would have to move.”

Carr said that Interim City Manager Rachael Tabelski informed market officials that they could stay in their current location through 2021.

“It always was with the intent that we would have to move, which is why I spoke in front of City Council and asked for open dialogue, so we could talk about this,” Carr said. “And I was shocked at how Mr. Jankowski handled himself the next day. He printed lies. He said that we’re trying to steal property from the city and that we were already in agreement to this move.”

Carr Takes Exception to Facebook Post

She also said that Jankowski insulted (Farmers’ Market Treasurer) Sharon Brent, posting a Facebook comment that read “How can anyone buy from this woman?”

“We have no idea how that has hurt her business, and she has been in her business for 45 years,” Carr said.

A review of the numerous statements on The Batavian’s Facebook page reveals that Jankowski’s actual post was as follows: “The market is now demanding the city turn over that property to them for permanent use for free. It’s very disappointing that the market is trying to steal a piece of property from the taxpayers valued at over $500,000. After this behavior who would want to do business with them at this point?”

Carr admitted that the farmers’ market has no right to dictate city policy, but at least should be respected enough -- considering that it does bring people and revenue to Batavia – to be invited to the table to talk about its fate.

“The city has never had any conversation with us,” she said. “We are a bunch of farmers. I’m new to the market. Who are we to say we want the city to build a building for us? Who is saying that? We are not.”

As far as the feasibility study is concerned, Public Works Director Matt Worth said he has sent utility and survey information, and boundaries and dimensions of the Alva Place lot to the architectural firm, while architects have made some on-site visits and are reviewing operations of the existing police facility – the 165-year-old former Brisbane Mansion at 10 W. Main St.

“We’re pretty much on the front end of it. We’re in the information gathering process, I would say at this point,” said Worth, who expects the study to take another six months or so.

Worth: Feasibility Study is Determining Factor

Worth said the feasibility study will determine the configuration of the facility – one- or two-story, shape, provisions for parking, etc. – and is anticipating a price point that fits within the city’s plans to finance it over a 20- to 30-year period.

“We’ll have a really good idea once this is done. The original task force numbers were very conceptual and we didn’t have a lot of confidence that it was going to be that costly,” he said. “And that’s really where we made the connection with Architecture Unlimited. They were involved with a state police/sheriff’s facility that was built in the Town of Clarence, and so we were able to get some numbers that they had for that as well as the new police facility that was built in the Town of Greece.

“Looking at those and how the building could be configured, it became apparent that it seemed like it could be done for quite a bit less than that and make it more affordable.”

Worth said the feasibility study is costing the city $41,200.

Carr, when advised that the feasibility study was underway, said that was “new information” to her and questioned if Batavia residents were on board with such a long-term financial commitment.

“I’m not sure if the citizens want a police station there or if they really want a police station,” she offered. “It could be that citizens want to revisit how they’re tax dollars are to be used … and judging from comments on Facebook and The Batavian comments, about the location of the police department and if it is necessary.”

She then asked how city leaders set their priorities.

“Then I would ask of the city, during this feasibility study, what’s their measurement of success? In other words, who are they serving? Are they going to do something that’s going to ... how do they determine what best serves the citizens? They’ve got the farmers’ market.”

Would Relocation Affect Business?

Carr did agree that the current police headquarters is inadequate, but said that placing a new one would on the Alva Place lot would devastate the farmers’ market.

“If the market moved to Angotti’s (Beverage Corp.) parking lot on School Street … well, 73 percent of our customers walk or bike and (right now) no one crosses Main Street or Ellicott Street. You might as well put us on an island, all by ourselves,” she said.

“Seventy-three percent of our customers may not come because they’d have to cross those busy streets. Senior citizens with their walkers and motorized scooters – they’re not going to cross those busy streets. And we’d be that much farther removed from other customers we currently serve, such as the employees of the hospital and the YMCA.”

Jankowski said a new headquarters for the Batavia Police Department is long overdue.

“The facility is not proper right now – we know that – and it’s falling apart,” he said. “We need a building on our own property and we need a building where we can save money.”

The retired City of Batavia police officer then pointed out some of the problems with the current police station.

“Who is going to benefit from it? People in the community that are arrested. They’ll have a better facility to be housed in temporarily when they’re interviewed – in a proper area,” Jankowski said. “Evidence will be stored in a proper safe facility and not contaminating people with the fumes coming off it. You’ve got blood evidence, you’ve got drug evidence. That stuff is locked in an old safe now; there’s no ventilation in there. When those guys (police officers) walk in there, they’re taking a breath and inhaling that stuff. It can’t be healthy.”

Current Police Station is Lacking

Jankowski said the city has to meet Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements.

“We’re not making this stuff up,” he said. “When you’re a victim of a crime or domestic abuse, we have a safe place to go and you’re not being yelled at by your abuser because you’re in the same room and there’s a door there and he’s yelling through the window at you.”

The council president said he has received no complaints from the public until “Ms. Carr gets hired by the farmers’ market and now she is demanding that we turn over this lot to them at no charge and create a permanent place for the market.”

“I love the market … but nobody said it was a permanent deal. It was land that was not being used and we said, ‘Sure, you can use it temporarily.’ I do know that when they were moved there, it was not my impression that they were moved there permanently.”

Jankowski said the city would like to help them find another location, preferably close to downtown. He also said the farmers’ market has the option to purchase city-owned property at the fair market rate and erect its own structure, adding that nonprofits such as Genesee/Orleans Council on Substance Abuse and Alcoholism and YMCA invest their own money to construct their own buildings.

He suggested moving it behind the YMCA.

“They’re going to be having a big wellness thing there (Healthy Living campus) and maybe the best place is to move across the street and be right behind the Y,” he said. “We’re trying to help them find a location, but from what I’m told, they want the place they’re at now and nothing we offer is acceptable to them at this point. Personally, the way they’re acting, I have lost interest in the farmers’ market being there even another year.”

Who are the Bullies in This Situation?

While Jankowski contends the farmers’ market is trying to “bully” the city, Carr said it is the other way around.

“We are being bullies by asking for conversation? A bully is someone who dictates terms and that’s what the city is doing to us. We’re in a totally reactive position. We have no clout,” she said.

Carr said she seeks to inform Council members of information that needs to be considered.

“I’m bringing to their attention a New York State Field & Fork survey that shows groundswell that that area is the perfect location for the market – as 73 percent of the customers are able to walk and bike (to get there),” she said. “In addition, in 2018 across the nation was the beginning of a movement (that) everyone wants more local produce from their farmers’ markets. And just recently, USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) issued an RFI (request for information) stating that by the year 2050, 40 percent of all locally grown produce must come from locally grown in order to reduce the carbon footprint by 50 percent.”

She also said that people need to be educated on the relationship between COVID-19 and healthy eating.

“How can you make decisions with such game-changing facts in front of you based on data that’s five years out of date?” she asked. “COVID is the game-changer here. It’s a known fact that eating more produce increases your immunity and it’s from only your locally grown produce where you get optimal nutrition. These changes are taking place and they have been going on for quite a while and you’ve missed this data.”

Carr said directors of the farmers’ market plan to meet on Nov. 16 to discuss their options, mentioning that she has reached out to Congressman Chris Jacobs to see if he could assist in helping them to locate some funding independent of the city.

“As far as the farmers’ market and the reception that the farmers’ market received, including Mr. Jankowski slamming our lead farmer, why wouldn’t we just pack up and move to Batavia Downs or get someone to underwrite us and go elsewhere?” she asked. “What’s the point in staying Downtown because the city doesn’t want us there? They’ve been kicking us around, year to year, going on the 12th time in the course of 15 years, without conversation. Does that seem right?”

Previously: Farmers' market treasurer provides information in response to City Council's queries

Previously: Farmers' Market manager asks Council to reconsider placing new police station on Alva Place lot

Previously: Placement of 'nomadic' Genesee Country Farmers' Market is up in the air once more

Just Kings having positive impact on Batavia through volunteer efforts

By Lauren Leone

Batavia, New York, residents young and old donned Halloween costumes of all colors, shapes, and sizes at the Trunk or Treat event hosted by Just Kings Social Club, a newly formed racial justice group that advocates for community members of color. Outreach events like Trunk or Treat are part of the organization’s initiative to mobilize for criminal justice reform, a political issue at the forefront of the 2020 election.

Though the group is not affiliated with Black Lives Matter, Just Kings has shown its solidarity with nationwide police reform movements following the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Just Kings has organized outreach events like the June 7 “March for Justice” protest in downtown Batavia and Juneteenth “Teach Thy Neighbor” celebration at the YWCA of Genesee County.

Over 400 demonstrators attended the March for Justice, and the organization has received an outpouring of community support on its Facebook page. In addition to large gatherings, Just Kings works with those in need of financial assistance and emotional support on an individual basis. 

“From giving free haircuts and back-to-school bags to selling chicken barbecues to put on things like [Trunk or Treat], the community’s responded, and it’s been awesome,” said Just Kings member Otis Thomas. “They’re enjoying the movement, and we’re going to keep pushing forward and hoping for bigger and better things.”

Eventgoers spoke highly of the grassroots organizing work that Just Kings is doing to bring all Batavia and Genesee County, New York, residents into a cohesive discussion about racial justice.

“Every single member of Just Kings really has their heart put into this,” supporter MaKayla Armstrong said. “They’re really trying to make Batavia a better place, a safe place.”

Vocalizing Underrepresented Concerns About Police Reform

Three Just Kings members are on the City of Batavia Police Collaboration Advisory Stakeholder Group, a board of local leaders and residents tasked with reimagining the city’s policing practices. One of the original objectives of Just Kings was to join the board. Group members said it is meaningful to be engaged in dialogue with the Batavia Police Department.

“To be invited, to have a few of our members on that board, was a huge accomplishment for us, not for the clout but for the actual voice that we can have in the community,” Just Kings member Haven Armstrong said.

As one of the first community groups for people of color in Genesee County, which is a predominantly white, conservative region, Just Kings has been spearheading efforts to gain representation for Black and brown residents and confront the racial disparities that exist in local policing policies.

“We felt for years being from here and living here so long that our voice was kind of suppressed,” he said. “Having the members that we know that are out doing the right things or trying to make an actual reform happen … was huge for us and the community.”

Gaining Representation and Reform Through the Vote

Criminal justice reform has also been taking place at the polls. Encouraging voting among its supporters is a component of Just Kings’ work to educate youth and raise awareness of racial inequalities at the local level.

“When it all comes down to it, this is a good place to be,” Just Kings member Oraid Edwards said. “We want to prove that but, at the same time, make changes so that way equality spreads throughout.”

To facilitate those changes, Just Kings has shared voting resources with its supporters so they are informed about how to cast their ballots this election season.

“We believe the local government — your governor and your local things in your city — is what’s really going to matter for us right now,” Thomas said. “… Get out and vote. Push the [police reform] issue. If you’re 18 or over and you have that voice, use it.”

Lauren Leone is a journalism student at Ithaca College, a graduate of Batavia High School, and a former intern for The Batavian. This article originally appeared in Ithaca Week.

Video Sponsor
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Bottom video by Howard Owens/The Batavian. The video was runner-up in the Best Multimedia Competition in 2020 sponsored by Local Independent Online News Publishers (LION).

Local computer wiz pens book that aims to keep businesses safe from internet hackers

By Virginia Kropf

Photo: Paul Marchese, founder and president of Marchese Computers, has written his first book, “Business Owner’s Guide to Cyber Security." 

A Batavia businessman with a passion for computers since he was in high school has written his first book.

Paul Marchese, founder and president of Marchese Computers on Ellicott Street, is author of the recently released “Business Owners Guide to Cyber Security.” His goal is to keep clients safe from the increasing and sophisticated hackers of today.

Marchese was at a peer-training seminar about a year ago where they talked about what things they could do in their industry to help clients.

“Someone said they had written a book, and that got me thinking,” Marchese said. “I decided to share my years of knowledge and expertise to help people understand what cybersecurity is and how to protect themselves from the cyber bad guys in this world.”

He said today’s hackers are not the 14-year-olds in the basement any more.

“I consider them worse than the Chicago mob,” Marchese said. “Hackers are getting more intelligent every day.”

Marchese was born and raised in Batavia. His favorite subjects were always math and science. While a senior at Batavia High School, he and several friends spent a good part of the year developing a program to compile information and rank students. The school was paying a full-time individual $30,000 a year to do that, he said. The program he and his friends developed took half a day to enter the data and minutes to print out the rankings.

“At that time, the technology in our high school was a teletype machine connected to Wayne/Fingerlakes BOCES,” Marchese said.

In his senior year, he was pulled out of class to accompany school personnel to the Apple store in Rochester to help them choose what computer program to purchase. He also taught computers to students in the Excel Program during study hall. 

Marchese graduated from Batavia High School in 1982 and entered the University of Rochester to study Chemical Engineering. Half way through, he switched majors, getting a degree in the college’s first Computer Science program. 

Marchese had started his company in 1981 at age 17 and ran it part time while he finished school and college.

“I soon realized it was in my best interest to do this full time,” he said. “I’m blessed I got into it at the beginning stage. I’ve been in the business longer than anyone else in the area.”

Marchese Computers is now one of the oldest full-service computer stores in Western New York, having grown to seven employees. In the late 1990s, early 2000s, Marchese Computers offered E-Z Net dial-up to almost 30,000 subscribers, making it the largest such provider in Western New York.

He helped pioneer the current voice-over IP (Internet Protocol) system, and did beta testing with Multi Tech. Today, Marchese Computers offers a suite of products, such as telecommunication, internet, phone systems and installation of New York State authorized alarm systems, video protection systems and fire protection alarms.

“My goal as a company is to remove the burden of IT (Information Technology) from a business person’s plate so they can concentrate on growing their business and better serving their customers. That is what has driven me for 39 years. I’m always looking for better technology that better serves our clients.”

Writing his book is another step toward that goal.

His book addresses why business owners can’t ignore cybercrime and why a particular business may be the target of a cybercriminal. He explains how a cybercriminal can attack one’s network without the business owner or employee even clicking on a site. Then he explains what to do to protect a business’s network and how to prevent identity theft. 

Another chapter discusses staying secure while working from home, which many people have been forced to do during the coronavirus pandemic.

“I tried to make the book as well-rounded as possible,” Marchese said. 

Copies are available at his store at 200 Ellicott St. or on his website at

“What makes me happy with my choice of career is I’m in an industry which changes every day,” Marchese said. “There’s not a day goes by that I don’t learn something.”

Photo by Virginia Kropf.

Jackson School moves to virtual learning for two weeks in response to COVID cases

By Howard B. Owens

Two employees at Jackson Primary School tested positive for COVID-19 and were symptomatic while on campus so Superintendent Anibal Soler today announced that the school will be moving to 100-percent virtual learning for the next two weeks starting tomorrow.

Jackson, with pupils in grades pre-kindergarten through second, is the only school in the City School district moving to virtual learning for the time being.

"This has caused a growing number of students and staff to be identified and deemed in “close contact” and they will need to quarantine for a 14-day window immediately," Soler said. "Staff and students who have been identified as 'close contact' will be notified by both school administration and the Genesee County Health Department starting today."

Virtual learning will be in effect until Nov. 30.

"This decision was extremely difficult as I know the impact that this has on our students and families," Soler said. "As positive cases continue to grow in our Genesee County region, please know that this decision was done out of extreme caution to protect our youngest learners, families, and staff."

Letter to parents and staff:

I am writing to provide you an important update regarding COVID-19 and Jackson Primary School.  

I have been notified and in contact with the Genesee County Health Department and the District’s Medical Director that there have been two positive COVID-19 cases on the Jackson Primary campus. The employees were in school while exhibiting symptoms. As a result, this has caused a growing number of students and staff to be identified and deemed in “close contact” and they will need to quarantine for a 14-day window immediately. Staff and students who have been identified as “close contact” will be notified by both school administration and the Genesee County Health Department starting today. 

Out of an abundance of caution, we will be moving Jackson Primary School to 100-percent Virtual Remote Learning effective immediately and will return back to our hybrid in-person learning model on Monday, Nov. 30.

This decision was extremely difficult as I know the impact that this has on our students and families. As positive cases continue to grow in our Genesee County region, please know that this decision was done out of extreme caution to protect our youngest learners, families and staff. 

This extended period of in-person learning closure is our attempt to disrupt the spread of COVID-19 on our Jackson Primary campus and will hopefully avoid us having multiple interruptions or closures to our school programming as we continue to await additional test results.

Please also note, all non-identified staff will report to work tomorrow as normal to continue to teach and support students remotely. Access to meals including breakfast and lunch, will continue to be provided daily for any individual 18 and under in the household.  

New York State has launched the “School COVID Report Card” site, where you can view COVID-19 data associated with all schools in New York. To protect the privacy of students and staff, we will never release personally identifiable information.

Please continue to be vigilant in your efforts and help us prevent the spread of COVID-19. For additional reliable information on preventing the spread of COVID-19, please go to or

Please also don’t hesitate to contact Jackson Primary School or the District if you have any questions or concerns. 

Better Together… WE are Batavia!

Anibal Soler Jr.

Superintendent of Schools

Assistant county manager completes renowned High Performance Leadership Academy

By Press Release

Press release:

County Manager Matt Landers is pleased to announce that Assistant County Manager, Tammi Ferringer (inset photo left) successfully completed the High Performance Leadership Academy, a partnership of the National Association of Counties (NACo).

The High Performance Leadership Academy features a robust curriculum developed by the Professional Development Academy in partnership with Fortune 1000 executives, public sector leaders, and world-renowned thought leaders, including retired four-star General Colin Powell and executive leadership coach and author Marshall Goldsmith, Ph.D.

The High Performance Leadership Academy focuses on five essential skills; leading, organizing, collaborating, communication and delivering. It emphasizes real-time instruction, small-group learning and knowledge exchanges.

“This training will enhance Tammi’s leadership skill set and help benefit Genesee County as a whole," Landers said. "I am thrilled that the Manager’s Office will be able to utilize these enhanced skills in leading County government forward in these challenging times.” 

More than 2,489 professionals from more than 1,343 counties across the country completed the Leadership Academy since 2018.

File photo.

Video: Local residents celebrate Biden/Harris victory

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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A small group of local residents drove through Batavia this evening, honking horns in cars adorned with political signs, to celebrate the Joe Biden/Kamala Harris victory in the 2020 presidential election.

Fire in woods behind a house on Jerico Road in Bethany

By Billie Owens

Fire in the woods behind a house is reported at 5455 Jerico Road in Bethany. The location is between Bethany Center and East roads.

Pavilion Fire Department is rerouting a tanker from a mutual aid call in Wyoming County to the Bethany fire incident. Stafford is asked to stand by in their quarters with a tanker. Alexander is called to the scene with a tanker.

York is asked to stand by in their hall in case Bethany calls for their mutual aid.

UPDATE 11:41 a.m.: Attica Fire Department, with a tanker en route to the scene, is asked to "drive by" in case they are needed. Attica says it can also send a brush truck if warranted.

UPDATE 11:49 a.m.: The fire is mostly out, command says, and they are working on hot spots now. Stafford is put back in service. Alexander is on location. Attica is continuing to the scene in non-emergency mode.

Car vs. pedestrian accident reported in the city at East Main and Summit

By Billie Owens

A car vs. pedestrian accident is reported at East Main and Summit streets in the City of Batavia. The victim has a head laceration. Mercy Flight #7 is put on ground standby in the Batavia hangar. Mercy medics are on scene along with city police, and city fire is responding.

East Main Street will be shut down at Ross Street.

UPDATE 8:09 p.m.: The patient is reportedly in cardiac arrest.

UPDATE 8:22 p.m.: The victim will be transported by ambulance to the hangar in Batavia and then via Mercy Flight to Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester.

UPDATE 9:45 p.m. (By Howard): Based on witness accounts gathered by police at the scene, it appears the person who was struck ran across the street and was struck by a minivan. Unconfirmed by police but according to witnesses at the scene, he may have been with another person who fled the scene.  The victim was administered CPR at the scene. He may be transported to Strong by Mercy Flight but he was first taken to UMMC where he apparently remains under treatment. The driver of the minivan, an older gentleman, appeared uninjured but was transported to UMMC for evaluation. His wife arrived on scene after the accident and comforted him. The Crash Management Team for the Sheriff's Office is on scene to assist with the investigation.

The victim has not been identified.

UPDATE 12:19 a.m.;  Press release:

At approximately 8:02 p.m. on 11/06/2020, the Genesee County Dispatch center was notified of a car/pedestrian accident that occurred on East Main Street just east of Summit Street. Officers from the Batavia Police Department, along with the City of Batavia Fire Department and Mercy Medics, responded where the male pedestrian was found with severe injuries, laying in the middle of the roadway. The pedestrian was transported to UMMC where he was later pronounced dead.

The preliminary investigation shows the vehicle was heading east on East Main Street when the pedestrian entered the roadway just east of Summit Street. The pedestrian was on the south side of the roadway and heading north. The vehicle struck the pedestrian as he was crossing the road. The investigation is still ongoing and no further updates should be expected until 11/09/2020. The identity of the pedestrian is being withheld at this time at the family’s request.

Anyone with information in reference to the case may contact Detective Sergeant Lutey at (585) 345-6311 or the Batavia Police Department at (585) 345-6350, the confidential tip line at (585) 345-6370.






Federal report: Genesee County gained 718 private-sector jobs in five years prior to COVID

By Mike Pettinella

Don’t go grouping Genesee County with five other rural counties outside of the heavy-populated hubs of Erie and Niagara when it comes to private-sector job losses over the past five years.

That’s one of the themes emanating from a Nov. 4 story in Buffalo Business First that reveals the findings of a federal report, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, pertaining to the Western New York business climate prior to the economic shutdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the BBF article, Genesee County “is an exception to the generally gloomy news about the six outlying counties” – the others being Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Orleans and Wyoming.

Genesee County, per the QCEW, created an additional 718 private-sector jobs between 2015 and March 2020, a period that culminated before the adverse effects of COVID-19 took hold. That represents a 4.4-percent increase.

Citing the BBF story, “The six outlying counties (including Genesee) collectively lost 4.1 percent of their jobs during the 2015-20 span, a period in which the national economy was prospering. A total of 4,303 private-sector positions vanished” from the six counties.

The number jumps to a 5.7-percent decline in employment for those other five counties when removing Genesee’s performance.

Steve Hyde, president and chief executive officer of the Genesee County Economic Development Center, contacted today said he’s not surprised by the report’s favorable news.

“In Genesee County, the continued collaboration among the various levels of government with our strong private sector is resulting in economic growth through capital investment and jobs,” he said. “The results shared since 2015 are visible at Genesee County’s eight shovel-ready business parks and the sustained growth of many Genesee County companies.”

Hyde contributed the growth to investments made by the county’s major employers as well as smaller businesses that have expanded their operations.

Some of those major employers include HP Hood, O-At-Ka Milk Products, Liberty Pumps, Wright Beverage and Tompkins Bank/Insurance.

Genesee County Manager Matt Landers said the QCEW report validates that Genesee County “is indeed a great place to work and live.”

“We are fortunate to have excellent companies in our backyard that are growing and investing right here in Genesee County,” Landers said today. “The combined efforts of the GCEDC, Batavia Development Corporation, Batavia Downtown Business Improvement District, and Chamber of Commerce have helped to attract and retain many of these private-sector jobs, and have us positioned for continued growth for years to come.”

The BBF story called Genesee County “the one exception” to a downturn in job growth in the rural counties when compared to increases in the number of private-sector businesses in Erie and Niagara counties, per the QCEW study.

“A total of 4,303 private-sector positions vanished from Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Genesee, Orleans and Wyoming counties … while at the same time Erie and Niagara counties were adding 11,845 private-sector jobs, representing an increase of 2.7 percent,” according to the BBF article.

The story also pointed out that Orleans and Wyoming counties "essentially broke even" during the five-year span.

Vehicle rollover accident reported on eastbound Thruway

By Billie Owens

A one-vehicle rollover accident is reported on the eastbound Thruway at mile marker 394.7. The occupants are out of the vehicle and walking around. Mercy medics are responding along with East Pembroke Fire Department.

UPDATE 4:28 p.m.: One person may have a concussion.

UPDATE 4:41 p.m.: Command requests a second ambulance to the scene in non-emergency mode.

UPDATE 5:01p.m.: Mercy medics are en route to ECMC with one patient.

UPDATE 5:06 p.m.: The East Pembroke fire assignment is back in service.

Eleven new cases of coronavirus reported today in Genesee County

By Press Release

Press release:

New Cases – As of 2 p.m.

  • Genesee County received 11 new positive cases of COVID-19.
    • The new positive cases reside in Alexander, Batavia, Byron, Elba, Le Roy, Pembroke and Stafford.
    • The individuals are in their 0-19s, 20s, 30s, 50s, and 60s.
    • None of the individuals were on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
    • Due to the new "test-out" option and the discrepancies in reporting domestic travel we will currently not be reporting precautionary quarantine data.
    • Two of the positive individuals are hospitalized.
    • The Health Department has been notified of a positive student at the Elba Elementary School. The student was not in school two days prior to testing positive, therefore no school impact. The individuals are on mandatory isolation until recovered. Contact tracing is in process for those who are considered close contacts and will be placed on mandatory quarantine for 14 days from the last contact with the positive individual.


  • Orleans County received seven new positives case of COVID-19.
  • The new positive cases reside in Albion, Carlton, Yates, Shelby, Barre and Ridgeway.
  • The individuals are in their 0-19s, 40s, 50s, 60s and 80s.
  • One of the individuals was on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
  • Due to the new "test-out" option and the discrepancies in reporting domestic travel we will currently not be reporting precautionary quarantine data.
  • One of the previous positive individuals has recovered and has been removed from the isolation list.
  • One of the positive individuals is hospitalized.

The Health Department has been notified of a positive student at Albion Elementary School. The student was on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive, therefore no school impact. The individual is on mandatory isolation until recovered. Contact tracing is in process for those who are considered close contacts and will be placed on mandatory quarantine for 14 days from the last contact with the positive individual.

GCC's Veterans Day Virtual Celebration website is live now through Wednesday

By Press Release

Press release:

Veterans Day, like so many other important events in 2020 will look a little different this year. But the Adult Educational Opportunities Center (AEOC) at Genesee Community College refused to let a global health pandemic stand in the way of honoring this country's veterans.

Through the hard work and collaboration of the College's staff and faculty and the dedicated team at the AEOC, a special Virtual Veterans Day Celebration has been created and is now live online at for all to see.

The site will remain live throughout Veterans Day, Wednesday, Nov. 11.

"While we will miss the ability to shake our Veterans' hands and thank them face to face, we are very excited to be able to expand our reach and be able to share this with those who have been unable to attend our events in the past," said AEOC Director Staci Williams.

GCC is also hosting an online, customizable Open House on Nov. 11 where potential students and families can participate in sessions of their choice. Details on how to participate are available at GCC's Virtual Open House.

What: GCC's Veterans Day Celebration Website is Live!

When: NOW!

Where: online at

Who: All are invited to join in honoring our veterans.

Eve Hens: Cleanliness, safety, efficiency are hallmarks of Genesee County Central Services department

By Mike Pettinella

Employees of the Genesee County’s Central Services department, while not in the public spotlight, are worthy of recognition for their efforts to keep municipal buildings clean and control costs related to purchasing, printing and mailing, the county’s purchasing director said earlier this week.

“This year our main focus was on the safety and health component,” said Eve Hens during her department review at the County Legislature’s Ways & Means Committee meeting at the Old County Courthouse.

Hens said a heightened emphasis was placed upon the physical safety of the custodial crew, making sure that all practices complied with Center for Disease Control and Department of Health guidelines. Those included the purchase of nontoxic cleaning supplies throughout all the facilities and three electrostatic cleaners to meet COVID-19 standards.

“(The custodial staff) maintained communication with building occupants throughout the COVID-19 pandemic to coordinate increased cleaning and sanitation practices as required,” Hens reported, noting that custodians maintained and cleaned 36,000 square feet per full-time equivalent (position) for most of 2020 – more than the industry standard of 28,000 square feet per FTE.

Hens said the department met its objectives of reducing expenses and staying within budgets for purchasing, ensuring that officials were properly trained to follow purchasing policy and procedure, operating in a safe and secure manner, and striving to improve efficiency in all areas.

“We continue to provide top level customer service both internally (for county employees) and externally (for the public),” she said, reporting that the cleaning staff received a 90-percent rating via a survey of county employees.

In the area of purchasing, Hens said a “paperless” office was created to save money, specifically transferring paper documents to computer storage, which is safer as well.

Through the use of P-Cards for vendor invoicing, the department will save $77,500 this year, she said, significant in light of reduced transactions due to COVID-19.

Hens said mail room/print shop activities were “a bit of a challenge at 50-percent staffing” (due to furloughs), but her staff continues to perform courier service to all 12 county buildings, plus the Town of Batavia offices, City of Batavia Police Department and Premier Genesee Nursing Home (on behalf of the Department of Social Services).

A contract with IMS Inc., of Liverpool, a data and mail services company, enables the county to receive a reduced postage rate for first-class unsorted mail.

The county is expected to spend about $51,000 in mail costs this year, a decrease of $12,000 from 2019 and less than the “benchmark” figure of $60,000, Hens reported.

Sponsored Post: Great Oakfield listings from Reliant Real Estate

By Lisa Ace

Great price -- 7575 South Pearl Road, Oakfield
. Solid country ranch in a great location -- close to school shopping and Thruway -- located in the Oakfield School System! This home is super solid and all the mechanicals have been well maintained and updated throughout the years! There is just so much that you don't see from the road that makes this home a great buy!

Large two-car attached garage leads to homey eat-in kitchen overlooking a beautiful backyard surrounded by fields! There is a large living room and three good-sized bedrooms and full bath -- so no stairs required:) Underneath carpeting there is HARDWOOD floors throughout! The basement is awesome -- huge and finished and with a full working kitchen for the people who like to cook, can or entertain!

Although you are connected to public water, there is also a reverse-osmosis system and water softener on property as well! You can walk out basement to great backyard with a big deck and patio for your summertime parties -- also there is CENTRAL AIR for all those awesome hot days! This home is great and really needs nothing but your décor updates! This is definitely not a drive by -- it is CLEAN and READY TO MOVE IN -- Must see to appreciate what a great property this is!! Call Lynn Bezon today to see this country ranch (585) 344-4663. Click here for more information.

1 Irving Parkway, Oakfield. Solid, classic and meticulously maintained -- all things that you will see and say when you visit this two-owner village home! Bright, homey and super spacious with 2,677 square feet!

Large and pretty entrance/mud room to greet your guests leads to gorgeous family room addition with gas burning fireplace and a beautiful kitchen that boast granite countertops, gorgeous cupboards, center island for work space and top of the line appliances. Large dining room with beautiful pegged hardwood floors leads to second living room with wood burning fireplace -- so homey you don't want to leave!

Upstairs has hardwood floors throughout under the carpet three large bedrooms which all have multiple closets and storage areas! Beautifully redone modern bath with plenty of space to enjoy getting ready for the day! Basement is large and packed with storage. All mechanicals updated throughout, including central air!

Attached 2.5 car garage that you will literally want to hang out in -- complete with wall furnace and a stove for canning and all your extra entertaining. There is also three overhead doors, one which leads to fully fenced back yard! So much more to talk about -- come check out for yourself! Call Lynn Bezon today (585) 344-HOME (4663) Click here for more information.

Active COVID cases hit 43, highest since April 10

By Press Release


Press release:

New Cases – As of 2 p.m.

  • Genesee County received 10 new positive cases of COVID-19.
    • The new positive cases reside in Batavia, Bethany, Darien, Elba and Pembroke.
    • The individuals are in their 0-19s, 20s, 40s, 50s, 60s and 80s.
    • Three of the individuals were on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
    • Fifteen new individuals are on precautionary quarantine due to travel from restricted states.
    • Six of the previous positive individuals have recovered and have been removed from the isolation list.
    • Two of the positive individuals are hospitalized.
    • The Health Department has been notified of a positive student at the Alexander Middle / High School. The individuals are on mandatory isolation until recovered. Contact tracing is in process for those who are considered close contacts and will be placed on mandatory quarantine for 14 days from the last contact with the positive individual.
    • The Health Department has been notified of a positive student at the Batavia High School. The student was not in school two days prior to testing positive, therefore no school impact. The individuals are on mandatory isolation until recovered. Contact tracing is in process for those who are considered close contacts and will be placed on mandatory quarantine for 14 days from the last contact with the positive individual.
  • Orleans County received six new positives case of COVID-19.
    • The new positive cases reside in Gaines, Lyndonville, Clarendon, Ridgeway and Albion.
    • The individuals are in their 20s, 50s and 60s.
    • None of the individuals were on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
    • Fifteen new individuals are on precautionary quarantine due to travel from restricted states.
    • One of the previous positive individuals has recovered and has been removed from the isolation list.
    • One of the positive individuals is hospitalized.


Garage fire reported in the city on Farwell Drive

By Billie Owens

Fire, possibly leaves or rubbish, was reported between residences at 7 and 9 Farwell Drive. Now flames are showing and a garage has caught fire. City fire is responding.

UPDATE 4:04 p.m.: Fire is out.

City Youth Board at odds with management over future of afterschool, summer programs; county takes a step back

By Mike Pettinella

Although Interim City Manager Rachael Tabelski believes the Genesee Area Family YMCA could play a significant role in the future of youth services in Batavia -- enabling the city to cut ties with Genesee County to fund a youth bureau executive director, an advisory group linked to the city isn’t convinced that is the best way to proceed.

A resolution to terminate the county’s youth bureau operating agreement with the city, a contract that calls for partial payment of the salary of Jocelyn Sikorski, Genesee/Orleans and City Youth Bureau executive director, came before two Genesee County Legislature committees this week.

On Monday, the Human Services Committee approved the measure, sending it to the Ways & Means Committee on Wednesday for a final vote before being forwarded to the full legislature for ratification.

Ways & Means decided to table the resolution, however, minutes after a letter from the City Youth Board opposing the dissolution of the inter-municipal agreement found its way onto The Batavian and, likely, into the hands of Ways & Means Committee Chair Marianne Clattenburg.

No one on the committee would comment when asked why the resolution was being tabled, but it is clear that the Youth Board’s opposition as well as the committee’s desire to let the city make the first move are the major reasons.

As a result:

  • The county is stuck in a holding pattern as the city leaders work through their differences. All indications point to a public discussion in some form or another at the City Council Business Meeting at 7 p.m. next Monday.
  • Tabelski is saying that there was no indication of any disagreement from the Youth Board with her proposal for the city to go in a different direction – looking at the YMCA to provide youth services -- and cut the $20,000 annual expense to help fund the executive director’s position.
  • The City Youth Board, in its letter, contends that it was not afforded an opportunity “to discuss alternative options with the Interim City Manager … prior to her decision.”

County Manager Matt Landers said he is dismayed over the situation.

“With any board or organization that dedicates so much time toward improving the community, it is obviously not a good thing to read the dissatisfaction and unhappiness of such a board,” he said. “As far as the county’s perspective, we’re a partner with the city and we certainly want to assist the city in meeting their needs with the youth. But at this point in time, it is important that we let the city decide how they want to move forward and then we can react accordingly.”

Landers said he and the legislature agree that the city should take the lead in this matter.

“We kind of put it in their hands … instead of the county going out in front and dissolving a contract. If it’s something the city really wants to do, then that’s something that they can lead out with first.”

He also said that it could be the right time to assess the agreement and explore other options.

Landers: Time for Reevaluation?

“At the end of the day, the relationship that we had with the city for a youth director was a good idea – and it was something put in place before my time as county manager, but it was a way to share services,” he said. “With any kind of agreement, you evaluate and see if there’s a different way to do it.”

Tabelski said she articulated a “different way” during an Oct. 27 meeting with the Youth Board, whose members are Dave Twichell, president; Paula Fischer, Nick Russo, Kathryn Fitzpatrick and Kristen Gloskowski. Al McGinnis serves as the City Council liaison.

“I had the pleasure of meeting with the Youth Board to talk about the situation the city finds itself in regarding budgeting amid COVID in our current budget year, the programming that we weren’t able to perform over the summer – summer recreation – and the strategic hiring freeze at the city,” Tabelski said. “We talked about what the upcoming budget for the city was shaping up to be, which is early in the budget process.”

Tabelski said she outlined big ticket items for which the city is responsible, such as snowplowing, public works, leaf collection, yard waste services, and police and fire response, and other services such as youth programs, economic development, contracting for the operation of the Falleti Ice Arena and maintaining athletic fields (including Dwyer Stadium) for residents to utilize.

“While Council won’t look at the budget until January, right now department heads are working with vendors on pricing and setting up contracts for services with the goal of providing a budget to City Council that remains within the tax cap,” she advised. “We are fiscally responsible to the citizens of the City of Batavia while still providing services that we know residents demand from the city.”

She said financial constraints and the impact of COVID-19 forced the cancellation of the 2020 summer recreation program and the ongoing closure of the Liberty Center for Youth afterschool location on Liberty Street.

Unable to Reopen Youth Center Yet

“The ability to reopen the Liberty Center for Youth is still taking time to make sure protocols are in place, barriers put up and bringing back staff. So right now, the YMCA and the city share staffing requirements for the Liberty Center for Youth to open,” she said.

Since the city has not been able to hire part-time employees (due to the hiring freeze), a discussion with the county ensued, leading to a proposal to terminate the joint agreement for youth bureau supervision.

“Knowing what our budget looks like for next year, I said that we were willing to look at that and the goal was to have the program coordinator and the assistant city manager, which is myself, take on any responsibilities needed to get the youth programs up and running, and to continue,” Tabelski said.

Currently, the city is in the midst of a job search for a permanent manager – Tabelski was hired last year as the assistant manager – and also has no youth program coordinator as Lydia Schauf resigned that position to accept another job.

“We were left basically with the commitment from the Y to help reopen the center but with no employees available to staff it,” she said.

Tabelski said she explained this to the Youth Board, emphasizing that it “was time to look at it to understand what the city might be able to do in an effort to save money and deliver the programs at the same level to the residents and potentially use the YMCA as part of the strategy that I am looking into.”

Tabelski Promotes Pact with YMCA

She said she has a high regard for the YMCA, calling it a “professional organization that has an expertise in providing recreational services in our community.”

“In my mind, it makes sense for us to look at this as a broader partnership,” she said, noting that she has kept City Council informed of her activities in relation to youth services. “This could be a huge win for the YMCA and the city.”

Tabelski said she is negotiating with the YMCA to gauge its “capacity and ability” to provide afterschool and summer recreation services for the city’s youth, and added that other communities, including Perry and Geneseo, contract with the YMCA to provide their summer programming.

She said she left the door open for City Youth Board members to contact her, Sikorski or McGinnis but, to her knowledge, that has not been done. She also said that she was not informed that a letter would be released to the media.

“At the meeting, the youth board members indicated they understood the financial hardship that the city was in, they gave examples of their workplaces having to cut and lay off people, and they indicated a willingness to continue to be involved in youth programming and services and make sure those programs continue,” Tabelski said.

The interim city manager is hopeful the city would be able to enhance its youth services by contracting with the YMCA. She also defended her stance.

“I think it is incumbent upon a good manager to look at every piece of the organization and especially when we’re faced with challenges such as COVID and employee shifting,” she said. “I guess it was a perfect storm to examine how we deliver this service and see if there was an agency, such as the YMCA, that would be more capable, have more capacity and more resources to actually deliver the program and possibly enhance that program on behalf of the city.”

Tabelski said the goal is to continue to provide youth services at no or at a minimal charge – especially for summer recreation – and is convinced there are “multiple ways that can be negotiated to do that.”

“Right now, we have a contract with City Church for the St. Anthony’s building for the Liberty Center for Youth that runs another four years,” she said. “I think that as we do some long-term planning, we certainly want to look at the interaction between the current site for afterschool and what potential there might be for the (YMCA) Healthy Living campus (one of the city’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative projects).”

Youth Board Reacts to 'Done Deal'

Fischer, responding this afternoon to emailed questions after talking with Twichell, said the City Youth Board’s intention was to send the letter with their concerns to City Council, but when The Batavian ran a story from the Human Services Committee meeting, it felt it was necessary to inform the public of what seemed to be a certainty.

“Once the information from the October 27th meeting was digested, it was apparent that the proposed changes to youth services would affect the quality of youth programming,” she said. “Many of the comments made by Rachel Tabelski and Jocelyn Sikorski were concerning. Ms. Tabelski was not aware of the differences between the County Youth Services and the City Youth Services. The City Youth Bureau provides direct youth programming and the County Youth Bureau does not.

“Despite the resignation of the only full-time city youth bureau employee, Ms. Sikorski was still in favor of abandoning the city program with no experienced staff remaining by ending the contract between the City and County with a year remaining. Also, Ms. Tabelski’s comment in the article, 'The city’s goal is to continue its youth programming – Liberty Center for Youth at the City Church St. Anthony’s campus on Liberty Street and the Summer Recreation Program – to the extent we that we can' was also alarming."

Fischer said the youth board did not contact Tabelski or Sikorski before sending the letter since the board is appointed by City Council and that Tabelski and Sikorski are employees and not voting members of the board.

As far as the Oct. 27 meeting is concerned, Fischer’s position is that Tabelski did receive comments from the board “regarding the outsourcing and charging for youth programming.”

“It was apparent that Ms. Sikorski had already went to the legislature and City Council with the proposal and was presented as a done deal,” she said. “When asked who would run the youth programming, the interim city manager shrugged her shoulders and said the assistant city manager, and the board asked who that would be and she said ‘me’. So, it was apparent that this was not well thought out after the resignation of the youth bureau coordinator. This sent up red flags that the youth programming was being phased out.”

The City Youth Board also does not agree with Tabelski’s plan to contract with the YMCA.

“The Board feels this would not be in the best interest of city youth,” Fischer said, adding that youth board members should be brought into the decision-making process.

“We are an advisory board. I would hope City Council would engage the City Youth Board on all matters going forward during these trying times,” she said. “The board would like to see services at the Liberty Center for Youth and the Summer Recreation Program resume once it is safe. These valuable services are less than 1 percent of the city’s budget.”

Customize your GCC Virtual Open House experience -- make it 'suit you to a T'

By Press Release

Press release: 

Everyone interested in attending Genesee Community College is encouraged to register and select which sessions best fit their own unique needs. Choose to hear the Financial Aid information or join later to meet key faculty and Athletics team coaches.

GCC is taking full advantage of the online environment to allow potential students and their families to zoom in and out of the sessions they choose. The registration form includes a complete agenda for selection.

Taking place completely online, Open House will begin at 9:30 a.m. with information about the Admissions process, Financial Aid, Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) and services specifically designed to support homeschooled students and adultlearners. Around 11 a.m.participants will get to hear about the role of GCC's Student Success Coaches and Campus Center Advisors and get some expert help figuring out if Online Learning is right for you.

Then, at noon, the Academic breakout sessions will give all participants a chance to meet faculty from their intended major, hear about program expectations and technology associated with the program.

After the breakouts, Transfer and Career Services will explain how they help students maximize their time and plan for the future they want. The Learning Center -- which provides FREE tutoring to GCC students, the Counseling, and Access and Accommodations offices will also present the plethora of services they provide to help ensure student success.

Then, at 1:30 p.m. listen in to the Student Experience Panel as they discuss "What is there to do at GCC?" and hear all about Living on Campus at College Village. Wrapping up the event, at 2:30 p.m. join the rest of the Cougar Pride in an informative Athletics presentation.

For more information contact GCC's Admissions Office at 1-866-CALL-GCC or by email at

What: Customize Your Experience at GCC's Virtual Open House

When: Wednesday, Nov. 11, beginning at 9:30 a.m.

Where: Register and Choose Sessions to Attend at:

Who: Students and Families of All Ages Interested in Attending GCC!

Background: For maximum convenience, effectiveness, and safety, Genesee Community College will host a customizable Virtual Open House on Wednesday, Nov. 11.

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Tags: garage sales

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