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Tenney votes for three appropriations bills ‘to strengthen our national security’

By Press Release

Press Release:

File photo of 
Claudia Tenney.

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) voted in favor of three appropriations bills for Fiscal Year 2025 to strengthen our national security and secure our borders.

H.R. 8752, the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act; H.R. 8771, the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act; and H.R. 8774, the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, all passed the House by votes of 212-203, 212-200, and 217-198, respectively.

"Supporting the brave men and women who safeguard our nation and promoting our national security is of utmost importance when crafting funding bills to implement these crucial initiatives," said Congresswoman Tenney. "By passing these three appropriations bills, we are combating the Biden administration's failed policies that have left our borders wide open, weakened America's standing on the world stage, and abandoned our troops. These comprehensive and commonsense bills aim to restore fiscal responsibility in Washington, counter the China-supplied fentanyl crisis, support Israel and our allies, secure our borders, and address the migrant crisis plaguing our communities. While these bills were not perfect, and I am particularly disappointed that the Department of Defense Appropriations Act did not reverse President Biden’s cuts to the Virginia Class Submarine program, I look forward to working with my colleagues in the Senate to improve these bills before they become law."

"These spending bills address the growing threats facing America from all angles—domestically, at our borders, and overseas—while protecting our hard-earned tax dollars. I will continue advocating for fiscally responsible funding bills like these while in Congress. I look forward to passing all 12 Appropriations bills individually this year and ending the annual omnibus cycle."

Tenney’s Priorities included in the FY25 Defense Appropriations Bill:

  • $4.5 million increase for Civil Air Patrol
  • Language included in the bill prohibiting funding for the transfer of National Guard personnel and functions to the Space Force without consent of the relevant governors.
  • Fully funds the request for the Navy's Columbia Class Submarine.
  • Fully funds the request for Advance Procurement for the Navy's Columbia Class Submarine.
  • $70 million total increase for Impact Aid and Impact Aid for children with disabilities.
  • Defunds Biden’s unconstitutional Executive Order 14019
  • Defunds “Federal Acquisition Regulation: Disclosure of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate-Related Financial Risk” rule
  • Eliminates the salary of Secretary Lloyd Austin
  • Tenney’s Priorities included in the FY25 Homeland Security Appropriations Bill:
  • $360 million for the Federal Emergency Management Agency Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) Program.
  • $360 million for the Federal Emergency Management Agency Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Grant Program.
  • Report language in support of the Coast Guard's acquisition of a Great Lakes Icebreaker.
  • Eliminates the salary of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas
  • Prevents CBP from reducing hours at the Port of Buffalo station

Tenney’s Priorities included in the FY25 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Bill:

  • $50 million included for the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (GLFC).
  • Bill language prohibits funds for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).
  • No funds provided for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
  • Bill language prohibits funds for labs in adversarial nations, including the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
  • Defunds Biden’s unconstitutional Executive Order 14019
  • Prevents funding to pay the salary of, reinstate, or reemploy Robert Malley

Tenney introduces more opportunities for Moms to Succeed Act

By Press Release

Press Release:

File photo of 
Claudia Tenney.

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) joined Congresswoman Michelle Fischbach (MN-07) in introducing the More Opportunities for Moms to Succeed (MOMS) Act. The act provides critical support to new moms during and after their pregnancy, empowering women to choose life and raise happy, healthy babies.

The bill was cosponsored by Representatives Diana Harshbarger (TN-01), Ashley Hinson (IA-02), and Doug Lamborn (CO-05).

“The right to life is one of the most fundamental principles outlined in our Constitution,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “We must provide pregnant women with the vital resources and critical support they need to choose life. Following the second anniversary of the monumental Dobbs Decision, I am honored to join my colleague Rep. Fischbach in leading the MOMS Act, which ensures that mothers receive the physical, emotional, and financial support necessary to carry their pregnancies to term. We must empower expecting mothers to choose life and support pregnant women, new mothers, and both their unborn and born babies.”

"Many women feel unprepared when they get pregnant, and I am committed to empowering all women and ensuring they feel supported in choosing life," said Congresswoman Fischbach. "The MOMS Act supports women before, during, and after they give birth, improving access to resources and making sure women have all the resources at their fingertips to help them confidently carry to term and raise their child. I am so proud to support legislation that supports new mothers and their children."

“I am pleased to co-lead the More Opportunities for Moms to Succeed Act,” said Congressman Lamborn. “This legislation aims to enhance health, education, and support services for babies, mothers, and families by offering alternatives to abortions. It mandates that states enforce child support responsibilities from conception through pregnancy, retroactively if necessary, with proof of parenthood. Additionally, the bill incorporates provisions from my Good Standing Adoption Agencies Act to positively impact pregnant mothers and their babies during the adoption process. It underscores the commitment of pro-life and pro-family conservatives to supporting life and the well-being of nuclear families beyond birth."

“When a woman finds out she is pregnant, she should be surrounded with resources and support and feel confident in her access to care,” said Congresswoman Hinson. “I’m proud to co-lead the MOMS Act to help more women choose life, have a healthy pregnancy, and create the foundation for strong families. This legislation will save moms and babies and advance a culture of life of America.”

"No mother should ever feel left behind, unsupported, or be fearful for the future of their child," said Congresswoman Harshbarger. "The MOMS Act will help ensure that mothers have the help and resources they need before, during, and after pregnancy, enabling them and their families to thrive. I am proud to help introduce this legislation to increase access to care for expecting mothers and their children and promote life as the clear choice for our future families."

Tenney claims 'decisive victory' in NY-24 primary with Fratto

By Press Release

Press Release:

File photo of
Claudia Tenney.

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney once again decisively defeated perennial failed candidate Mario Fratto in tonight’s primary in NY-24.

“I am grateful and humbled by the outpouring of support from the voters of NY-24 tonight. This landslide victory proves that voters are united behind our aggressive advocacy on behalf of the hard working people of NY-24 and will not be fooled by desperate lies and baseless attacks from a perennial, failed candidate,” Tenney said. “Our strong work to secure both the northern and southern borders, our relentless fight to protect Second Amendment rights, and our leadership on key issues facing our constituents was heard resoundingly by the voters. Finally, we will now work tirelessly to deliver President Trump back to the White House to return the prosperity and strength to our region that is so badly needed to save our great nation from the disastrous Biden Administration," Tenney continued.

At the time of this release, Claudia Tenney held a commanding lead winning 2-1 with nearly 61% of the vote including winning 13 of 14 counties.

Across two primary elections, perennial failed candidate Mario Fratto spent well over $800,000 that we can account for, trying to divide the voters of NY-24, only have his chances for victory erased 18 minutes after the polls closed. Fratto even failed to win his home county. 

Tenney calls on Hochul to pardon Trump

By Press Release
Claudia Tenney
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Press release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) has sent a letter to Governor Kathy Hochul demanding she pardon President Trump.

This letter follows the recent verdict in the case of The People of the State of New York V Donald J. Trump, which undermined the impartiality and credibility of our justice system by convicting President Trump in an attempt to silence him. The case was based on a targeted investigation in search of crimes to convict the former President for political purposes. Tenney's letter calls for Governor Hochul to pardon President Trump and to remove Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

“Our justice system was founded on the principle of blind justice, yet in an attempt to silence President Trump, this core value was denied to him,” said Congresswoman Tenney. "As a member of the New York Bar Association and the daughter of a New York State Supreme Court Justice, I am appalled by this abuse of power and the politicized, two-tiered system of justice Governor Kathy Hochul and DA Alvin Bragg have created. This verdict was an insult to our country, and it is evident that it had nothing to do with facts but was an attempt to hinder President Trump's ability to campaign freely. I demand Governor Hochul immediately pardon President Donald Trump and restore the integrity and faith of our legal system."

Tenney votes for legislation to intended to help veterans and military families

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Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) today voted in favor of H.R. 8580, the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2025, to fund essential military construction projects and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

This legislation passed the House by a vote of 209-197.

"Ensuring our nation's servicemembers and veterans have access to top-tier benefits, facilities, and care while strengthening our national security is essential to our country's prosperity," said Congresswoman Tenney. "H.R. 8580 guarantees that servicemembers, veterans, and their families are supported and receive the benefits they are owed for their service and sacrifice. The bill provides a vital investment in U.S. military infrastructure by improving Department of Defense facilities and enhancing the lives of military families through much-needed funding for family housing and child development centers. Additionally, this bill takes steps to uphold pro-life principles, protect our veterans’ Second Amendment rights, and crack down on the Biden administration’s “woke” policies. By passing this bill through regular order, House Republicans reaffirm our commitment to uphold Congress's power of the purse and curb the wasteful spending of the Biden Administration while supporting our military. Voting in favor of this bill today reaffirms my commitment to our veterans and active-duty military by ensuring their housing, health care programs, and benefits are fully funded while bolstering our national security."

Key Provisions in the FY25 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Bill:

  • Provides $337.4 billion for the Department of Veterans Affairs to fully fund veterans’ health care, benefits and VA programs
  • Includes $2 billion for Military Family Housing
  • Supplies $75 million above the enacted level for child development centers
  • Issues $1.1 billion for investments in the Indo-Pacific region to improve the United States strategic posture in the region
  • Prohibits funding to promote or advance critical race theory and the Biden Administration’s DEI agenda
  • Bans taxpayer dollars from being used for abortions
  • Protects Veterans’ Second Amendment rights by prohibiting the VA from reporting a veteran to NICS for using a fiduciary to apply for a lawful purchase

Tenney introduces legislation intended to protect medicare advantage plans for seniors

By Press Release

Press Release:

File photo of 
Claudia Tenney.

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24), alongside Congressman Paul Tonko (NY-20), Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (NY-21), Congressman Joseph Morelle (NY-25), Congressman Nick Langworthy (NY-23), Congressman Brandon Williams (NY-22), and Congressman Marc Molinaro (NY-19) introduced bipartisan legislation to protect benefits and access to care for hundreds of thousands of seniors enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans in Upstate New York.

Last year, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) made a needed adjustment to the wage index for Upstate hospitals, treating geographically rural and rural reclassified hospitals equally. This change led to wage index increases of 20-40% across Upstate New York. 

While this provided significant relief for hospitals that had been severely underpaid by the fee-for-service program, it inadvertently placed substantial financial pressure on regional Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, which are predominantly non-profit organizations. Because CMS did not account for these new costs in their benchmark rates for 2024, MA plans have experienced significant financial challenges that jeopardize plans’ ability to provide affordable, quality coverage to their beneficiaries. Without relief, health plans will be forced to cut benefits and increase premiums for seniors who can least afford it.

This legislation would address these dramatic reductions in access and benefits by granting CMS the ability to adjust their benchmark amounts to account for local areas with wage indices that grew by 20 percent or greater. This needed relief will ensure regional, non-profit MA plans remain viable and safeguard enrollees’ robust benefits and access to quality care.

“Our community's seniors deserve continued access to affordable, high-quality healthcare,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “By adjusting the benchmark rates to reflect the increased costs faced by our regional plans, we can protect our seniors from losing essential coverage and experiencing higher premiums. This bill will ensure that Medicare Advantage plans continue to provide the robust benefits that so many members of our community rely on.”

“Ensuring our seniors have access to the most affordable health plans and are able to maintain their popular Medicare Advantage benefits is one of my top priorities which is why I am proud to co-lead this legislation to address the wage index reclassification,” said Congresswoman Stefanik.

“Many Upstate New Yorkers rely on not-for-profit Medicare Advantage plans,” said Congressman Molinaro. “I’m proud to support Rep. Tenney’s bill to give CMS the authority to ensure seniors have access to the benefits they earned and are fully cared for.”

Tenney submits for $10M Genesee County infrastructure project as part of FY25

By Press Release

Press Release:

File photo of
Claudia Tenney.

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) today announced the 15 projects she selected to submit to the House Appropriations Committee for consideration as part of the Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) Community Project Funding (CPF) process.

These projects will benefit New York’s 24th District by improving water infrastructure, creating essential public facilities, supporting public safety, and promoting community revitalization.

The CPF process allows localities and non-profits to submit federal funding requests for high-priority community projects with strong local support in New York’s 24th Congressional District. Each application was subjected to a rigorous review process to ensure that it is a sound use of taxpayer dollars and that applicants have a clear and accountable plan to spend funds on targeted projects within a year.  

A list of Tenney’s submitted FY25 CPF Requests can be found here, or below:

  • $4,528,000 for the Town of Phelps Sanitary Sewer Distribution Project
  • $2,500,000 for the Cayuga County Lake Protection Plan Project
  • $3,000,000 for the Village of Geneseo Water and Sewer Upgrades Project
  • $3,500,000 for the Village of Waterloo Rock Storm Sewer Replacement Project
  • $3,000,000 for the Town of Newfane Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades Project
  • $1,500,000 for the Village of Mexico’s Water System Improvements Project
  • $10,000,000 for the Genesee County Section 219 Environmental Infrastructure Project
  • $2,250,000 for the Town of Torrey Water District #2 Project
  • $2,000,000 for the Orleans County Public Safety Building Project
  • $1,000,000 for the City of Oswego New Police Station Project
  • $800,000 for the Town of Macedon Ambulance Relocation Project
  • $5,000,000 for the Town of Lyons Revival and Community Empowerment Project
  • $3,600,000 for Phase III of the City of Lockport’s Erie Canal Flight of Five Locks Rehabilitation Project
  • $3,000,000 for the Wyoming County Silver Lake Dredging Project
  • $4,050,000 for Jefferson County Installation of Runway 10 Omni-Directional Approach Lights at Watertown International Airport Project

"One of my top priorities in Congress is to ensure our community has the resources it needs to thrive, and the Community Project Funding program is a fantastic way to overcome bureaucratic red tape and return our hard-earned tax dollars to NY-24," said Congresswoman Tenney. "The Community Project Funding program allows our local communities to advocate for the best way to spend taxpayer dollars instead of relying on bureaucrats in Washington. These projects will benefit New York's 24th District by supporting water infrastructure programs, improving community safety, and creating essential public facilities that promote community revitalization. I am dedicated to fighting for these projects in the Appropriations process and will continue to be a tenacious advocate for our District in Congress."

Community leaders who worked with Congresswoman Tenney’s office on submitting funding proposals expressed their support for the projects below:

“On behalf of the Cayuga County Water & Sewer Authority, I want to extend my grateful appreciation to our Representative Congresswoman, Claudia Tenney for including the “Cayuga Lake Protection Project” in this year’s Community Project Funding, (CPF) grant selection process. And we do hereby commit to working with Congresswoman Tenney, as this project advances through these Appropriations Committee, to successfully Appropriate this Request for the Construction of the Cayuga Lake Protection Project. As this project will not only safeguard New York's Drinking Water Resources, it will also greatly aid in the Efficient removal of substandard private sewer treatment systems. Once more it will protect and safeguard the New York State Finger Lakes for Generations to come, for Clean Drinking Water Resources, Recreation, Boating, Fishing, Etc. It is anticipated that the Cayuga Lake Protection Project (CLLP) Sewer will Extend along the East Shore of Cayuga Lake from the Village of Aurora, NY, South to the Tompkins County line, serving an Estimated 450 homes. We thank Congresswoman Claudia Tenney for her Service to Cayuga County, and her consideration of this most significant project for these Estimated 450 homes on the Easterly Shores of Beautiful Cayuga Lake,” said Cayuga County Water & Sewer Authority Chairman Brian Dahl.

“Genesee County’s top priority is securing reliable and sustainable water through new water infrastructure. Given the magnitude of the need, we cannot do this alone, and we are grateful for the Congresswoman’s continued support to secure federal resources to meet this dire need,” said Genesee County Legislature Chair Rochelle M. Stein.

“On behalf of the residents of the Town of Phelps, I would like to say “Thank You” to Congresswoman Claudia Tenney for her support of our wastewater infrastructure project on Route 14. We are very thankful for Congresswoman Tenney moving our request to the Appropriations Committee for review and consideration. The sewer line project will work to enhance the viability of development in our town and will allow us to have intermunicipal agreements with the Town and City of Geneva. Federal funds for this project are essential for the timely construction of this project in an area which will service thousands of visitors to the Finger Lakes area. I would like to extend appreciation for all ofthe hard work and especially taking the time to listen to the needs of the people to Representative Claudia Tenney, New York District 24,” said Phelps Town Supervisor Bill Wellman.

“The Orleans County Public Safety Building is a vitally important epicenter for several functions of our government, housing the Sheriff, 911 Dispatch Center, District Attorney and Probation, so we are very appreciative to Congresswomen Tenny for making our project to upgrade this facility one the priority initiatives to be sent to the House Appropriations Committee. Our DPW team has worked closely with Sheriff Bourke and DA Cardone to design a project that addresses critical structural issues with the facility in the most cost-effective manner possible while also helping improve the overall functionality of the building. This is not just a building project, it is an investment in our community’s safety and security,” ​​said Orleans Legislature Chairman Lynne Johnson.

“The Town of Torrey and the residents of the Perry Point Water District are very happy to be included in the tremendous work Congresswoman Tenney is doing for our region. This grant would provide the residents with clean and safe drinking water as well as protect the pristine waters of Seneca Lake,” said Supervisor of the Town of Torrey Peter Martini.

“The people of the Village of Geneseo are extremely grateful to Congresswoman Claudia Tenney for selecting our vital infrastructure project as part of her 2025 Community Project funding grants for consideration by the Appropriations Committee. These funds will enable us to replace 125 year old water mains and eliminate flooding damage from the combined sewer system and stormwater overflows,” said Village of Geneseo Mayor Chris Ivers.

“On behalf of the residents of Wyoming County, especially those living around Silver Lake, and the Board of Supervisors, I extend our sincere appreciation for Congresswoman Tenney’s selection of the Silver Lake dredging project to submit to the House Appropriations Committee. Congresswoman Tenney understands and shares the values we hold as part of our proud agricultural heritage. An integral part of the environmental stewardship we are tasked with is to fulfill our mission of a healthier and more resilient Silver Lake. It is not only an essential component of our county’s robust tourism industry, but is also a prime drinking water source for multiple communities spanning Wyoming and Livingston counties. This important funding will help to preserve sensitive habitats, protect water quality, and enhance public waterway access. We are deeply grateful to Congresswoman Tenney for her unwavering support in this project and for Wyoming County,” said Wyoming County Board of Supervisors Chairwoman Becky Ryan.

"We are grateful for the Congresswoman's support. This project will provide improved visibility for pilots during poor visibility conditions in order to maximize operations during low visibility and cloud conditions when winds require use of the runway 10," said Director of Aviation of Watertown International Airport Grant W. Sussey.

“The Historic Flight of Five Locks, located in the heart of the city of Lockport, NY is the largest remaining intact section of the historic Erie Canal, and this funding will help further revitalize a true 19th century engineering marvel. The rehabilitation of the Flight of Five Locks is anticipated to significantly increase the number of visitors and the amount of tourist spending in the city of Lockport and greater Niagara County, making this project an economic development driver for the entire Western New York region,” said City of Lockport Mayor John Lombardi.

“The City of Lockport has maintained a steadfast approach for many years to capitalize on its unique heritage assets, most notably, the Historic Erie Canal Flight of Five Locks. The Flight of Five is a site that has positioned itself to become the premier destination for visitors and residents looking to learn more about our historic Erie Canal,” said Senator Ortt. “Thank you to Congresswoman Tenney for submitting the Lock 67 & 68 restoration project to the House Appropriations Committee and securing funding to bring this important piece of history back to life. These efforts will continue to make the Erie Canal and the City of Lockport an economic driver for all of Western New York,” said NYS Senator Robert G. Ortt, 62nd Senate District.

"Congresswoman Tenney’s extraordinary commitment for the preservation of the Flight of Five Locks is truly a significant milestone in the continued and long-term capital objective in fully restoring this historic treasure. I applaud Congresswoman Tenney for listening and working closely with state and local officials to make this a top priority for our region and have found this to be one of the finest collaborations of officials working together during my time in public service. The Erie Canal and the Flight of Five has been the epicenter of Lockport’s rich history, economic development and tourism opportunities and Congresswoman Tenney’s fierce advocacy and strong support at the federal level is a very important step in ensuring this mission continues in Lockport for generations to come,” said NYS Assemblyman Michael J. Norris, 144th District.

"We are very thankful that Congresswoman Tenny has identified the Flight of Five locks as one of her priority projects for funding, continuing to build upon the previous investments that have been made in the project," said Niagara County Legislator Rick Abbott. "This project is about restoring an important piece of our history to help drive future economic growth and build upon Lockport's reputation as a center for heritage tourism,” said Niagara County Legislator Richard E. Abbott, 13th District.

“On behalf of the Town of Newfane, I want to say “Thank You” to Congresswoman Claudia Tenney for supporting the critical improvements to the Town of Newfane’s wastewater treatment plant. This project is all about ensuring the health of Newfane residents and the Lake Ontario watershed. The Town of Newfane works hard to build on the extensive amount of sport fishing and water-based business in the community; these improvements to the wastewater treatment plant will solidify those plans. With the help from Congresswoman Tenney we will be able to lift the financial burden off of our residents and guarantee a healthy community,” said Newfane Town Supervisor John Syracuse.

Tenney backs legislation to support law enforcement officers

By Press Release

Press Release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) voted in favor of seven pieces of legislation focused on supporting our law enforcement officers and ensuring they have the resources and tools they need to keep our communities and themselves safe.

These bills all passed the House of Representatives with Tenney’s support:

H.R. 354, the Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act (LEOSA) Reform Act, broadens the ability of qualified active and retired law enforcement officers to carry concealed firearms in areas such as school zones, national parks, federal facilities open to the public, and state, local, or private property open to the public.

H.R. 8146, the Police Our Border Act, requires the Attorney General to report detailed information on how Biden’s border crisis impacts our law enforcement, including exposures to fentanyl, injuries sustained, financial burdens, and operational strains.

H.R. 7343, the Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops Act, requires that illegal aliens who assault law enforcement officers are quickly arrested and detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) until they are removed from the United States.

H.R. 7581, the Improving Law Enforcement Officer Safety and Wellness Through Data Act of 2024, requires the Attorney General to assemble reports on violence against law enforcement officers and the effectiveness of programs meant to provide law enforcement with wellness resources and protective equipment so we may comprehensively enhance the safety of police officers.

S. 546, the Recruit and Retain Act, expands the U.S. Department of Justice’s Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) grant program to include recruitment and retention efforts and establishes the COPS Pipeline Partnership Program to support partnerships between local schools and law enforcement agencies to improve recruitment.

H. Res. 1213 addresses violence against law enforcement officers by condemning calls for defunding police and anti-police sentiment that have increased violence against police, acknowledging the mental and physical impacts such violence has on police, and expressing condolences and appreciation to the families of fallen law enforcement officers.

H. Res. 1210 condemns President Biden’s border crisis and the dangers and burdens it has created for America’s law enforcement officers and urges the Biden Administration to support the law enforcement officers defending our homeland.

“Our courageous law enforcement officers risk their lives every day for our communities, and they deserve to have the tools, legal protections, and support they need to do their jobs safely and efficiently,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “Yet thanks to the ‘defund and demoralize the police’ movement perpetuated by President Biden and the Left, assaults on our law enforcement officers have hit a ten-year high. President Biden and Congressional Democrats have abandoned these brave men and women, choosing instead to support dangerous illegal immigrants and criminals. During National Police Week, House Republicans reiterated our support for our men and women in blue and passed multiple bills dedicated to combating skyrocketing crime and protecting our police officers. I will always Back the Blue and support our nation’s law enforcement officers!”

Tenney’s End Zuckerbucks Act advances in Ways and Means

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Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24), co-chair of the Election Integrity Caucus, announced the End Zuckerbucks Act passed the Ways and Means Committee by a vote of 23-17.

Tenney’s bill, the End Zuckerbucks Act, amends the Internal Revenue Code to prohibit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations from directly or indirectly providing funds for the purpose of the administration of elections.

In the 2020 election, Mark Zuckerberg used a non-profit organization called the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) to distribute $350 million to local boards of elections in left-leaning county governments in Texas, Ohio, Nevada, Minnesota, Georgia, Florida, Arizona, and Pennsylvania under the guise of “making voting safer amid the pandemic.” Yet less than 1% of those funds were spent on PPE or other measures to implement safety protocols at voting sites and were provided with little to no oversight on spending. 92% of the funds went to left-leaning districts, where reports say they were used to fund advertising, vehicle purchases, and other activities unrelated to the pandemic.

“Twenty-eight states have banned Zuckerbucks, prohibiting partisan bureaucrats, billionaires, and corrupt special interest groups from interfering in our election process. It’s time for the federal government to follow suit,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “As the founder and co-chair of the Election Integrity Caucus, I am pleased to see this common-sense election integrity bill advance in the Ways and Means Committee and move one step closer to being signed into law. We must restore confidence in our self-governing Constitutional Republic by ensuring that Americans in every state and territory have free, fair, accurate, and transparent elections.”

“During the 2020 election cycle, we saw private donations worth hundreds of millions of dollars laundered through 501(c)(3) organizations into Democrat-run cities and counties in swing states that appeared to favor one political party over another,” said Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith. “The U.S. Tax Code should not be used to support the electioneering efforts of wealthy private donors. Rep. Tenney’s bill, the End Zuckerbucks Act, protects the integrity of our elections by prohibiting charitable tax-exempt organizations from providing direct funding to official election organizations.” 

Tenney introduces the Essential Caregivers Act

By Press Release

Press Release:

File photo of 
Claudia Tenney.

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24), alongside Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Congressman John Larson (CT-01), and Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), introduced the bipartisan, bicameral Essential Caregivers Act today.

This bill would protect the residents in long-term care facilities, giving all residents nationwide the right to have in person access to an essential caregiver when visitations are restricted due to a declared emergency. The bipartisan bill seeks to prevent a repeat of the isolation and lack of care that long-term care residents were unjustly subjected to during the COVID-19 pandemic. It also requires CMS to set clear and fair guidelines for essential caregivers to protect the safety of facility staff and residents.

Additional cosponsors of this legislation include Representatives Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-01), Adrian Smith(NE-03), John Rutherford (FL-05), Derrick Van Orden (WI-03), Susan Wild, (PA-07), Mike Carey (OH-15), Mike Lawler (NY-17), Emanuel Cleaver (MO-05), Susie Lee (NV-03), Juan Ciscomani (AZ-06), Don Bacon (NE-02), and Donald Davis (NC-01).

“Under federal law, nursing homes and long-term care facilities have the obligation to allow their residents access to caregivers,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “Sadly, during the COVID-19 pandemic, this right was denied to many residents and families, causing many seniors and patients to suffer and die alone. This injustice should never occur again, which is why Congressman John Larson, Senator Richard Blumenthal, and Senator John Cornyn and I introduced the Essential Caregivers Act. We must fix this loophole to protect the rights of senior citizens, those with disabilities, and their families during the next public health crisis.”

“The COVID-19 pandemic brought to light the vital role family members play in the care and wellbeing of their loved ones in long-term care facilities,” said Senator Blumenthal. “The Essential Caregivers Act ensures that in the event of a future emergency, residents in these facilities will still be able to receive the support, care, and companionship that their family members provide. This commonsense legislation allows at least one designated essential caregiver to have safe, in-person access to their loved ones at all times—ultimately protecting the overall physical, emotional, and mental health of long-term care residents.”  

“The COVID-19 pandemic taught us that isolation hurts all of us, yet countless families were prevented from being with their loved ones during their time of need,” said Congressman Larson. “I am glad to join Rep. Tenney and Senators Blumenthal and Cornyn in this bipartisan and bicameral effort to expand visiting access for essential caregivers during future public health emergencies to ensure residents can get the support they need from their loved ones and never again face the isolation that was a reality for far too many patients.”

“The COVID-19 pandemic showed just how invaluable caregivers are to the physical and emotional wellbeing of long-term care facility residents and their families,” said Senator Cornyn. “This bill would ensure residents have consistent access to their loved ones or other designated caregivers, even during public health emergencies when regular visitation may be limited.”

Tenney votes to support Israel, Taiwan, ban TikTok, and secure our border

By Press Release

Press Release:

File photo of 
Claudia Tenney.

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) voted in favor of H.R. 8034, the Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2024; H.R. 8036, the Indo-Pacific Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024; H.R. 8038, the 21st Century Peace through Strength Act; and H.R. 3602, the End the Border Catastrophe Act. These bills will support Israel, strengthen our national security, deter our adversaries, and secure our borders.

H.R. 8034, which allocates $26.38 billion for Israel passed the House by a vote of 366-58.

H.R. 8036, which allocates $8.12 billion to counter communist China, passed the House by a vote of 385-34.

H.R. 8038, which will implement strong sanctions and policies to counter Iran, China, and Russia, and ban TikTok, passed the House by a vote of 360-58.

H.R. 3602, which would have implemented many of the policies included in H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act, failed to pass the House via suspension by a vote of 215-199.

"President Biden has repeatedly failed to support our allies, fueling our adversaries and projecting weakness on the international stage, making it imperative that House Republicans provide strong and resolute leadership," said Congresswoman Tenney. 

"This week, the House demonstrated the necessity of supporting our allies while providing single-subject spending bills that restore regular order. This is essential to providing transparency and oversight to our legislative process.”

"In order to support Israel, our greatest ally, we must continue to provide them with the resources they need to defend themselves against Iranian-backed terrorist organizations. Iran's recent drone and missile assault demonstrated the Iron Dome's state-of-the-art capabilities. If it weren't for this technology, Iran's attack would have been catastrophic. This legislation allocates $4 billion to replenish Iron Dome and David's Sling missile defense systems to continue defending Israel from attacks. The United States must also continue to counter the Chinese Communist Party’s increased aggression and ensure a robust regional deterrence. The CCP continues to enhance its intelligence capabilities, threatening our national security and Taiwan's statehood. I am pleased this legislation included $3.3 billion to develop submarine infrastructure under AUKUS, including investments in dry dock construction and advance procurement for Columbia Class and Virginia Class. We must continue to support Taiwan, whose security is critical to American interests in the region.”

“The 21st Century Peace through Strength Act also includes much-needed enhancements to the Senate’s bill. This legislation bolsters our national security, by including legislation to force the sale of TikTok to protect Americans’ data from China and crack down on their malign influence.”

“Finally, the End the Border Catastrophe Act would finally institute key policies, such as the Remain in Mexico policy and the Migrant Protection Protocols, to secure our Northern and Southern Borders. This bill demonstrates House Republicans' continued commitment to reversing the disastrous Biden policies that have allowed 9 million illegal aliens to cross our borders. While some of my Democratic colleagues crossed the aisle to support this commonsense bill, I am disappointed that the overwhelming majority of Democrats stood by the Biden Administration’s failed policies. Rest assured, the House Republican Majority will continue to do everything in our power to protect our communities and secure the border.”

Tenney votes against further Ukraine aid

By Press Release

Press Release:

File photo of 
Claudia Tenney.

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) voted against H. R. 8035, the Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2024 totaling more than $60.84 billion.

This bill ultimately passed the House by a vote of 311-112, with one voting present.

“I care deeply about the courageous people of Ukraine and the perilous situation they face against Putin’s unprovoked invasion and his diabolical actions against civilians, and particularly children. However, once again, instead of outlining a long-term plan for addressing the war in Ukraine, we're hastily throwing billions of taxpayer dollars at a problem without a clear solution or exit strategy,” said Congresswoman Tenney. 

“While I appreciate the bill's provisions requiring a plan for taxpayer spending, it's imprudent to vote on both the overall budget and spending details until after this plan is available for Congress to review. Before any funds are allocated, we owe every American taxpayer a clear path forward with a well-defined exit strategy.”

“While I support President Trump's suggestion that aid to Ukraine should be in the form of loans, President Biden should not have the authority to forgive up to half these loans during his lame duck period. No loans should be forgiven before the next administration. Furthermore, the United States has steadfastly supported Ukraine, and now it's time for our European allies to step up and shoulder their share of the responsibility. Further, we must address the underlying policies that led to this war by the United States and our European partners. Our European allies’ radical green energy policies and Biden’s ban on liquid natural gas exports continue to cause Europe to rely on Russian energy, which funds Putin’s brutal war and gives Putin leverage. Finally, our European partners must contribute more to the war in Ukraine. While the American people have already contributed generously to Ukraine’s defense, including humanitarian aid, the Europeans have yet to match American contributions. Europe must do more to address its own security needs. Americans in NY-24 and across the country rightfully expect their tax dollars to be used to support America First.”

Claudia Tenney announces nearly $700K first quarter fundraising haul

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Press Release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney announces fundraising of $695,955  for the first Quarter across all entities, including over 14,500 donors who gave an average of $28.

“I’m grateful that my work to secure our southern border, investigate the Biden Crime family, and support for our Second Amendment rights has attracted so much support across NY-24, New York State, and throughout our country. I am committed to the work that is ahead of us, ensuring we make Joe Biden a one-term President and return to America First policies.”

This large haul of donations comes on the heels of an exciting month for Team Tenney. Filing in Albany for both the Conservative and Republican lines with overwhelming numbers of signatures, being endorsed by House Speaker Mike Johnson and the 45th President Donald Trump. Tenney has huge momentum as she looks at the year ahead.

“As I go out into the community, I constantly hear, ‘When are we going to shut the border? When are we going to get the economy back on track? When are we going to stop this woke nonsense that plagues the country?’ I am the only candidate in this race that has a conservative record of results. When we elect President Trump in November, and he returns to the White House, I’m ready to hit the ground running and help him pass his legislative agenda so we can Make America Great Again.”

Tenney calls for the NCAA to ban biological men from women's sports

By Press Release

Press Release:

File photo of
Claudia Tenney.

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) sent a letter to National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) President Charlie Baker urging him to change the NCAA's policies to ban biological men from participating in women's sports.

In addition to Tenney, the letter was signed by Representatives Jeff Duncan (SC-3), Nick Langworthy (NY-23), Dan Crenshaw (TX-2), Barry Moore (AL-2), Daniel Webster (FL-11), Christopher Smith (NJ-4), Neal Dunn (FL-2), Glenn Grothman (WI-6), Diana Harshbarger (TN-1), Anthony D'Esposito (NY-4), Rich McCormick (GA-6), Mariannette Miller-Meeks (IA-1), Jim Banks (IN-3), Randy Weber (TX-14), Max Miller (OH-7), and Greg Steube (FL-17).  

While the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) recently approved changing its policy to prohibit biological men from participating in women's sports, collegiate women's sports remain under attack. The University of South Carolina women's basketball coach, Dawn Staley, recently made a statement in which she voiced her support for biological men to play in women's sports. Not only is this dangerous, but it erodes critical Title IX protections.  

"We must protect the opportunity for women and girls to compete and succeed in athletics fairly," said Congresswoman Tenney. "While I applaud the NAIA's recent decision to ban biological men from women's sports, I am deeply disturbed that the NCAA is ignoring the facts and failing to do the same. Women fought hard to earn the critical protections of Title IX, and we must continue to protect these opportunities for generations to come. I am dedicated to defending the future of women's sports and providing a level playing field for all female athletes."

Read the full text of the letter here.

Tenney announces launch of Community Project Funding process

By Press Release

Press Release:

File photo of 
Claudia Tenney.

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) invited local leaders to sign up for updates for Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) Community Project Funding (CPF). This process is an important initiative for members of Congress to advocate for crucial projects that enhance our communities. 

Instead of relying on bureaucrats to make critical funding decisions, this process provides transparency, accountability, and rigorous oversight with congressional input.  

The FY25 CPF process will allow localities and non-profits to submit requests for federal funding for high-priority community projects in New York’s 24th District. All CPF applications supported by Tenney’s office must meet rigorous eligibility requirements, as outlined in the appropriations guidance. 

Additionally, applicants must exhibit robust community backing for projects and present a clear strategy using the funds in a timely manner. Tenney’s office collaborates with all grantees throughout the process to vet requests and ensure allocated funds are utilized responsibly and for their intended purpose. The CPF process is targeted and limited; it has historically been capped at .5% of federal spending.

Local elected officials and non-profits planning on submitting applications for projects should visit Tenney’s website here to signal their interest. After signing up, interested organizations will be updated when guidance for the FY25 CPF process is released, and the formal application window opens.

Tenney votes to reform intelligence related to terrorist threats

By Press Release

Press Release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) today voted in favor of the Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act, the largest intelligence reform package since FISA’s creation in 1978. This legislation prevents the FBI from targeting Americans, increases transparency and accountability in our intelligence community, and strengthens our national security.

H.R. 7888, passed the House by a vote of 273-147.

“At a time when our adversaries are ramping up their intelligence and military capabilities and seeking to orchestrate attacks on our homeland, we must ensure that our intelligence community has the capabilities to swiftly counteract and prevent terrorist attacks,” said Congresswoman Tenney. 

“Section 702, which applies only to foreigners outside the United States, is the most critical tool to keeping America safe, whether it is countering Cyber Attacks, hindering the flow of deadly fentanyl into our country, or averting threats from China, Iran, and foreign terrorist organizations. Our Republican Majority is committed to preventing another Russia Hoax FISA disaster and ensuring that FISA can no longer be abused to target Americans and political adversaries. The abuses by the FBI have been outrageous and unlawful. I support Representative Mike Garcia’s condemnation of FBI Director Wray for failing to uphold the law and holding those who violated our laws accountable. This legislation provides 56 reforms to current law, including reducing the number of FBI agents who can perform Section 702 searches by 90 percent, and enhances criminal penalties for those who violate FISA, leak FISA applications, or lie to the FISA Court. Importantly, this bill also prohibits vague “abouts” searches that make broad sweeping searches of data.”

“This bill does not include a dangerous proposal that would have granted Fourth Amendment rights to foreign nationals by requiring a warrant to search foreign surveillance data already lawfully collected by our national security agencies. Under existing law, national security agencies already require a warrant to collect data and take any action against U.S. citizens. This amendment would hamper important law enforcement efforts to protect Americans and would further the radical Defund and Demoralize the Police movement that has been codified by New York’s Greenlight and Bail Reform laws. Approximately 90 percent of individuals on the terror watch list have crossed our Northern Border illegally, leaving New York particularly vulnerable to terror threats. Section 702 is a critical tool for law enforcement to protect New Yorkers and all Americans. By not reauthorizing a substantially reformed Section 702, we would have allowed our foreign adversaries to plan terrorist attacks without our knowledge. This would give our enemies the ability to undermine our freedoms and orchestrate attacks on our soil. As a Constitutional lawyer, I remain dedicated to protecting our civil liberties and privacy while defending our national security. This bill furthers the reforms to Section 702, which was made by and supported by President Trump in 2017, and I was honored to support its passage.”

Tenney introduces the Don't Quit to Lobby Act

By Press Release

Press Release:

File photo of 
Claudia Tenney.

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) today introduced the Don’t Quit to Lobby Act to change the timeframe that a former Member of Congress is prohibited from lobbying to one year after the Member’s elected term ends in the House, and two years after the Senator’s elected term ends in the Senate.

Currently, Members of Congress are prohibited from lobbying for one year after they leave office. However, the existing legislation fails to consider Members of Congress who voluntarily end their terms prematurely, creating an incentive for them to retire in pursuit of more financially rewarding opportunities.

“Elected officials made a commitment to their constituents to serve to the best of their abilities their full elected terms,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “Recently, an increased number of members of Congress have abandoned their posts and neglected their commitment to their constituents in order to cash out and make millions lobbying. The Don’t Quit to Lobby Act ensures that when these members leave office, they are forbidden from engaging in lobbying activities for one year after their elected term ends, guarding against potential early retirements solely driven by financial opportunities. We must uphold the integrity of public service!”

Read the full text of the bill here.

Tenney announces upcoming webinar with the Social Security Administration

By Press Release

Press Release:

File photo of 
Claudia Tenney.

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) announced her office will be hosting a Webinar with guests from the Social Security Administration (SSA) to discuss retirement best practices, fraud protection, and other services the SSA offers.

This webinar is open to all constituents and aims to provide an overview of best practices for retirement preparation. Guests from the SSA will share invaluable tips and strategies for navigating the complexities of retirement and accessing vital SSA resources.

  • When: Tuesday, April 30
  • Time: noon
  • Format: Zoom Webinar
  • RSVP: To receive the link to the webinar, email

This webinar is being hosted as part of Congresswoman Tenney’s monthly webinar series, in which the Congresswoman connects residents of New York’s 24th Congressional District to resources and support at the federal level. Recordings of past webinars can be found on Tenney’s website here.

Tenney opposes 'excessive' spending bill in Congress

By Press Release

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Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) voted against the H.R. 2882, the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2024, which includes funding for Defense, Financial Services and General Government, Homeland Security, Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies, the Legislative Branch, and State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs.

This bill passed the House by a vote of 286 - 134.

"Once again, instead of instituting a serious cut to excessive federal spending, Congress was forced to vote on a massive spending bill that perpetuates President Biden's policies that are detrimental to hardworking Americans," said Congresswoman Tenney. 

"Crafted at the last minute, this sprawling 1,012-page bill allocates $1.2 trillion of taxpayer funds and fails to include numerous priorities House Republicans advocated for during the appropriations process. This includes critical initiatives to bolster border security, such as reinstating the effective Trump era policy of "Remain in Mexico," and it fails to end Biden's disastrous Catch-and-Release policy, fails to sufficiently curtail funding for President Biden's woke agenda, and fails to halt Biden's unlawful proposed student loan program. While this bill had positive aspects, including a $27 billion increase to critical national defense efforts, this legislation was not enough to protect the American people. I could not, in good faith, support legislation that did not provide relief to hardworking families in NY24."

This bill:

  • Fails to include Rep. Tenney’s amendments to defund the salaries of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Fails 
  • Does not include funds for President Trump’s Border wall or any key policies in H.R. 2 especially by ending Biden's dangerous Catch and Release policy and re-instating Trump's effective Remain in Mexico policy
  • Continues to allow universities to host CCP-controlled Confucius Institutes
  • Fully funds the Department of Defense (DOD) abortion travel fund
  • Continues to fund woke DOD policies, such as DEI programs and transgender surgeries 
  • Violates the Hyde Amendment and funds Planned Parenthood
  • Continues to fund the World Health Organization
  • Fails to defund the Biden administration’s woke executive orders
  • Funds radical Green New Deal programs
  • Subsidizes Biden’s student loan bailout scheme
  • Continues to fund Executive Order 14019 which turns federal agencies into Democrat vote-harvesting operations
  • Includes funds for radical organizations like Briarpatch Youth Service, which provides gender transition services to minors without parental consent, and the Hawaii Health and Harm Reduction Center which provides free needle and syringe exchanges for illegal drugs

Despite the wasteful spending in this bill, key provisions which Tenney fought for in this bill include:

  • Fully funding the Civil Air Patrol and Job Corps programs
  • Providing a $27 billion increase for Defense over the FY23 enacted level
  • Ensuring a 5.2% increase in basic military pay
  • Clawing back $2.16 billion in unused COVID-19 funding
  • Defunding the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, which supported the horrific October 7th Massacre
  • Taking back $10 billion from the Administration
  • Securing $5 million for non-recurring engineering expenses to design the new LC-130J planes that will be operated by the New York National Guard

Tenney votes to force TikTok to cut ties with the CCP and protect Americans’ data

By Press Release

Press Release:

File photo of 
Claudia Tenney.

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) today voted in favor of ​​H.R. 7521, the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act, which would ensure the safety of Americans' data and the national security of the United States from threats posed by foreign adversary-controlled applications such as TikTok.

This bill, which Tenney cosponsored, passed the House by a vote of 352-65, with one present vote.

Over the last two weeks, the Chinese Communist Party has worked aggressively to spread misinformation about this bill. This bill does not apply to U.S.-owned companies, so the risk of weaponization of this legislation against U.S. social media companies, such as X, Truth Social, or Rumble, is not applicable.

The enforcement powers are limited to applications owned by China, Iran, Russia, or North Korea. This bill also does not mention "election interference," which some pro-TikTok advocates have claimed will be weaponized against conservatives. H.R. 7521 would merely require applications controlled by China, Iran, Russia, or North Korea to either divest ownership of the foreign adversary or face a prohibition from operating in the United States.

"Congress has heard consistently from the intelligence community about the serious threats posed by TikTok to our national security," said Congresswoman Tenney. "With over 170 million users, TikTok is the Chinese Communist Party's propaganda megaphone, using the App to manipulate and exploit users' data for its own surveillance and monetary gains. Congress took a decisive and critical measure prohibiting the Chinese Communist Party from controlling the TikTok application. I remain dedicated to cracking down on the CCP's malign influence and working to ensure that our adversaries do not have access to sensitive data held by individuals and businesses who use the App." 

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